View Full Version : When to buy a cam?

Chris Mueller
August 27th, 2003, 05:07 PM
I'm planning on buying a new camera soon (either a PD150 or a DVX100) and I'm wondering if I should buy it now, or wait a few months to see if the price goes down. Though I WOULD wait until next year to see if Sony's coming out with any new products (and if their competitors lowered their prices in turn), but I need to get something for a project this year.

Is there any specific time of the year thats coming up soon when for some reason camera prices will be down/lower than usual? Do any big stores like B&H run annual sales?

Glenn Chan
August 27th, 2003, 05:16 PM
You can always wait until a used cam pops up in your city. If you get to inspect it before you buy it you should be safe., has listings for used equipment. is like a free classified listing.

I wouldn't wait for price drops or anything, as you will be waiting forever. If you think a PD-150 replacement is coming out soon then it might be worth waiting, but I doubt it. I would try to buy used locally so you can pay cash on delivery (and not get scammed) and you can inspect the camera before you buy it.