Bob Benkosky
December 2nd, 2008, 01:37 AM
I really have had nothing but problems using Vegas 8 in comparison to Vegas 7....
I made an entire short film (22min) with 5.1 audio and many, many tracks but in Vegas 8 it stutters and just plain runs terrible on a much faster computer.
When I made my movie, I had a Pentium 4 EE 3.4.... I know have SATA and a Duo Core 2 @ 3.2 and it runs simply terrible. The only thing it does that I can't get 7 to do is edit xvid files properly. It claims it doesn't have the codec even though I know it's installed on my computer.
Vegas 8 however edits xvids fine but when the layers start to pile up, cough 2-3 layers tall.......big time lag for no reason. No FX or anything,'s running in preview mode....omg.....
I had to use BEST mode to get lag using Vegas 7.
Anyone know of any fixes for this Vegas 8 deal? I'm using 8.0b. I'm not gonna upgrade until I decide whether or not I'm going to try to go back to 7 or not.
I made an entire short film (22min) with 5.1 audio and many, many tracks but in Vegas 8 it stutters and just plain runs terrible on a much faster computer.
When I made my movie, I had a Pentium 4 EE 3.4.... I know have SATA and a Duo Core 2 @ 3.2 and it runs simply terrible. The only thing it does that I can't get 7 to do is edit xvid files properly. It claims it doesn't have the codec even though I know it's installed on my computer.
Vegas 8 however edits xvids fine but when the layers start to pile up, cough 2-3 layers tall.......big time lag for no reason. No FX or anything,'s running in preview mode....omg.....
I had to use BEST mode to get lag using Vegas 7.
Anyone know of any fixes for this Vegas 8 deal? I'm using 8.0b. I'm not gonna upgrade until I decide whether or not I'm going to try to go back to 7 or not.