View Full Version : A1 on board mic setting for voice.

Allan Black
December 2nd, 2008, 05:51 PM
In the A1s menu, the onboard mic has a setting for voice as well as a 'wind' cut.

Anyone tried them, not for voice mind you, but for general sfx..?


Tripp Woelfel
December 2nd, 2008, 07:17 PM
Perhaps someone has technical information on how these functions work. Without that all we have are anecdotes... and here are mine.

Wind cut works somewhat in windy conditions. Not even close to as good as a zeppelin for that purpose. I suspect this function rolls off the low end.

I haven't used the voice setting, but I suspect that it rolls off the low end but probably using different parameters than the wind setting.

If you're going to use the on-board mic for recording ambient sound, logic dictates one will want to leave the settings in the normal position to capture the full range of frequencies. Conditions may not be optimal when recording so these features might offer some benefit but it would be hard to quantify when one might get them unless we get a good explanation from a sound engineer who has analyzed these settings. Alternatively, you could try them when you're shooting in different locations and see how they sound to you. What one likes in the sound of sound can be very subjective, so what works for me might not work for you.

Don Palomaki
December 3rd, 2008, 05:13 AM
Wind setting definitely rolls off the low frequencies.

Voice might roll off low and also high frequencies limiting it to the typical human voice bandwidth.