View Full Version : New SD card for Panasonic GS100

Samuel Raj
August 28th, 2003, 10:18 PM
I bought 256 mb Panasonic SD card. Do I need to format using the cam before using it?
Because my existing 16 mb sd card has various directories including title, private etc etc. So will formatting put all those stuff inside?
Or shall I use that card right away with out formatting?

Any body who used new 256 mb sd card, can shed some light? before I try to use it?


Patricia Kim
August 28th, 2003, 11:03 PM
Samuel, I bought a 256MB Panasonic card (here in the US), just popped it in and have been using it since. I'm just careful when I erase to follow Panasonic's instructions not to do it on the computer, but to use the camcorder to do so. Have fun.

Samuel Raj
August 29th, 2003, 09:41 AM
Thanks Patricia.

I am too very careful NOT to write the data from computer. Even though i have card reader/writer, I just use to read the data . :)