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Chris Donnelly
April 22nd, 2005, 09:55 AM

If you have a project you need help on.. Let us know!

Fun, Professional team! ready to help! We can work with ALMOST any budget.

Equipment -
- Panasonic DVX100a
- Canon Gl-2 (Also Lots of Xl-1 Experience)
- 16mm Arri s
- 5500 watts worth of lighting
- 16 foot Jib arm
- Steady tracker

If you have any questions or are interested please Email me at

DVD demo reel or uploaded Online version available upon request.

Thank You,

Chris Donnelly

Renat Zarbailov
April 24th, 2005, 01:00 AM
I am on the look out for people around the world who want to shoot their own version of "The Truth Is..." art film. You can see the New York version here...
In the same manner you can shoot this film in your own home town. Say, if you are in Germany, London, France, Italy, Russia, Israel, you name it. The film will expose the consciousness of the people from that locality.

What's needed from you to shoot this project:

1: A miniDV camcorder set to shoot in 16X9 widescreen mode (remember NOT 4X3 regular size but 16X9. This is important so that when we put together a mixed film that will contain people from all over the world, there will not be ratio problems).

2. A few miniDV tapes onto which to record.

3. A tripod on which the camcorder will be put.

4. Any painting frame, preferably a nice looking one. The inner size of the frame should not be smaller than 19 inches in width and 15 inches in length, (48.26 centimeters in width and 38.1 centimeters in length). To avoid expenses, try borrowing the frame from someone or getting it cheaply from a frame shop.

5. Your open-mind and ability to talk and ask people from the street to participate in this project. Remember, how you feel that day will be reflected on the participants, hence the outcome of your shoot. Try to pick a sunny and beautiful day when people come outside to enjoy the weather.

6. Picking beautiful locations so that the background shows where in the world it was shot. (for example, if you are in Paris, the ideal backdrop may be the Eiffel tower, in Italy the leaning tower and so forth). Also make sure to position angle the camcorder in an area where there is a flow of people walking or crossing a streets etc. This way it will show that the person participating stopped by to participate and other people are going about their lives.

7. You may also have to need a bicycle to move from one location to another to save time and money, however it is not necessary. I used a bicycle to complete the project in one day before the sun set when I shot the original Truth Is... film.


Here is the question you should pose to participants:

What is the truth? What's your own understanding what truth is?
(make sure to not let them think too much, otherwise it will not be natural but evident that they're portraying someone who they are not).

Some people will say, well what can I say on this matter? Just tell them that there is no restrictions and that they can say whatever they want about anything they want to tell what they think the truth is. Some people are camera-shy so you'd need to make them comfortable. Also, if you are a man and you got a beautiful girl to participate, don't drool over her, she may notice and that may scare her original thought. Just approach people of all ages completely unconditionally.

When people ask what they can get in return, you tell them that they will be shown among hundreds of others via streaming video on the Internet. Majority of people are kind and they will not ask for compensation to participate.

If you have any questions, fell free to shoot me an email at

P.S. Refer to the following page to see relevant instructions and pictures.

Glenn Chan
April 24th, 2005, 03:37 PM
Bumpity bump. I talked to Pete and this project is still open.

The studio number (905 685-3743) may not work anymore... you may want to try emailing Pete.

Pete Mander
April 24th, 2005, 04:05 PM
Thanks glenn. llok forard to meetting you n person and thinks for working on that other project for me. got your mail today.

My current number for this project is 905 964 9747 or the emails are the same.

thanks all. heres a temporary site forum if you would like to see more stuff



Kevin Dooley
April 25th, 2005, 09:35 AM
I thought I'd give this a shot...

If anyone is in the Chicago (or northern half of Illinois for that matter) area and needs an experienced camera op/DP or needs editing done, I'd be very interested in helping out.

Just shoot me an email and let me know.


George Ellis
April 25th, 2005, 01:37 PM
Wish I had more experience (and with those 3) and it paid as well as my day job. Only about 4 miles from my house ;) Sigh... Guess I will still drive to the airport.

Jeff Patnaude
April 25th, 2005, 03:09 PM
They've filled this job.

Thanks everyone.

Jeff Patnaude

Samuel Birkan
April 28th, 2005, 09:43 AM
If anyone here is connected with any news stations, I am looking for some footage of the April 6 CH47 Crash in Afghanistan. This is for my own personal use in a memorial and will only be distributed to a few people and not be resold.
I am preferably looking for DV AVI footage if at all possible

Johnny Martinez
April 28th, 2005, 09:47 AM
I live in New Orleans and work for a local casino using an XL1S. I would love to help and get some more experience. Email me at jmartinez70005@yahoo.comor call me at 504-453-4300.

