View Full Version : DR-HD100 -issue

Dan Parkes
November 22nd, 2008, 05:11 AM
We are presently shooting a feature film, shooting to both tape and DR-HD100, (HDV, M2t 720/25p). When we were filming on location over the last few days, we noticed that every now and then a message would flash up on the monitor for a few moments -cannot remember the exact wording- but something that indicated a momentary loss of communication with the DR-HD100.

Upon reviewing the footage via the DR-HD100 we have discovered that at that point there is a glitch ie missing frames at that point in the footage. It is happening three or four times an hour....

Anybody else experienced anything like this? We would be most grateful for any information or help on this.

Stewart Menelaws
November 22nd, 2008, 06:47 AM
Hi Dan - I'm sorry this won't solve your problem but I can tell you about our own similar experiences with exactly the same set ups.

Quite a while back, we used an HD101E and HD100 cameras with two new DR100 drives shooting M2t 720/25p and in both cases we got dropped frames - can't tell you if there was any warning/flashing lights when these dropped frames occurred as it went unnoticed until playback. We used both the battery on the DR100 drive and a D-Tap connection to the IDX plate on the camera. All our connections were solid.

When shooting an interview we got dropped audio issues in a part of the project. When it came to shooting a corporate job that was going to be using the DR100 drives under stressful conditions, I decided against it and we used tapes.

Now, of course this is some time ago and JVC and Focus have moved on since then so whether these issues arise in the newer models/software I don't know.

Suffice to say, due to the nature of our own work, it was one reason we switched to XDCAMHD to suit our workflow.

Hopefully someone may have an answer for you....

Regards, Stu

Dave Tyrer
November 23rd, 2008, 06:47 AM
We are presently shooting a feature film, shooting to both tape and DR-HD100, (HDV, M2t 720/25p). When we were filming on location over the last few days, we noticed that every now and then a message would flash up on the monitor for a few moments -cannot remember the exact wording- but something that indicated a momentary loss of communication with the DR-HD100.

Upon reviewing the footage via the DR-HD100 we have discovered that at that point there is a glitch ie missing frames at that point in the footage. It is happening three or four times an hour....

Anybody else experienced anything like this? We would be most grateful for any information or help on this.

Just as a matter of interest has anyone contacted either of the vendors and received any response about the issue?

Adam Letch
November 23rd, 2008, 06:29 PM
on the drdh100's is the most likely cause of loss of communication the wire's not locked in, and if you brush it you can loose the connection momentarily. I've never experienced any dropframes as such these units are pretty solid in that regard.



Stuart Campbell
November 24th, 2008, 09:29 AM
We noticed the exact same thing in edit on Friday with material shot on a hd200e. A dropped frame every now and again. It's almost impossible to spot jogging through frame by frame but when you watch real time you know it's there!

We record to tape.

I've never come across it before with this camera.