View Full Version : PDW-U1 Formating fails

Thierry Humeau
November 25th, 2008, 12:17 PM

Every once in a while, formatting 23GB prodiscs with my PDW-U1 fails with the message "FORMAT FAILED Error Code 0xA100001A" and the disc is ejected. The disc then becomes unreadable. when inserting the failed disc in a XDCAM deck or camera, I see a message "Unknow File System, please eject or format". Formatting the discs in the PDW-F70 or PDW-F350 camera always works. As anyone seen this? I have tried my colleague's U1 drive and see the same issue. I just upgraded my system to Vista and am wondering if it is not a Vista related bug.

Uli Mors
November 25th, 2008, 08:48 PM
HI Thierry,

I formatted roughly 20 Disks (or at least 20 times...) with U1 but NEVER had this error message yet.

I am running a WIN XP.

Still I am not really keen to change to Vista, though most applications seem to be vista-compatible nowadays.


Uli Mors
November 28th, 2008, 01:34 AM
Did you give it a try with XP?


Thierry Humeau
November 29th, 2008, 08:46 AM
Yes, it works fine in XP. I think it could be a conflict with either Norton antivirus 2009 or Mozy Online backup. I am investigating.... Most of the time it works though and I can always fall back on the XDCAM deck for reformating discs.


Greg Boston
December 1st, 2008, 06:32 AM
Yes, it works fine in XP. I think it could be a conflict with either Norton antivirus 2009 or Mozy Online backup.

You may have a valid point there, Thierry. I recall in the early days of CD burning, it was always stressed that the device needed a constant stream of data during the process. Any excess software running on the host could interrupt that process and cause you to burn a nice, shiny coaster.

I can't say for certain that this is your problem, but I do know that the drive is 'dumb' and the XDCAM format is implemented in software for this drive. Therefore, it could indeed be very sensitive to system timing.


Thierry Humeau
December 1st, 2008, 04:33 PM
Yep, a lot of things seem to be sensitive to system timing in Vista...