Chris Donnelly
April 28th, 2005, 12:04 PM
Anyone out there? Bump :)

Brent Marks
April 28th, 2005, 03:13 PM

I just emailed ya!


Todd Mizomi
April 28th, 2005, 10:48 PM
I'm on Maui, but willing to help out any way I can.

Ian Stark
April 29th, 2005, 06:46 AM
Just wanted to add that in the UK it is perfectly legal for a 16 year old to sign an employment contract. There are rules about permissable hours that can be worked, the type of work and the wages but I have no knowledge of how that maps onto the film business. I do know of three young people (under 18) who are working as the tea maker in London recording studios. Not glamorous, but they're in the door.

Rhett, I think your 'didn't you read' comment was a tad unfair as you were referring to dropping out of college, not signing contracts. Otherwise, I think your suggestions were sound (if a little preachy!!). Let's not suck the enthusiasm out of these guys, misguided or not.

Lisa, Rhett's advice is, in fact, sensible advice and you should have a hard think about how you're going to get where you want to go. The best thing he said, in my opinion, is to just go out and make films. Go for it. And sorry, you DO need to read the books as well!

I ran a week-long summer school a couple of years ago in Yateley (which I suspect is quite close to wherever you are). The aim was to teach young people (between 11 and 18) how to perform for films (so not necessarily what you are looking to do). However, we could really have done with someone enthusiastic like you to help out. We did it for fun, though, not for any profit (ie it was voluntary and unpaid!), but it was great to do and everyone enjoyed it and begged us to do more. If only we had the time. We did a 45 minute version of the movie A Chorus Line. I've been talking to my partner about doing another one later this summer, if we can spare the time. If you are interested in getting involved in some way, let me know, I'd be happy to give you the opportunity. I'm not going to promise it will happen but if it does you're welcome to be involved in some way.

Are you two friends now?

Ian . . .

Lisa Heard
April 29th, 2005, 06:52 AM
I am in fact starting my own film right now. I have written the screen play and got a few friends to be my actors. I am saving up for a camera and I am doing the storyboards etc now. I love reading books on how to make films I just don't like classes.
Thankyou both for your advice but everyone has to do it there own way. Your workshop sounds interesting, let me know if it goes ahead.

Ian Stark
April 29th, 2005, 07:37 AM
Well done. I wish I'd started at your age.

Like you, I dropped out of college in my first year (I hate classes but love books as well). Took me a bit longer to start earning proper money than my peers who went to university but I ended up doing well enough to pack it all in before I was 40 and concentrate on doing things I enjoy.

You get on and make your film. I'm sure you'll have a great time doing it and will learn a huge amount in the process. There are plenty of people on these forums who will give you solid advice (gained through experience). But don't forget that many of them have heard the 'I wanna work in movies' story a thousand times before so you'll have to bite your lip if you get advice you don't like!

I just saw a pretty cheesy poster on the wall of a friends office. It said 'In order to succeed we must first believe we CAN'. A bit naff, I know, but there's truth in it. Sounds as though you believe you can succeed. Well then, you're on your way.

Good luck. I'll let you know if we go ahead with the workshop again this year.

Ian . . .

Lisa Heard
April 29th, 2005, 10:02 AM
Thankyou, you've been a real help, it is also much appreciated that you stuck up for me and told me the truth without being patronizing. Congratulations on your own career and I hope you continue to do well.

Lisa Heard
April 29th, 2005, 11:36 AM
By the way, those under 18's that you know that work at film production studios making tea, I don't suppose you know how they got their jobs? As I live a good hour away from London do you know any where nearer that need people like that. I don't have a job at the moment (not counting my Sunday job at Somerfield) as I have no enthusiasm in any jobs that aren't in the film industry in any way. I have even tried film rental shops but the business is so bad at the moment because of the Internet etc etc...?

Jimmy McKenzie
April 29th, 2005, 11:40 AM
Message boards can lack emotion, the aforementioned context and above all, personality. Lisa you should be proud of your personality and your convictions. However, I agree with Rhett. A calculated risk is a bunch different from a whim. Where dreams fail, perserverence and hard work begin. Rhett's a 580. That's a lot of unconditional love.

I won't critcize your motives because that is stifling. Bravo for your motivation. Try this quick acid test to determine if you can satisfactorily burn your books and delve into the great beyond. Re-read your posts here and convince me that your language skills make you ready as a scriptwriter. Understand that my comments are not meant to injure, but to incite thought.

Think about it.

