Nathan Quattrini
December 3rd, 2008, 08:34 PM
I tried using Ulead Cool 3D which had pedals built in, but they look terrible. I am looking to make some pink pedals float down past the camera. I guess I am looking for a good particle generator that gives alot of options, and a pre-made pedal generator if such a thing exists. I`m hoping to get them floating and twirling. Thanks
Jim Andrada
December 3rd, 2008, 10:32 PM
You can do this kind of thing easily in most real 3D applications like Lightwave, Maya, Cinema 4D etc. Not sure about standard compositing apps/plugins that are inherently 2D with some 3D stuff grafted on.
Ken Plotin
December 4th, 2008, 10:37 AM
Try Particle Illusion. Great program and it has a ton of template/libraries that can be used as is or adapted for your specific project. I remember flower petals being in one of the (free) libraries.
Hope this helps.
Nathan Quattrini
December 4th, 2008, 11:24 AM
hmm i don`t have any 3d software, nor was I ever good at it by any stretch. Is particle illusion a stand alone? Or a plug in for AE? I tried Particular and the options are very limited
*edit* Ah a 30 day free trail with no limits....nice. I guess PI is alot bigger than I remember when I first heard about it years ago
Ian Stark
December 4th, 2008, 11:54 AM
wondertouch: home of particleIllusion (
Particle Illusion is standalone (although an After effects version has been promised for years!) and very good at what it does. Yes, I think there is a petal preset or two in there but whether you'd want to buy it just for that is another matter. Check out the gallery and try out the demo.
Alternatively, how about filming some petals against a green screen and compositing them into your project? ArtBeats has some stock footage but it ain't cheap: Artbeats - Search Results (
Jim Andrada
December 4th, 2008, 04:50 PM
Do you want them to just float down past the camera, or do you also want them to pile up on something - like maybe coat the ground.
Nathan Quattrini
December 8th, 2008, 01:35 PM
they will be floating down through the frame, asian cinema style