View Full Version : VX-1000/VX-2000 differences

Mike Rehmus
August 29th, 2003, 01:47 PM
Hi Mike,

I have a question for ya'. I understand the differences between the VX2000 & PD150, but what are the differences between the VX2000 & the VX1000?

Can I say night and day without blushing?

In daylight, the 1000 is close to the 2000 for most purposes.

In dim light, the 2000 just flat walks away from the 1000 in terms of image quality.

General: These are all 2000 WINS

Much better battery life
Flip-out LCD screen
Color bars on the menu
Better OIS
Reads DVCam tape

General: These are all 1000 WINS
LCD on rear
Now much cheaper

There are more of course and many other contributers are welcome to add to the list.

In general, the overall improvement of the 2000 over the 1000 makes it very difficult to ever want to use the 1000 although I do from time-to-time but as my 4th camera.

Frank Granovski
August 29th, 2003, 02:21 PM
The VX2000 has 40 more lines of resolution with playback than the VX1000. Mind you, with what I do, this is not important.

Don Bloom
August 29th, 2003, 04:23 PM
On my VX1000 (circa 1996) the LCD on the rear of the camera only shows camera functions. Unless I've missed something all these years the only way to view the image of a VX1000 is the viewfinder OR attach a monitor to the camera.
I still use mine as a 3rd camera at some weddings but only when I have to, I know the client can't tell the difference but I can.
Oh well, it has and continues to serve me well.
Don B.

Mike Rehmus
August 30th, 2003, 12:28 AM
You didn't know you could get an image on it?

Seriously, LCD does not automatically stand for an image screen.

Don Bloom
August 30th, 2003, 07:24 AM
While that may be true, with careful tuning I am able to get the Chicago Cubs TV broadcast on the LCD on the VX1000. The settings are a carefully guarded secret so please do not ask me to divulge them unless you are a diehard Cubby fan.

(should anyone believe this jibberish, please email me off line so I can give you the name of a really good doctor. I'm in a super mood today, not shooting anything this weekend, my younger son and I are grabbing our bikes and heading off to Harleyland for the festivities-that's Milwaukee Wi. about a 1 to11/2 hour ride for us on beautiful US 94. Can't wait. I'm going to bring my little vacation cam)



G. Lee Gordon
August 30th, 2003, 01:28 PM
Thanks for all the input guys. Mike, you say in your post that the VX2000 reads DVCAM, I thought it was strictly miniDV?

Mike Rehmus
August 30th, 2003, 03:21 PM
Almost all of the modern Sony dv cameras will also read DVCam (mini size of course) tapes. I do it all the time. The VX-1000 was one of the few cameras (Sony cameras, most other brands won't either) that won't read DVCam.