Piotr Wozniacki
November 30th, 2008, 05:51 AM
It used to be a very useful feature of this board, but doesn't seem to work any longer...
Or is it just my IE?
Or is it just my IE?
View Full Version : OT: does your IE distinguish between read/unread threads? Piotr Wozniacki November 30th, 2008, 05:51 AM It used to be a very useful feature of this board, but doesn't seem to work any longer... Or is it just my IE? Peter Kraft November 30th, 2008, 06:35 AM Piotr, it must be your IE. Here I can see read/unread messages correctly on Safari (Mac) and simultanuously in IE (Win, same machine thanks to Virtual Machine/Parallels). Best P. Malcolm Hamilton November 30th, 2008, 06:37 AM Hi Piotr, Exactly the same thing has happened to me (Safair/Mac), but I just assumed it was because I'm travelling, and not on my normal network. Maybe not though? I'll know when I get home on Wednesday. Malcolm Piotr Wozniacki November 30th, 2008, 06:45 AM Piotr, it must be your IE. Here I can see read/unread messages correctly on Safari (Mac) and simultanuously in IE (Win, same machine thanks to Virtual Machine/Parallels). Best P. Something must be going on - not only do visited threads still display in bold fonts, but I never see new posts when inside a thread, until I refresh the page... Of course, I tried my IE setting, and the reload setting is at "Auto" (as before); I tried the "Refresh pages each time" option but it doesn't change anything. And, it only behaves that way with DVINFO board. Chris, could you chime in, please? George Kroonder November 30th, 2008, 07:03 AM I had this yesterday, but everything seems to be back to normal now. George/ P.S. I did do a "Mark Forums Read" from the Quick Links menu, but that had no immediate effect yesterday (threads were still showing up in bold). George Kroonder November 30th, 2008, 09:44 AM It's off again here... Only posts that I have visited are regular type (not-bold). I use the "Today's Posts" from the quick menu to quickly see all recent posts. Under normal conditions those below the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit or since forums have been marked read" line are in regular type. However these are now bold also, except those threads I have visited recently. George/ Andy Wilkinson November 30th, 2008, 10:35 AM Yes I get these issues too and some of the ones Chris Soucy posted about. Chris (Hurd) did post on Friday that they were working on resolving all the recent board issues like this but that it could take a bit of time - whilst they digest all that Thanksgiving holiday turkey no doubt! I'm sure it'll all be resolved in a few days. My pet theory is that it's the 1000 plus SXS alternatives thread in the XDCAM EX1/3 section that's screwed it all up! (joke!) Chris Hurd November 30th, 2008, 12:23 PM The solution was posted to http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/970561-post4.html Sorry about the trouble, but it is a one-click fix. Andy Tejral November 30th, 2008, 01:10 PM Hmm. Not so much. I need to manually refresh to get accurate 'new posts'. Same in a thread--need to refresh to see the new posts in a thread I've already viewed. Jenn Kramer November 30th, 2008, 01:24 PM Hey guys, I've flipped a few switches that should expire things out of the IE cache faster. Post here if it has the desired effect or if you're still having trouble. Andy Tejral November 30th, 2008, 02:57 PM More weirdness: After I read a thread, it no longer appears in the 'new posts' list--I read this, 'new posts', not there--had to go to the individual forum to post this response. Refreshing does not seem to help. Also, can the 'new posts' become old posts time be increased? Sometimes I'll follow an external link and by the time I'm finished, I have 'no' new posts. I see that the forum is keeping track of old posts that haven't been read--is that supposed to achieve the same thing? Giroud Francois November 30th, 2008, 03:03 PM Seems there is a cache feature activated on the server that is not serving the latest version of a page. A refresh is needed to see the new posts. I changed nothing for month in my PC and this problem occurs only since few days and on several PC, so it is definitely server side. is it because the "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit but still contain unread posts." feature ? I cannot remember having seen that before on DVinfo (these Vbulletin looks all the same) Jenn Kramer November 30th, 2008, 03:41 PM Once you hit a thread, unless someone posts something else in that thread the thread will be marked as read for you. If you don't read a thread for 10 days after the last post, it'll be marked as read. The server isn't caching any pages, but you may still have some cached pages on your local machine from before I updated the expiration time. (Or, if you have some kind of web proxy infront of you it may be caching them.) A reload on those pages should clear that, though. Chris Soucy November 30th, 2008, 07:36 PM The "Quick Links" - "Mark Forums as Read" does clear the home page of "new post" flags, and seems to have cleared most of the threads in most of the Forums. What it has not cleared (on my system anyway) is a shed load of threads in the XH forum, a decent batch in the XL H forum and one solitary thread in "The Totem Pole". Many of the sub forums in the "Support your local Camera" indicate new posts but have no bolded threads internally. I'm still rummageing so there could well be more. Curiouser and curioser. CS PS: When I wrote this, the last post visible in this thread was CH's back @#8. Having posted, it's down in #14 (where were all the other posts hiding?). Just to add to the list of funnies, this thread isn't even listed in the "DVinfo Net Announcements" listing. Giroud Francois December 1st, 2008, 01:05 AM Since it seems i am not the only one to get the problem around the world, it indicates that is definitely a server