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Yohann Kouam
May 26th, 2005, 03:44 AM
I hear you Don but see this is a mandatory internship(i can do whatever i want as long as it's abroad) for school so no matter what i have to do it. and yes i intend to make another movie next summer and for this i'd rather stay in France right now(i'm currently in an exchange programm in Spain) because we get A LOT of financial help by the government, know what i mean?
I don't mind having to work as bicycle guy or stuff like that, i prefer doing that than working at pizza hut. and as they say once you can make it in NYC you can make it anywhere...

do you guys know if they hire a lot of set photographers overthere?

all right i gotta go back to my research thanks for your support people!

Mike Cavanaugh
May 26th, 2005, 07:46 AM
Bruce - thanks, I greatly appreciate the offer for south Florida. If something comes up on this or any other projects - I'll let you know. Too bad I didn't have your name about a year ago - I needed to shoot an interview in Melbourne FL - I had to leave the beauty of the Northeast in early March and make the ultimate sacrifice and travel to Florida - all that sun was depressing!

Mike Cavanaugh
May 26th, 2005, 07:52 AM
By the way, I am still looking for shooters, especially on the west coast (LA/Seattle). I have a tentative contact for the Cleveland area shoot but if you are still interested in helping, let me know in case he can't do it for some reason.

I want to emphasize that while probably not commercial rates (OK - definately not commercial rates!) this is a paying gig for a shooter with some experience. I appreciate all the help from folks on this forum.

K. Forman
May 26th, 2005, 08:13 AM
Uhhhh.... Mike?


I'm in Central Fla, and could always make room to help out too :)

Mike Cavanaugh
May 26th, 2005, 09:14 AM
Keith - Oh darn - You mean I gave up 3 days in sleet, slush and snow to suffer in the sun?

K. Forman
May 26th, 2005, 09:31 AM
Yep! I know how y'all like that snow and stuff, and it must have been awful for you ;)

Nicholas Bartleet
May 26th, 2005, 09:43 AM
Hi there, I am making a short, very high production quality film called Riddle. You can find the unfinished title sequence here and my showreel here . I have some actors from London sorted, a couple of crew members to help me out, but I am still looking for interested or enthusiastic people in the midlands or with transport, to help out, on any level, including camera, sound etc. I have some fantastic equiptment including a dolly and track, a long valley equiptment Jib Arm, a sachtler video18p fluid head, carbon fibre tripod legs, loads of tungsten halogen lights and tripods, and most importantly a motorised mini35 style 35mm adapter with several fast prime nikon lenses, a matte box, rails, xl1s camera and 7"tft with a hoodman hood. The rig is excellent, and th finished piece will of course have that fantastic 35mm look. I must add that none of the work on my reel used this system, and this project will therefore outshine any previous work by far. Please email me if you are interested.
There is no budget and no money however if the piece wins, a share of the 5000 pound winnings will go to whoever helps out, aswell as the piece being shown on BBC.

Thankyou for your time, Nick

Ian Stark
May 26th, 2005, 03:17 PM
Hi all,

I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum.

I am urgently seeking some footage of a child in a pedal car, ideally an old fashioned one but that's not essential. Quality is not important as it will be scratched up and made to look like very poor cine film from the 1960's. Duration up to about one minute but anything acceptable. If it's a concern, the child will not be identifiable as the footage will be displayed out of focus and with lots going on in the foreground.

I need it to act as a backdrop for a trade show video wall and I am running out of time to go and find a car, a kid, a location and to shoot it!

I could offer a sensible payment if required.

If anyone has any such footage, would you be kind enough to let me know - also, give me an idea of what you would like in the way of recompense. If you'd like to email me, my personal email address is

Many thanks.

Ian . . .

Note to moderator: apologies if this is in the wrong place. If so, could you move it to somewhere more appropriate please? Thanks.

Nick Hiltgen
May 27th, 2005, 01:00 AM
Yohann i'm sorry to hear about your predicament. I think everyones advice here is great. You seem to be the resourceful type so I'll toss out a theoretical situation.

