View Full Version : Problem playing an edited Blu Ray on a PS3

Barry Wilkinson
December 5th, 2008, 06:45 AM
I work as a video cameraman( ex BBC + ITV) on various projects with a
colleague and we are in the process of going full HD. We have the HD
cameras ( Three used on the project... Sony Z1, AE1 and HVRS270E HDV
quality) edit facilities, and have just produced a blu ray version of a
wedding we did as a favour and technical test. All went well and the
blu ray disc plays ok on his PC player in HD but when I tried to play
on my PS3 I had the following problem. It comes up with a message" this
is an invalid disc...error code underneath 80029906" It shows on the
ps3 menu as BDMV BD-R but wont play from there as it gives the error
code. The PS3 is a couple of months old and has the latest updates, and
it plays Blu ray movies and DVDs without problem.
The disc was produced using DVD IT PRO HDand the only hint as to what may
be wrong is a suggestion from a website to make the disc direct from
the edit timeline( sonic ) rather from a disc image as we
have done. Can anyone help?

Kadafi Marouf
December 5th, 2008, 11:10 AM
I work as a video cameraman( ex BBC + ITV) on various projects with a
colleague and we are in the process of going full HD. We have the HD
cameras ( Three used on the project... Sony Z1, AE1 and HVRS270E HDV
quality) edit facilities, and have just produced a blu ray version of a
wedding we did as a favour and technical test. All went well and the
blu ray disc plays ok on his PC player in HD but when I tried to play
on my PS3 I had the following problem. It comes up with a message" this
is an invalid disc...error code underneath 80029906" It shows on the
ps3 menu as BDMV BD-R but wont play from there as it gives the error
code. The PS3 is a couple of months old and has the latest updates, and
it plays Blu ray movies and DVDs without problem.
The disc was produced using DVD IT PRO HDand the only hint as to what may
be wrong is a suggestion from a website to make the disc direct from
the edit timeline( sonic ) rather from a disc image as we
have done. Can anyone help?

What is the brand and the model number of your blu-ray burner?
What is the PS3 model that you have (40GB or 80GB)?

Khoi Pham
December 5th, 2008, 12:04 PM
I work as a video cameraman( ex BBC + ITV) on various projects with a
colleague and we are in the process of going full HD. We have the HD
cameras ( Three used on the project... Sony Z1, AE1 and HVRS270E HDV
quality) edit facilities, and have just produced a blu ray version of a
wedding we did as a favour and technical test. All went well and the
blu ray disc plays ok on his PC player in HD but when I tried to play
on my PS3 I had the following problem. It comes up with a message" this
is an invalid disc...error code underneath 80029906" It shows on the
ps3 menu as BDMV BD-R but wont play from there as it gives the error
code. The PS3 is a couple of months old and has the latest updates, and
it plays Blu ray movies and DVDs without problem.
The disc was produced using DVD IT PRO HDand the only hint as to what may
be wrong is a suggestion from a website to make the disc direct from
the edit timeline( sonic ) rather from a disc image as we
have done. Can anyone help?

You must go to DVDit HD and download a patch for PS3, then reauthor and it will work in PS3.

Kadafi Marouf
December 5th, 2008, 12:07 PM
You must go to DVDit HD and download a patch for PS3, then reauthor and it will work in PS3.

Are you sure because apperently Sony has dropped support for several Blu-ray burner (LG products mainly) and thus each time you update your PS3 (now 2.53 version) you add to the blacklist. Which means when you burn something with an LG burner, it won't work on PS3. Also, I am not sure that the 40GB PS3 plays authored blu-ray. But maybe I am wrong.

Khoi Pham
December 5th, 2008, 12:18 PM
This has nothing to do with PS3 updates, it has to do with DVDit HD authoring, it has been well documented on Sonic website that unless you have a patch for PS3 it will not work, and about LG burner, that has nothing to do with it either, burner just burn whatever you throw at them.

Ron Evans
December 5th, 2008, 12:22 PM
Are you sure because apperently Sony has dropped support for several Blu-ray burner (LG products mainly) and thus each time you update your PS3 (now 2.53 version) you add to the blacklist. Which means when you burn something with an LG burner, it won't work on PS3. Also, I am not sure that the 40GB PS3 plays authored blu-ray. But maybe I am wrong.

This is NOT true as I ONLY have LG burners and my PS3( with current firmware 2.53) will play anything they produce SD or Bluray. Authored with DVDlab Pro2.0, DVD Architect or the latest TMPGenc Author 4. This must be the authoring program.

Ron Evans

Adam Gold
December 5th, 2008, 01:32 PM
Ron, this is very reassuring. There has been much talk about firmware upgrades removing the ability to play authored BDs in the PS3, and while it seemed like so much FUD and no one could confirm whether it was true or not, I've actually avoided updating my PS3 firmware because I didn't want to take a chance. I have an LG burner as well.

Thanks for confirming that it still works. I may actually update when HD movie downloads come to the PS3...

Kadafi Marouf
December 5th, 2008, 01:44 PM
My mistake then. It is good to have information from people who have the equipment. Have a great day :)

Kadafi Marouf
December 5th, 2008, 01:46 PM
One last question. All of you have a 40GB PS3? Thanks for your answer.

Adam Gold
December 5th, 2008, 01:54 PM
I have the 80.

Ray Bell
December 5th, 2008, 02:27 PM
Here you go ...

PS3 Patch - Roxio Community (

This should take care of your problem

Ron Evans
December 5th, 2008, 07:25 PM
My PS3 is the 80G model.

