Jason Bowers
November 25th, 2008, 07:54 PM
Does anyone out there who is doing photo/video have a photo contract that they would be willing to share. I would love one that is for the client and one for the photographer being hired as well. Many thanks in advance to anyone who posts.
Josh Laronge
November 26th, 2008, 07:42 AM
The best thing you could do here is to Google wedding photography contracts there are many samples out there. Then take the sample to your attorney and have it customized to your specific needs.
Same thing for the contract for the photographer you hire except you're looking for an employment contract. They come in different flavors depending on the terms you want between you and your hire.
We all try to save money by DIY but when it comes to legal matters, spending some up front could really save you down the road.
Scott Adams
November 26th, 2008, 09:44 AM
While I am new to videography... legal matters are something I am versed in.
You need a contract written by an attorney in the state where you are conducting business. A contract you may find online MAY/MAY NOT be worth a dime. Believe me... one word in a contract can make a world of difference based on your state/locality. A contract is nothing more than a guideline of agreement... and the wording of said contract makes it stand up in a court of law (or flop). They are great for making ASSUMPTIONS... but in the end it will be a judge and/or jury that determines if the contract is valid based on the laws of your state.
For example: I may sign a waiver/release of liability to participate in an activity on your property... but you can still be held liable if I become injured due to your negligence - contract or no contract.
Good attorneys will word contracts so that agreements will stick in court. The last contract I had drawn up cost me $350.00 - I sleep good at night knowing that it will stick in court.