When I was in NYC I noticed there was a lot of turn around, and quick, in fact the guy who hired me when I interviewed, was no longer working that job when I got there two months later and the girl who replaced him had left the day before I showed up. Things can move fast there.

So let's say that your a guy working at a production company in NYC One day while your crashing to get your deadlines someone shows up and says they're here to work the internship. You don't recall hiring an intern but then you've only been there a few months. The intern explains that he has come from overseas and that he spoke with someone months ago about working there and they gave them the OK. Well that could be anyone. Are you going to turn away a guy here to work for free who's come from such a long distance, and he's working for free, oh yeah and he's working for free? No. No one would. You tell the new intern to go make copies the intern works his butt off and impresses you and everyone's happy.

Is this a plausable situation, yes. Is this a morally questionable situation, yes. If the intern hadn't actually spoken to someone in the company and made the whole thing up so that he (or she) could get a job at the company, would it take a lot of guts to do something like that, yes. But then you've travelled all that way, what more do you have to lose, the worse they can say is no, get out of here.

So that's a last ditch possibility if beating down doors doesn't work, I'd give it a 75% chance of working.

Production is picking up there from what I can tell and I assure you you will find something to do if your're open to doing it. I say go for it. I did, I enjoyed the heck out of my time in new york, and going there will definitely give you stories to tell.

When you get there remember, Don't point, you'll look like a tourist. if you have a wallet get a smaller one, and keep it in your front pocket. The absolute best thing you can do is learn the subway system in NYC as it is your best friend. if you're really up to it the bus system but in manhattan the subway gets you anywhere you want to be. If a place gives you a wierd feeling either get out of there or get drunk. (both worked for me) Try to stay south of 120th street and between 1st and 7th avenue. If you can help it don't wear sneakers. Dress nicely (this doesn't necissarily mean super nice, just button up shirts and what not. If you can try and find a place to live before you get there. it may be too late for that now, but check the nyu dorms and as a last resort school of visual arts. If you can once in a while where a bowtie, but only if you can pull it off or can make it seem like you don't want to. Oh and Jim Sofranko is a swell guy and if he gives you advice you should follow it.

The quote "once you make it in new york you can make it anywhere" is probably not quite that accurate, should be more like "once you make it in new york... you can make it in new york."

Bob Costa
May 27th, 2005, 06:12 AM
Nick, that was amazing, until I realized you are from Hollywood.

Nick Hiltgen
May 27th, 2005, 09:47 AM
Ha! I assure if I could be in NYC I would... Had to go where the work was at the time.

Michael Wisniewski
May 27th, 2005, 10:33 AM
Just like in D&D - every dungeon is rated for different levels of experience. New York City is designed for characters with high levels of experience.

That's not meant to stop you, it's just the warning above the door. Beware all ye who enter here.

If you're just starting out, I'd say, don't come to New York City. If you don't have serious friends who can help you out with a place or job, don't come to New York City. If you don't have a job lined up, then don't come to New York City.

On the other hand, if you've built a reputation in an industry and have real work experience, then I'd say, come to New York City. If you've got serious friends who can help you out with a place or job, or you can afford one without worrying about it, then come to New York City. And of course if you have been offered a paying job or you're independently wealthy, then come to New York City.

Heck if you just wanna visit, then come to New York City.

I've had this conversation with so many, aspiring film people, that had to leave New York City, and I'm trying to give you an idea of what seems to work and what doesn't. FYI: I initially came to New York City, because I have good experience in another field that's highly sought after in NYC.

I've also had the pleasure of these aspiring directors, actors, DPs etc. contacting me later from Los Angeles or wherever they went and telling me how much better they were doing, and that they were being sent BACK to NYC because of the great experience they acquired elsewhere.

Just more to think about, again, I'm not trying to stop you, just making sure you're reading the fine print.

Here's another website to check out:

Yohann Kouam
May 27th, 2005, 11:51 AM
I perfectly hear you michael, I went to NYC several times before and i have a little idea of what awaits me there. I peferctly agree with you that coming to NYC without a prior reputation is like suicide but i'm NOT moving to NYC or anything. i'm just coming for 2 month for any stupid non paid job that is film related and even though i never worked in NYC i don't think it's asking too much. like i said to Bob who advised me to save money and make a movie in NYC, i sure intend to stay in france right now where grants can easily be obtained,where i got phone numbers, and especially where the competition is much less fierce. But in the meantime I just wanna have a little idea of what might await me later by doing this 2 month internship in the big apple...