side problem. George Kroonder December 1st, 2008, 08:18 AM It may be a 'policy' change? If I read Jenns post correctly, it is different than it used to be. I usually visit the forum multiple times a day and use the Quick Links - Todays Posts to quickly get all posts and then page through to find posts. Posts since my last visit were always marked read. However now posts will not be marked read until 10 days after; unless you do a manual Mark Forums Read action. I must say I like the 'old' way better as a frequent user. And even if I wasn't online so frequently I believe I'd still prefer it that way. George/ Jenn Kramer December 1st, 2008, 12:39 PM If the consensus is it was better the way it was, we can certainly change it back, but the new method gives you more granular control over what you've read and what you haven't. Instead of comparing the last activity time in your cookie to when new posts were posted, it actually keeps track of each post to give you a clearer picture. I've found that this works better when I'm tracking things, but this forum is large, so I can see how it would be easy to get underwater. I'd suggest seeing how it goes after a week or so, and if the general consensus is that it's more of a pain than it's worth, we can flip it back. Larry Price December 1st, 2008, 10:53 PM More weirdness: Sometimes I'll follow an external link and by the time I'm finished, I have 'no' new posts. I've experienced this phenomenon off and on for months now. Many times, if I click on an external link, it immediately flags ALL subforums and threads as 'read.' There doesn't appear to be any time limit as Andy suggests. The mere act of clicking the external link resets all the flags. This doesn't happen consistently, but happens at least half the time for me. As you can imagine, if I come to the forum and see many unread posts waiting for my perusal, then click an external link in the first thread I visit, then go back to the main page and discover that everything has suddenly been marked read, it's extremely frustrating! Incidently, I don't usually use the Quick Links menu. I nearly always start from the main page and click on the subforum I wish to read, and return to the main page to choose the next subforum, etc. I'm using IE7 on Vista x64, but I seem to recall it happening with IE6 on XP way back before I upgraded. Also, FWIW, I visit many sites using vBulletin, but I've only experienced this particular phenomenon here at DVInfo. Good luck eradicating the Gremlins! Despite these little glitches, this is one of the best forums on the 'net! Chris Soucy December 1st, 2008, 11:10 PM About whether what I'm seeing is a deliberate policy or just an unwanted by - product of the change. If I dive into DVinfo (which I do about 20 times a day - I know, I'm sad), the "Home screen" (don't know what else to call it) shows new post(s) in the XH Camcorder forum (say). I look right and see the "last post" entry, click on it, read it and then back out again. The "last post" entry doesn't change, neither does the "new posts" flag. Go back to the left and dive into the forum itself - 5 threads with new posts. Open all new posts and immediately back out again to the "home screen" and voila, over on the right the "last post" is still the same, tho' I have managed to kill the "new posts" flag over on the left. From memory, before, if you read the "last post" it was marked as read and was replaced with the next "new post" in the list. Now you can't beat the "new post" entry to death with a stick. The only thing that seems able to change that entry is clearing the forum of all unread posts (what a PITA) and waiting for another new post to steamroller it off the cliff. Even worse, before (again from memory) if I spent 15 minutes scruteing DVinfo from top to bottom, then went away for half an hour, on my return and refresh, those forums not visited on the previous visit would have the "new posts" flag removed, unless of course there was a new post in the preceeding half hour. Now I've got "home page" "new posts" flags breeding faster than rabbits and have to completely ignore the "last post" on the RHS as it is, to all intents and purposes, useless. And another thing! I made a crack in my mail Jeff about one of my posts (an entire thread actually) being "dissapeared". Well, it suddenly re - appeared back in the "DV info net announcements" Forum in all it's pristine glory with about 7 additional posts attached. Where had it been hiding for over 24 hours? That's the second one to simply be Martianed off the site and reappear with who knows what experiments conducted on it. Now you can (hopefully) see why I'm confused. CS Josh Chesarek December 2nd, 2008, 05:15 PM I find I have to use the Mark Forums Read multiple times a day. From the results there are some new ones as expected but then hundreds that are under the heading of "No new posts but still unread". I find if I hit the mark forums read when Im done the list does stay shorter. Jenn Kramer December 2nd, 2008, 08:36 PM One option is to use today's posts, that should always sort by newest. The 'Last Post' column on the homepage will always show the last post in the forum, not necessarily the last unread post by you. You can click on it, read that post, go back to the forums index and the forum will still show new posts. The flag will only go away when all the posts in the forum have been read. Chris Barcellos December 2nd, 2008, 09:48 PM I liked the old way, but can live, and maybe eventually figure out the new system....If I thought I missed something in a given day, I could always go to posts for the last 24 hours. Chris Soucy December 3rd, 2008, 03:51 AM I just logged in again, did a refresh, and Voila, all those bloody flags are gone. TFCFT. Well done that man, er, whomever. Blessed relief. What a great end to an otherwise miserable day - chain saws, do it evey time! CS |