View Full Version : Walmart & Monitors

G. Lee Gordon
November 30th, 2008, 11:55 PM
Okay, I was Christmas shopping and ended up in the electronics section at Walmart and was wondering; what is the bare minimum that I need for an HD Monitor. Not for color correction, but to use in the field just to see the shot that I'm filming. What are the basic connections needed? What is the basic resolution? I will be using a JVC hd200.
Can I buy a cheap hdtv for my needs? They all had hdmi and composite connections. Any advice from you guerrilla film makers out there?

Shaun Roemich
December 1st, 2008, 09:49 AM
I'm using an LG 19LG30 19" LCD as my non-reference field monitor, hooked up to my HD200u with component cables. It's certainly good enough for framing and focus but DON'T even CONSIDER using it for exposure. Zebra is STILL your best friend. I paid less than $400 Canadian for mine about 6 months ago.