Michael Wisniewski
May 27th, 2005, 01:37 PM
Well shoot, if you're just coming for a couple of months, then come to New York City. It's totally worth it for 2 months of experience, film, video, or otherwise.

Joshua Provost
May 27th, 2005, 02:49 PM

I need some help from DV shooters in Italy!

Matter of Chance Productions is working on a new short film. It stars an Italian friend of mine and the dialog will be in Italian, subtitled in English. We are shooting in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. However, it is mostly interiors and a few exteriors at an Italian cafe in town. Our goal is to play the film as though it were in Italy, probably Roma.

Can anyone help out with a few shots or with stock footage they have around?

I am looking for:
1. Shots of the cityscape, preferably from an elevated position, day and night
2. Shot of an old hotel/apartment building
3. Shot of any other interesting building you like, such as an old grocery store, warehouse, etc.
4. Brief shot of a sunrise or sunset over the city (tramonto, I know that word)

Looking for still, tripod shots, just five to ten seconds long, as inserts for the film. Timeless locations that don't necessarily reveal that it is the modern day. High quality 16:9 that can be uploaded to me as DV-AVI, as I am short on time.

I don't have much to offer but help I can help you out if you ever need it, and, of course, major credit in the film.



Jim Sofranko
May 27th, 2005, 08:30 PM
I love Nick but whatever you do don't take his advice for finding a film job!!!

Unless of course, you can shoot the entire episode and make a great film out of it. Sounds like a great script for a Preston Sturges-like screwball comedy!

Rob Lohman
May 28th, 2005, 04:59 AM
Moved to the helping hands forum. I hope someone can help you out Ian!

Mike Cavanaugh
May 29th, 2005, 01:32 PM
OK - Maybe the title of the thread is misleading - I don't need short interview shooters, you can be tall or short, male or female, skinny or fat. It's the interviews that will be short in duration (under an hour depending on your setup time)

Still looking for shooters in the Seattle, WA; LA/Burbank area (Sierra Madre, CA) and maybe Cleveland OH (Cleveland Heights). I got one response from the Cleveland area, but he did not leave me contact info and hasn't responded to my last e-mail yet (John H - if you are out there send me an e-mail with contact info - I'd Like to talk to you.

Reasonably modest pay for a good shooter/interviewer.

Thanks to all.

Ian Slessor
May 30th, 2005, 12:38 AM
Hello Yohann,

I cannot give you any advice. Well, relevant advice. I have to say that even though I could not understand the dialogue - sadly, even though I am Canadian I am only minimally aware of French - I found your short "Freres" to be quite interesting.

What camera did you use? Just wondering as there was quite a bit of shallow focus occuring that worked nicely.

BTW. All the best to you with your career.



Yohann Kouam
May 30th, 2005, 06:47 AM
we used the dsr-570. cheers

Bob Costa
May 30th, 2005, 06:53 AM
I somehow missed earlier that you were still looking for just an internship.
I don't know what your prior letters said, but if you try those places again, stressingthat you will be available in NYC on or after July xx, you may get better responses. Then when you get to town you can call them again... By the time you write two letters and call (being local), that may get you enough "name recognition" to get an appointment or a referral.

Nick Hiltgen
May 30th, 2005, 12:23 PM
My bad Jim, I thought that the documenting of the finding of a job in NYC went without saying... ;)

Of course my post was a last resort kind of thing (except for the advice on how to survive in NYC I stand by most of that) Bob had an even better idea about following up on the letters. I still think that if you're persistant enough there's bound to be someone in NYC who will hire you for a couple of months to work for free...