Ron Evans

Barry Wilkinson
December 6th, 2008, 06:26 AM
We tried re authoring from Sonic DVD authoring (my original information was second hand and not correct..sorry) and had exactly the same fault code.The disc was authored on DVdit HD pro....obviously further research will be necessary. Annoying as I bought the PS3 to play our authored BD's. The good news is that it plays movies/ authored DVD's/ and games fine. I will report back when we sort it out. My business partner used to be a top technical manager for Maxell so has all the technical knowledge to solve this problem if it is solveable. Cant see why Sony should stop you playing authored BD's . The problem is that if we supply a completed project to a customer it may be played on a PS3 so we need to know if this will work.

Barry Wilkinson
December 6th, 2008, 06:27 AM
Sorry forgot to say its a very recent 80GB player with all the updates( two months old)

Barry Wilkinson
December 6th, 2008, 06:30 AM
And we will try the Roxio patch thanks

Ron Evans
December 6th, 2008, 07:09 AM
Barry , you may want to try a different authoring program to verify if it is your authoring program. I have DVDLab PRo 2.0, Ulead Video Factory, for SD and for Bluray DVD Architect 5.0, Adobe Encore CS3, TMPGenc Author 4, Sony Motion Browser ( came with my SR11) they will all produce Bluray or SD DVD that play on the PS3 with re-writable or write once discs. I normally get the authoring program to write directly to a re-writable to check first and then use Nero to actually burn any copies to write once media. All work on my PS3. I can only think that your problem is DVdit HD.
The initial PS3 firmware would only play BDAV ( no fancy menus) but the latest( and for some time) will play all types of Bluray discs.

Ron Evans

Allanj Jones
December 6th, 2008, 01:28 PM
It doesnt help you with your problem, but I make a blu ray dvd folder in Adobe encore, then navigate to the folder on my hard drive and then burn the blu ray file to a standard dvd data disc. The ps3 plays it as full HD..i get about 18 mins onto a dvd.

Kadafi Marouf
December 6th, 2008, 03:08 PM
We tried re authoring from Sonic DVD authoring (my original information was second hand and not correct..sorry) and had exactly the same fault code.The disc was authored on DVdit HD pro....obviously further research will be necessary. Annoying as I bought the PS3 to play our authored BD's. The good news is that it plays movies/ authored DVD's/ and games fine. I will report back when we sort it out. My business partner used to be a top technical manager for Maxell so has all the technical knowledge to solve this problem if it is solveable. Cant see why Sony should stop you playing authored BD's . The problem is that if we supply a completed project to a customer it may be played on a PS3 so we need to know if this will work.

Sony's burners are $400 whiile third parties' are half that price. That is a good reason to stop supporting other brands on a PS3 :) But apparently they didn't according to the testimonies in this thread.

Allanj Jones
December 7th, 2008, 04:58 AM
Just a bit more info....If you have a ASUS motherboard using Nvidia chipset, then you will experience problems using any of the LG Blu ray burners. After reading various posts on various sites about this problem, I contacted LG tech support who first denied this on the phone but then later confirmed this in an email. Their advice was a work around changing to the microsoft drivers.....I have yet to find anyone who can confirm this will work. Also on the PS3 situation....I have recently been in contact with a wedding videographer who aquires in HD and burns to Blu ray with pinnacle and he says the only clients who experience a problem with play back are the ones who are using a PS3.

Ron Evans
December 7th, 2008, 07:17 AM
Just a bit more info....If you have a ASUS motherboard using Nvidia chipset, then you will experience problems using any of the LG Blu ray burners. After reading various posts on various sites about this problem, I contacted LG tech support who first denied this on the phone but then later confirmed this in an email. Their advice was a work around changing to the microsoft drivers.....I have yet to find anyone who can confirm this will work. Also on the PS3 situation....I have recently been in contact with a wedding videographer who aquires in HD and burns to Blu ray with pinnacle and he says the only clients who experience a problem with play back are the ones who are using a PS3.

Does he also use DVdit HD? One other point is that if any burner firmware is not up to date it may create errors for new disc types not covered. Keep your burners up to date or don't suddenly use the latest and greatest super fast burning discs.

Ron Evans

Allanj Jones
December 8th, 2008, 04:46 AM
The guy tells me he is using Pinnacle ultimate edition but I am not familiar with its use myself.

Ron Evans
December 8th, 2008, 08:28 PM
The guy tells me he is using Pinnacle ultimate edition but I am not familiar with its use myself.

Again the version is important too. Ulead and Pinnacle were early with consumer products to burn Bluray with DVdit being the first( I think) of the professional products. I believe all of these early products came out before the final specs had been solidified for BD-R/RE authoring of BDMV menu driven discs. So the version being used is critical to performance. Sony in fact did not release DVD Architect with Bluray burning until the current version 5 just this summer though Vegas could burn a Bluray disc from the timeline for sometime but would be a BDAV disc. Sony is very particular about meeting the specs so the early PS3 would not play BDMV disc to ensure that only simple home ( BDAV) Bluray could be played rather than pirated discs I think,this was also true for their normal Bluray players too. At least that is my understanding. So there are then two issues. One with the PS3 needing an appropriate firmware ( at least one that will play BDMV on BD-R/RE) and the authoring program version being up to date as far as the spec is concerned. Lots of room for issues there!!!!! I think the biggest problem though is the authoring programs meeting the specs for BDMV on BD-R/RE burned discs. DVdit HD may well have been used professionally to create Bluray disc for replication in which case the problem of BDMV on a BD-R/RE disc would not arise.

Ron Evans