Lisa Heard
April 29th, 2005, 11:48 AM
I understand what you are trying to do here and I am flattered that 3 successful film makers are trying to help. I am not much of a script-writer, I find it very hard to get my ideas on paper (although I am very good at English).
What are you really trying to say here, I can take it?

Jimmy McKenzie
April 29th, 2005, 11:54 AM
You summed it up by stating that this is a community that really wants to help. I suppose your initial reaction was to take some of the sage advice but in the next breath you quickly denounced the author's intentions because you found the response to be somewhat unsavoury.


Here it is: One should avoid biting the hand that feeds.

O.K. enough analogies. Please keep us aprised of your success. I am sure you have the guts to do it. You can use that one as a tag on your website when you publish your first web preview.
Bon Chance!

Lisa Heard
April 29th, 2005, 12:27 PM
Ok I know what you're saying. I admit to that. I don't mind criticism but I relised this guy doesn't know me at all and he had me all wrong. It was my first knock down in my career I suppose.

Tom Markos
April 29th, 2005, 07:39 PM
Hi Dan,

Haven't been too active on the board lately, but just happened upon your post. I live right down the road from you in Fruitland.
Ken Davis (married to Lisa Spicer) is both a neighbor and an event videographer. Just thought I would say Hi!


Pete Mander
April 29th, 2005, 09:59 PM
heres a quick vid we did in the back of the studio.. nothing special but you can see some costumes here.

click on the above link, go to bottom screen and click FREE, next page will bring up the file to download at the bottom of the screen.

Steven White
May 1st, 2005, 07:21 AM
Wow Pete, those costumes are absolutely spectacular! Talk about attention to detail!


I have some limited experience shooting my own (Star Wars fan) films, doing fight choreography, compositing, and own a Sony HDR-FX1. If I knew the weekend you were shooting, I might be able to come and provide a helping set of hands. Or, if you need an extra to be gutted - I can be that too :)


P.S. These costumes remind me of stuff a friend of mine named Justin Monk was involved with... ring any bells?

Cory Moorehead
May 1st, 2005, 08:23 AM
Hey DVINFO.NET. Im Cory Moorehead, an avid smalltown documentarian up here in Ontario Canada. Ive been recently planning and plotting out for my next documentary, which will be titled 'Letterboxed'. Now to explain the documentary. It is going to be basically about you guys, filmmakers and people who work in the television industry. In this documentary im also going to show the people what it is like to work in the television industry, by hiring a professional camera crew to follow me around for a month in my job. Now here is the part where I need you guys. This same message is going to be posted on almost every fimmaking and television message board I can find. I need you guys to add pieces to the documentary. By pieces I mean your personal stories of working in filmmaking and the television industry. By this I mean setting up your camera infront of you sitting on a chair, and just telling me about how you got started into video and the industry, and what is next for you as a video enthusiast. So in essence kind of a mini biography ( 5 - 10 mins long ) of your experience in video. Now generally for something like this I would fly out and get interviews, but this documentary is very underbudget ( 20 Grand). So I will leave this discussion open to you guys, and if I see that enough people are interested about it, I will go ahead and post some more info about how you can send me your stuff. Thanks guys, hope to hear from you.

-Cory Moorehead

Pete Mander
May 1st, 2005, 10:43 AM
hI steve Thanks

Yes Ive met justin a few times.nice guy.

as for dates we are looking at august 14 to sepetember..not the entire time but a 2 day shoot in augurst maby one the week after etc etc..give me a call or send you number to

i few guys here from the DV that will be meeting up in the next month.. i can go over most on the phone now.LMK

its a big project


Pete Mander
May 1st, 2005, 12:40 PM
I sent out some emails best to forward me your number or call me at 905 688-8915 this is the studio number I am here 12-14 hours of the day...depending

thanks all for your interest.!

just had to change the phone number

Corey Sturmer
May 2nd, 2005, 09:01 AM
I am in need of an amatuer, but skilled animator. If anyone is familiar with "Run Lola Run" I am looking for something similar to their animation cuts. The project is a Mockumentary called "Real Parkwood Stories."

Reply if interested.

George Ellis
May 3rd, 2005, 07:14 AM
You might try's bb. BUT a warning, know that animation is very labor intensive. A guy wanted the sun and moon a few months back for free. I went as far as posting it in the ridiculous job offers post. ;)

Another place to recruit is cgtalk.

Edit - I cannot help as I do not know what Run Lola Run is and still am learning this stuff.