Bruce Marusich
May 30th, 2005, 11:32 PM
I am local to you and have a Canon XL1S, and I'm available for the times you listed. Do you still need more camermen for your project?
Bruce Marusich

Mike Cavanaugh
May 31st, 2005, 07:27 AM
Gonna try to keep this thread alive - Still looking for Shooters in the LA area and possibly Cleveland (John H, please get a hold of me). In despiration, I posted on the Seattle and got a number of promising responses.

This is a paying gig with a decent rate for someone looking to justify his/her video habit!

Contact me at mcavana3 at nycap dot rr dot com (Sorry for the cryptic e-mail address - trying to reduce spam)

K. Forman
May 31st, 2005, 07:36 AM
Maybe you should send everyone to Fla... there seems to be more camera ops here ;)

Gary Franks
May 31st, 2005, 07:48 AM
Hey everyone thanks for the offer of help. We need it. So far over the weekend we did manage to shoot a teaser trailer for the film. you can check it out here.

Those still interested can email me at

Thanks again

Joe Carney
May 31st, 2005, 10:07 PM
I've already emailed, and I also remembered there is a local woman who specializes in horror/action films (actually went to school in LA). If I can get ahold of her, I'll ask her to email you. She lives in Alexandria. I worked with her on a music video shoot in DC. That is if you still need a makeup person.

BTW, I may be ugly enough to save you on makeup costs for zombie scenes if that will help(grin).

Nick Hiltgen
May 31st, 2005, 11:43 PM
Mike I can probably get ahold of all the equipment you need I'm in the LA burbank area. Oh and I'm short.

Pete Mander
June 1st, 2005, 03:12 AM
This project has been put n hold until further notice.

sorry to many things to do first.


Gary Franks
June 1st, 2005, 09:46 AM
Yes I still need Make-up people.

Justin Sammarco
June 2nd, 2005, 06:25 AM

I am very experienced in shooting interviews. I am in the Buffalo area which is about 3 hours drive away from Cleveland. I have a 3 chip, probably use the Sony VX-2000 for that, and I have an extensive lighting dept. and great sound. So if you need someone to go to Cleveland I'd do it. The only thing I'd ask for is that my travels are taken care of. I'd probably bring just 1 other guy for the trip.

Let me know if you need me.


Mike Cavanaugh
June 2nd, 2005, 06:36 AM
Thanks - I'll definately keep that in mind. Right now, I'm trying to coordinate talking to a couple of folks in the Cleveland area who look like they could do the job, but have not made committments yet.

Had this job come up a bit earlier, I would have done it myself - I just spent 4 days in the Buffalo area for my daughters graduation from UB. I would have welcomed an afternoon away!

BTW - Everyone, still looking for shooter in the LA area. Have gotten a lot of responses from a posting on, but they all fall into two extremes -

1 - "I have a fully equipted remote truck and crew of 4 - I can do the job for $1,600"; or

2 - "I got this really cool camera for graduation and I'd like to try it out"

I'm looking for something in-between. I've had good luck in the past getting well qualified shooter for short jobs like this (I figure <2 hours with travel and setup, interview and strike) for $100 or less. Not a great wage, but not an insult to a professional. I guess the LA area is a little different.

Justin Sammarco
June 2nd, 2005, 06:52 AM
Thanks - I'll definately keep that in mind. Right now, I'm trying to coordinate talking to a couple of folks in the Cleveland area who look like they could do the job, but have not made committments yet.

Had this job come up a bit earlier, I would have done it myself - I just spent 4 days in the Buffalo area for my daughters graduation from UB. I would have welcomed an afternoon away!

oh wonderful. I just graduated from UB as well :)

so keep me posted.

Bill Zens
June 4th, 2005, 09:31 AM
Mike, Send me an e-mail if you'd like. I'm in Kirkland, WA, (Seattle area) and could help out.

Also, I'm going to LA area for my fathers 85th b'day at the end of June(24-25-26) with all my gear. I'll be staying in Pasadena, which is right next to Sierra Madre, and may have an extra day.

Let me know what you're looking for...

Mike Cavanaugh
June 4th, 2005, 12:51 PM
Bill, I sent you an e-mail. Thanks

John Locke
June 4th, 2005, 08:55 PM
Located in Las Vegas? I'm doing some web development work for an online Poker site that's on site at the World Series of Poker in Las Vegas and who may need some help with shooting.

