View Full Version : Matte Box, rails, and flags

Jason McCormy
November 19th, 2008, 05:09 PM
Are these any good?

Aluminum Matte Box HD/DV 4x4 Filter Holder With Rails - eBay (item 330286840662 end time Nov-20-08 09:31:04 PST) (|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318)

It is a lot less than buying it from BH, but I worry I'm being too cheap again.

What do you all think?

Actually, another question is this a good idea or is it also foolish?

Chris Billington
November 20th, 2008, 12:45 AM
Universal Rod Support for matte box XL2 JVC GY HD101E on eBay, also, Other, Professional Video Equipment, Cameras Photo (end time 06-Dec-08 05:36:11 GMT) ( 2)

I've got one of these and I've found it to be really durable, it's had 12 months of happy use now. I had the Matte Box made by a local metalworker for pennies and it allowed me to have it custom tailored to the Fuji lens, as most of the cheap fittings are not ideally suited. The plate on the one in your listing looks quite flimsy.

David Scattergood
November 20th, 2008, 04:04 AM
Universal Rod Support for matte box XL2 JVC GY HD101E on eBay, also, Other, Professional Video Equipment, Cameras Photo (end time 06-Dec-08 05:36:11 GMT) ( 2)

I've got one of these and I've found it to be really durable, it's had 12 months of happy use now. I had the Matte Box made by a local metalworker for pennies and it allowed me to have it custom tailored to the Fuji lens, as most of the cheap fittings are not ideally suited. The plate on the one in your listing looks quite flimsy.

Hi Chris - was your metalworker based in Preston? Would you mind sharing the details?
I've had a mattebox on my 'wishlist' for some time, but due to the costs of a decent one and other items jumping the queue I've never quite progressed with the idea.
Is it possible your mattebox (with french flags?) can be used with filters?

Many thanks.

Ted Ramasola
November 20th, 2008, 04:19 AM

I'd like to share this here. Something I made myself.
A different way to mount filters though, but can be oriented in any way.

I use it with my hd100 & hd200.

DIY Mattebox with flag and side wings - -- The online community for filmmaking (

David Scattergood
November 20th, 2008, 06:03 AM
Fantastic Ted.
I attempted my own (even cheaper than yours) constructed from an old A4 folder, a bit sheet sponge, hole rivets, string, velcro (for easy removal of 'matte box') and a bit of glue...see attached. Not bad for a first attempt but a million miles from a professional job.

Good job Ted.

EDIT: just to add, I attached a piece of cork (it's very light!), angled off so the hood wasn't 'in shot'.

Jason McCormy
November 20th, 2008, 02:11 PM
Damn. You guys are very clever. Hmm. I think I might need to pick up some manufacturing skills.

Are any of you finding a way to mount 4x4 filters in this?

Kennedy Maxwell
November 20th, 2008, 03:17 PM
Universal Rod Support for matte box XL2 JVC GY HD101E on eBay, also, Other, Professional Video Equipment, Cameras Photo (end time 06-Dec-08 05:36:11 GMT) ( 2)

I've got one of these and I've found it to be really durable, it's had 12 months of happy use now. I had the Matte Box made by a local metalworker for pennies and it allowed me to have it custom tailored to the Fuji lens, as most of the cheap fittings are not ideally suited. The plate on the one in your listing looks quite flimsy.

Somehow I wound up buying two of these Universal Rod Supports. I'll sell one for $85 USD.
They're great for rigging many different things to the front of the lens.

Jason McCormy
November 20th, 2008, 04:47 PM
Ok, after looking around, I realize I'm going to have to buy something already done. Does anyone have any recomendations? I was looking at the RedCrock Micro and it looks pretty good, though it is really expensive for something so simple.

Oh, and I need one that has a french flag and the side french flags that I suddenly can't remember what they are called:)

Claude Mangold
November 24th, 2008, 08:49 AM
you might have a look at Vocas matteboxes: VOCAS SYSTEMS BV (
i use one all the time, with the stock lens and with various adapters and primes.
rails are excellent, too, but there' an isue with the baseplate for the jvc HD cameras

Jason McCormy
November 24th, 2008, 10:41 AM
Thank you for the advice. I'm going to have a look at these different options.

Stuart Nimmo
November 25th, 2008, 03:19 AM
I like the DIY!

Another thought for you is a Coken Z Pro filter holder which will take decent Tiffen 4x4 or 4x6 glass and grads The Coken 82mm adapter ring adds strength to the stock Fujinon front filter ring. Add a LEE expandable lens hood, this is self supporting and doesn't need rails.

Stuart Nimmo
November 25th, 2008, 07:57 AM
I've been butchering away this a.m. and have hand crafted something useful for a change! The Coken P series filter holder works well with the 200 stock lens, however if you want to use a broadcast 4x6 grad and a P series filter and add a Lee expandable lens hood it can be done, Ideally, with a wary eye on vignetting you would want to mount the smaller P series filter nearer the lens and the 4x6 next. However, there is much to be said for mounting the much heavier 4x6 filter as close to the lens front as possible and then the much lighter P series filter in the P series holder. The best thing about this is that the Lee hood fits into the front of the Coken P series holder. This holder fits into the front filter slot of a Coken Z-Pro filter holder. So 4x4 or 4x6 first then the series P holder and finally the Lee hood.

So Vignetting? Yes. At the widest end of the stock lens this configuration vignettes. However, it can be fixed. You need a hacksaw and a flat file to "alter" the Coken P series filter holder. This is made of extremely tough nylon or plastic and is if anything over engineered. You can safely remove the problem without altering it's use by sawing the front slot off (there are several), and where the filter holder has a round hole cut it back to a rectangle, file it smooth and carefully vacuum all the dust off. You can afford to be brave and cut really quite a lot away, it still has a lot of strength and the filter slides and adapter ring still work as they should.

Now slide this into the front filter slot on a Coken Z-Pro holder and add 4x4 and series P filters with the self supporting Lee hood on the front. Adjust the hood and you have no vignetting and great glass at a very reasonable total price. Hack away guys, you'll learn to love it!

Werner Wesp
December 2nd, 2008, 09:51 AM
Try the new Genus mattebox. Quite cheap compared to Chrosziel and stuff, but very, very good for it's price...