Joe Main
May 4th, 2005, 01:23 AM
Hi, i am a total newbie getting into video. I have an hvr-z1 and am looking to get some experience by working a second camera and picking up some tips from a pro. I am in nyc and will work for free, just looking to pick up some knowledge. I have a 9-5 but can get out if the project is right, i also can shoot at night and weekends if they are open. I am 28 and a pretty quick learner, technologically knowledgable. Thanks

Dan Mumford
May 4th, 2005, 06:40 PM
Hi Tom,

Sorry for the response delay but I was off the internet until just now (8:30pm Wednesday) Great to hear of others in the neighborhood. I'm checking a lot of backed up e-mail right now, but would like to continue the conversation as soon as I get caught up.


K. Forman
May 4th, 2005, 06:48 PM
Have either of y'all been to Brandywine Creek? When I was a youngin, my Uncle used to take me hiking through the State Park there. Last time I was there, they were building a Horse Track. Had to be almost 30 years...

Dan Mumford
May 4th, 2005, 07:01 PM
Sorry to say I haven't been there yet but I do have an agreement with the Delaware Parks and Rec. to do an outdoors program and I will be going to each of the state parks for taping. Iv'e been to that neck of the woods though and it is a beautiful area. I believe there is a race track there, but I'm not much of a gambling man so I couldn't swear to it.



I have also been to your neck of the woods! I just re-read my post and saw your hometown. I lived in Indiatlantic back in '72. Probably built up now, but I lived in the woods across the street from the beach. There was a small boardwalk about a block long. Had many a good time on that boardwalk! (and in those woods!) A guy I met there, Ken Cooper, and I would hitch-hike across the cause way, up Rt.1 to Cocoa and back across Merritt Island to Cocoa Beach and back down A1A to Indiatlantic all night long smoking nature's herb just to see who would pick us up. (It was the times, too old for that stuff now.) I remember well Florida's real stat motto: "Come on vacation, leave on probation, come back on violation!"

I was there when the guy (I can't remember his name, Dick something, I believe) who owned the surf shop at the the north side of the parking lot got busted for importing coke in hollow surf boards.

I probably should have saved this for a private e-mail, but it brought back a flood of memories. Had to share a few.

K. Forman
May 4th, 2005, 07:47 PM
I was never the surfer type, but I have spent plenty of time over there... Been here since '66.

If and when you get to Brandywine to shoot, be sure you get the Dupont house and the clocktower. I remember the smell of mint growing wild, and lots of Blackberries and Rasberries. I used to pick them berries, and my Mom would make jams.

Dan Mumford
May 4th, 2005, 08:27 PM
I'm not a surfer either, but there were quite a few of them there. I was, as much as I hate the term, a Hippie. I hitch-hiked all over the country back in the '70's. I found Indiatlantic by accident. I stayed a while because the people there were really great. I've lived all over Florida and when you meet true Floridians, you find great people.

Your mom sounds like my grand mother. She made jams and jellies from the berries we picked. I can't find and "store bought" jelly that tastes as good as what she made.


Johnny Martinez
May 4th, 2005, 08:50 PM
Corey email me at and I will give you a friend of mines phone numberthat does some animations his name is Mel and he live in New Orleans and he is very fair when it comes to price.

Johnny Martinez
May 4th, 2005, 09:10 PM
For a 16 year old you do have more N**S or b**ls then wost Women in the US. And for that matter more then I had when I was 16. Good luck in what ever you do.

Lisa Heard
May 5th, 2005, 08:09 AM
I will take that as a compliment.

Laurence Kingston
May 5th, 2005, 08:35 PM
This actually sounds quite interesting. My wife has a nonprofit foundation taking backpacks filled with school supplies to underpriviliged children in South America. A large part of my interest in video has stemmed from do video documentation of this work, which has helped tremendously in her efforts. If I did a short bit on camera talking about my video efforts here, it might be right up your alley. I could also send you a DV tape of her promo video.

One thing that might help is if you posted some questions that we could answer and elaborate on.

Cory Moorehead
May 5th, 2005, 08:46 PM
Thanks for the reply Laurence. That sounds really awesome. I basically just need anyone who has ever been involved in videography to sit infront of a camera and just talk. How did you get into video ? What are your influences ? What are some of your experiences ? Favourite Experiences ? What is next for you ? Just those kinds of things. I will include my address and email below if you wish to send me a tape or email me. Preferably email me before you decide to send a tape so I know. Also if you contribute to this documentary, you will receive a free DVD copy of the final video.

Cory Moorehead
505 Herbert St Apt#8

Allan McCall
May 6th, 2005, 10:44 AM
Hello all -

We're in production on a micro-budget DV feature in Nashville that deals with themes of spirituality, politics, and racism, and we're looking for collaborators of all sorts - crew, extras, additional cast, in-kind donations, professional services like legal and insurance - if you live near Nashville and find this to be a project you can get behind, we need you!