If you're in Vegas and know how to handle an XL2 and are interested in shooting up close at the tables, doing interviews, etc.... send me an e-mail through my e-mail link.

WSOP has already started and will continue through July 15. Shooting times will be sporadic.

Matt Browning
June 5th, 2005, 12:52 AM
Wow, a Frankfort-er. My brother lives in Frankfort, I'm new to videography, and I LOVE poker. Actually just got back from a cash game tonight.

Sorry, off topic. Unfortunately I'm not really able to help you in this endeavour. However, I am an up and coming videographer and apparently we share some of the same interests. Maybe we can meet up some time and I can watch/help you work. Of course it would be for free, just learning some of the ropes. If you're interested in free labor, or someone to hang out with on-site, let me know!

Good luck with the WSOP. Hopefully someone respected will win this year.

Dmitry Yun
June 5th, 2005, 08:10 PM
Hey there man I'm at Shady Grove road email me at if you still need some help I do a little CG and After Effects and I also own a GL2.

Joe Main
June 5th, 2005, 11:41 PM
Hey, this is a great board and I want to say thanks to everyone that has helped me out so far. June 16th I will be shooting a scene and could really use some help and tips on lighting. I have rented kino's in the past and will probably be using them again, if you have access to lighting that is a big help as well. The shooting i do is adult entertainment, the shoot is in nyc, and will probably be a late night shoot. As we are just starting out, we can't really afford to pay anyone, but if you have great lights that we could use then we can talk about a rental fee. The shoots are a lot of fun and the girls are hot, it is a pretty good time. If anyone out there with lighting experience is interested please pm me, thanks,

Jeff Toogood
June 6th, 2005, 06:16 AM
I have an upcoming wedding shoot - July 9th in Brampton & Toronto Canada.
I already had someone booked for the day to assist me but he has taken another job :(
Anyways it is a photo & video production, I will be doing the still camera shots and also running the second camera. What I need is an experienced wedding videographer to run the main camera.
If you have your own equipment it is a bonus, but not entirely necessary.
Please send me an email to if you are interested.
It will be a long day (dual ceremony wedding), from 7:30am until 4pm or so.
Pay will be determined by experience and equipment you will be bringing, but it will be at least $200/day

Murad Toor
June 7th, 2005, 08:23 PM
I need an experienced HDV shooter who has his/her own camera for a 5-hour job (about two hours of prep, 2 1/2 hours of shooting, 1/2 hour of breakdown). This is in Houston, TX, on Saturday, July 2, 2005, from about 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event is an ethnic fashion show.

I'm bringing my own HD10 so I'd prefer someone who has an HD10 or HD1. If you're an FX1 / Z1 shooter, well that'd only work if you have two of them so I could operate one of them. It would probably be too risky to try to match 1080i and 720p30 footage even if I deinterlaced and converted the 1080i to 720p30, let alone all the time that would take.

Please email me at tvwriter_at_mac_dot_com (no underscores, @ instead of "at," "." in place of "dot."

The job pays $260 and you'll need to supply your own tapes (3 of them). Thanks.

Bob Zimmerman
June 7th, 2005, 09:41 PM
and they have to buy you lunch

Murad Toor
June 7th, 2005, 10:09 PM
and they have to buy you lunch
What do you mean by that?

Bob Zimmerman
June 8th, 2005, 06:39 PM
$260 doesn't seem like very much anyway. Then you want them to supply three tapes too. You want them there for 5 hours. They have the equipment and they have to supply tapes. They have to drive there. Probably it's an all day deal. For what, after everything? A couple of hundred bucks?

You should at least supply the tapes.

Murad Toor
June 8th, 2005, 11:26 PM
$260 doesn't seem like very much anyway. Then you want them to supply three tapes too. You want them there for 5 hours. They have the equipment and they have to supply tapes. They have to drive there. Probably it's an all day deal. For what, after everything? A couple of hundred bucks?

You should at least supply the tapes.
I'm glad you got around to being more direct.

I believe in the Golden Rule. I would be perfectly happy if you or anyone else paid me $260 for a 5 hour job where I supplied the tapes. If you feel offended by paying me only $260, I'd be happy to relieve your conscience by accepting more than that. I'm in Illinois as well, so please keep me in mind. Thanks.

The reason I thought that it's a good idea for the other person to supply the tapes is that I figure people are particular about which type of tapes they feed their camera. Further, it could pose a problem for me if I was to run around town finding their particular tapes, or mail ordering them.

I am open to compensating for the cost of the tapes that the other person uses.

~$50/hour is apparently beneath your dignity. I apologize for having insulted such a great man.

By the way, I'd personally take the person out for lunch if they'd like, maybe to Pappadeaux or Pappas Brothers.

Bob Zimmerman
June 8th, 2005, 11:49 PM
OK,,,,$300 is not to bad.

Bryan McCullough
June 9th, 2005, 08:42 AM
My day rate is a bit more than that.

And I live in Dallas so I'd have to have travel covered.

And I have an FX1, which isn't what you're looking for. want me? ;)

Murad Toor
June 9th, 2005, 12:03 PM
My day rate is a bit more than that.

And I live in Dallas so I'd have to have travel covered.

And I have an FX1, which isn't what you're looking for. want me? ;)
Well, four hours or so of driving each way just wouldn't be worth it unless you had other business in Houston the same weekend. I'm not working with a budget where I can cover travel expenses.

If you had a Losmandy Spider Dolly along with your FX-1 skills and five hours of work, for the added value I could probably justify paying $450. I'd then have to rent an FX-1 or Z-1 for myself though, so I guess the budget would be busted in that case.

I'll probably end up using my old-fashioned three-wheeled dolly. I'll get the hotel to lay down some hard flooring over the carpet beside the runway (it's a fashion show) so I can run my dolly smoothly over it.

In case you've never seen the spider dolly, take a look:

If you know an HD10 shooter in Houston I'd really appreciate it if you referred them to me. I know Texas is a big place but I'm saying this just in case. There must be FX-1 / Z-1 people who have HD10s sitting in dark closets. Thanks.

Josh Bass
June 10th, 2005, 11:07 PM
Hi, guys. Hopefully this doesn't end up in that thread about ridiculous job offers/demands.

I am seeking an animator to work on an animated,episodic series based on this short film, "The Ninjews" ( ). This short film was included on the Spike and Mike "Sick and Twisted" DVD in 2003. PLEASE NOTE: THOUGH THIS MOVIE IS CLAYMATION, I AM *NOT*
LOOKING TO DO THE REST OF THE SERIES IN THAT MANNER. I was thinking of simple 2D animation, along the lines of Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Sea Lab (reused sets and character designs, that is). I am partnered with a growing internet television company called maniaTV ( ) hosts of the show "Too Short for Hollywood (10pm EST), whose site received more than a million hits last month. This will be a long term project, as I am currently contracted to produce ten 5-7 minute episodes, with more likely to follow. The turnaround time on each episode will be six weeks or less. This is a paying gig, though the budget for this project is very modest (and I'm not in charge of it, so don't shoot the messenger). The episodes will be shown on ManiaTV, with exposure to a worldwide audience. As ManiaTV continues to grow, so will the budgets and pay scale for this project. As it stands, this project might be better for a student, or someone looking to build their animation reel, though anyone is welcome to apply (I do need to see samples of your work, however). If interested, please email: joshbass at sbcglobal dot net.

Now, I know this is not an animation forum, but I've known you guys for a long time, so you're the first ones I thought I'd post this ad to, just in case anyone on the board, or someone a board member knows, might be interested. If you know of any animation-centered forums around the net, or other places to place this ad and seek help, also let me know, please. I have a few places I'm already going to, but the more, the better, says I. So, again, thanks.

Jun Tang
June 12th, 2005, 11:23 AM
Looking for a DP with experience with mini35. We are shooting a 25 min short on DVX100a. Shooting possibly lasting 2 days.

There is possibly pay. I have my own equipment.

Send me an e-mail or link to your reel. Also tell me your rate.