Details can be found at:


Tom Markos
May 7th, 2005, 07:41 AM
Dan, Keith,

No, still haven't been to Brandywine, but all around it.
Just did arrive back from Miami. Never care to visit there again.
Dan, maybe we will have an opportunity to meet sometime. Going to the Sunfest?


Dan Mumford
May 7th, 2005, 07:51 AM

I thought about going (to the Sunfest) I am currently working in OC as a maintenance contractor for a couple of motels. If I do go, I'll park at one of the motels and take the bus to downtown OC! How about shooting me an e-mail to


Aanarav Sareen
May 7th, 2005, 05:41 PM
I am not sure, if I qualify for a suggestion or not, but here goes

I started out three and a half years ago when I was 14 years old. There was a local television station that was looking for volunteers and I eagerly jumped on board. Prior to this, I had absolutely no intentions of getting in this field. But, as time progressed I started learning more things that I could do with cameras and computers. I started spending learning and playing with these new "toys". At one point, I was so engrossed in TV production that I started falling behind in school (not a good thing btw). Anyway, as I gained more knowledge, I started interacting with more and more people in the field and after three and a half years of hard work, I can honestly say that all this has worked out for me. I have worked with at least 10 different television stations, primarily as a production/technical/post production advisor. I have also marketed my services to numerous corporate businesses as well as some local production houses. I am currently a freshman at Binghamton University with an intended major in finance/accounting [a film maker has to have money =) ]

In this kind of business, you have to remember three things: hard work, sacrifice and determination.

Jimmy McKenzie
May 8th, 2005, 03:14 AM
The anecdote above is a wonderful punctuation mark to this thread. Everyone's track is different but this one appears to have left absolutely nothing to chance. Your tag line is pretty much universal for all success, but me thinks we'll see your name on the credit roll running a close second to the cast in the near future.

Mattt Potter
May 9th, 2005, 02:43 PM
My name is Mattt Potter. Kevin Smith and I have started a Short Film
Contest over at

Our goal is to put out a really smoking "Shorts DVD" here at the end of the year, and we believe that if we could get the word out more by using forums like here at DViCommnunity, it would get a lot more filmmakers jazzed about our site and get some really good films in.

The winners get on our Movies Askew DVD that we are putting out at the end of the year and also a sweet package of goodies from Panasonic. Also the grand prize winner, wins a Job on Kevin's next film!

If anyone here has any questions I'd be happy to answer them. I guess MY big question is have you heard of the site? And do you have any short films you would like to submit to it?

We are actually starting a new section this upcoming round called "FAN FILMS" which is pretty much a place for filmmakers to submit ANYTHING they want. Shorts with any music or footage in them. These shorts will not be on the DVD. But! They still can win the Panasonic Pacakge and every month Kevin himself will pick the winner in this section. Each month that winner also gets a Camera from Panasonic! Which is pretty cool.

Anyway, I'll be hanging here in the forum all day today if anyone has any questions.

Thank you so much for reading this and I really hope you check out Movies Askew!

Thanks Again!

Mattt Potter

Barry Gribble
May 9th, 2005, 07:18 PM

Thanks for posting. I have been aware of your site for a while, and I'm hoping to submit a short I am producing now. It is a great opportunity, so thanks for putting it all together.

I have to say that the site itself has always been a bit confusing to me... I've gone hoping to see the list of winners from previous months, all the submitters from this month, etc., and have not found that information. You have the "Shorts Archive" but I actually have no idea what that is, what time it spans, etc. And not seeing information such as "This are this months selected shorts," I am much less likely to return next month and expect something different. The process itself is also still vague to me... everyone submits, the staff selects 5 (now 6) films and the users vote on them?

Without that kind of information easily accessible I know that I was initially much less likely to submit (in fact, until you posted I had kinda written it off).

I hope I don't sound harsh, I just feel that you guys have a great content and potential, but that you are probably not reaching the numbers of people you could.

Anyway, thanks again for running it and posting here. I will submit.

Christopher C. Murphy
May 10th, 2005, 07:05 AM
Hey, this looks pretty cool!

Also, if you get a chance can you tell Kevin that his DVD of him touring college campus' is the funniest damn thing I've EVER seen or heard in my life!! He's funnier than any comedian I've ever heard...I'm totally serious!


Barry Gribble
May 10th, 2005, 10:26 AM
Yes, ditto on the Kevin DVD. I rolled. I had to watch the Prince story three times.

Christopher C. Murphy
May 10th, 2005, 10:43 AM
Barry, that's my favorite story!! lol