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Dylan Couper
March 29th, 2005, 08:07 PM
WHoops, I saw this too late.

Anthony Gratl
March 30th, 2005, 12:01 PM
Hi all,
I'm an independant filmmaker working out of Toronto on a documentary on activism.
The WTO is holding its annual meeting in Washington DC from April 15-18. Unfortunately I can't be there as I will be in Oregon covering another protest. This will be a very interesting shoot with tons of color and energy and no shortage of intensity!!! Thousands of activists and protestors are expected to be there. I really need an experienced shooter with a DVX100 who would be willing to go and cover the protests in Washington from April 15-18 or part thereof. It will be in 24p letterboxed. I have a very limited budget......tape stock, food, a few bucks. Obviously credit. If I ever show up in Washington, or you come to central Canada, I will buy you beer!!! Maybe even find you a place to stay. At this point the whole film is out of my own pocket so I can't pay day rate or scale. I should add that the protests may get rough, as WTO and G8 protests in the past have proven. Please call me at 647.895.8045 or email me at


Dan Mumford
March 30th, 2005, 10:51 PM
I live on the border of Maryland and Delaware and I'm available for shooting. I've got a decent set-up starting with a new XL-2 w/Anton Bauer battery, Manfrotto MDeVe tripod w/503 head, Frezzi Mini Fill, 2 Azden wireless lavs, wireless handheld, wired handheld, and Azden SGM-2X shotgun, Studio 1 XLR-BP3 Pro audio adapter, a Sony GV-D1000 VTR, a couple sets of Halogen work lights, and, maybe, (I'll know if my bid won on the 31st) a couple of Smith Victor Q-60's. I also have a Honda 3000 watt generator. (quiet sucker) FOr editing I use Adobe Premier Pro or Ulead's Media Studio Pro and Cool 3D Production Suite.

I've done quite a few programs for the local Chamber of Commerce that were aired on PAC 14, our local access channel. Most of these were straight-up shoots of guest speakers, but a couple were event coverage including a Fireman's Muster, a banquet for a past county council member, and a short documentary on the Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art.

I'd like to help on an event shoot, wedding, or short subject film.

I can't do it for free, but I wouldn't charge much, maybe enough to cover expences. Willing to travel, within reason. I can be reached by e-mail or reply to this thread.


Gregory Doi
March 31st, 2005, 08:31 PM
We are planning a DV indie production. Is there anyone in Hawaii that is interested in joining up?

Dan Diaconu
March 31st, 2005, 08:56 PM
I have three image converters on standby, 2XGS200 and a few other cameras and I need two camera operators from Vancouver (in Vancouver) for Saturday and Sunday evening/night.
No pay but plenty of good food and you will get the chance to shoot with the brightest image converters/primes and keep some footage for your demo.
Email me ASAP or call 604-780-1818 if available.
Sorry but experienced only, please.

Lon Breedlove
April 2nd, 2005, 04:09 AM
We're scheduled to start shooting on May 15, and if anyone is in the area and would like to help out in anyway, let me know. We're shooting a feature length and could use an extra set of hands.



Victor Muh
April 2nd, 2005, 06:19 PM
We need a Color Grader and/or a Motion Graphics Artist to work on a 90-second action-sports DV project. The edit of this project can be viewed using the following link:

You can live anywhere and work on this project. Files can and will be sent back and forth using high-speed internet.

There is also an upcoming 52-minute project to work on.

Please send a resume along with links to online samples of your work. Do not send attachments.

Jeff Patnaude
April 5th, 2005, 09:08 AM
We are still looking for a senior editor at our corporate headquarters in Duluth, GA.

Need person with experience on FCP, AE, and Premiere Pro. Good graphical skills, editing skills- at least 5 years experience.

We broadcast weekly on a private DSS satellite channle, tour for live show support
(wrap-up videos , etc.) and prepare promo spots.

Contact Chris Carrol or Pam Tokarz


Vince Asbjornsen
April 5th, 2005, 10:23 PM

Hey, I could do the titles for you, and for no charge. I know how it feels to be poor.

I could do your titles using After Effects and/or 3D Studio Max.

You could either send me a dub of the areas for your project on tape, CD ROM, DVD ROM, etc. Let me know your theme, and what you want.

Plus, I have literally thousands of fonts.

I can be reached at (305) 829-6605 -or-

Also, check out my web site at:

Vince Asbjornsen

Pete Mander
April 6th, 2005, 05:11 PM
We are looking for help in ontario canada for a fan film being shot in the fall.

we are a special fx studio called Kre8tive Epidemic Designs my name is pete mander ( I messed up my last name somehow when I registerd here how do I change this?)

before you quit reading this.. there is some pics and a trailer to see dont judge a book by it cover yet:)

its a 3-4 day shoot for the main climax of this film and have a few comming from the US but the main part is filling costumes. and of couse once everyone is in costume who is left to help the camera guys or other guys running around the background keeping things in order?

Since I am an artist and have a great desire to make a movie ( since the industry hasent noticed) I thought Id make something including my works , more or less a masif portolio of everyone invold. and since i am using fimilar creatures and other costumes and props all altered to our style. I think someone may notice this.

I have a very quickteaser trailer i did in the backyard for a few hours just so people can see the quality of work even though the stuff in the finshed movie will be better and about 20 more of them.. I am new to posting vids online so you will need to email for the video.

This will be a fee film for the internet. a very low budget as we make all the costumes props camera eqipment animatronics etc etc. all we can ofer is a lession in the process of film making and who knows maby we'll meed some people who can help us too. everyone is credided in the film gets a poster a dvd and a prop or two from the sets.

there is too much to explain here so ill leave my email and phone number with some pics ( sometime picture speak louder then words)

email or
Studio number 905 685-3743 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

thanks for your time and look forward to meeting some of you

Pete mander
artist and director

Keith Loh
April 6th, 2005, 05:38 PM
Pete I wish you were in Vancouver I would have loved to help out.

Matthew Nayman
April 7th, 2005, 08:17 AM
Hey, I live in Toronto, and Own an XL2...

Jsut curious for more details...


Jeff Miller
April 7th, 2005, 11:20 AM
I'm down in the states, but a show with two of my favorite movie monsters in it? Holy Smokes

Will you be posting updates anywhere (esp. a better idea of when?)?

Thanks, good luck

- another XL2 driver

Nick Hiltgen
April 8th, 2005, 10:11 AM
Are you still looking for someone?

Jeff Patnaude
April 8th, 2005, 12:05 PM
We've interviewed 2 people so far. I've received a resume from one other person.
Important to let everyone know-- I am NOT involved in the hiring in any way. Our company hasn't posted this job to really get qualified people to apply. I was hoping to help the process.

If anyone is interested, please make a phone call monday April 11th.

Ask for Pam Tokarz, or Norma Richardson. They may or may not be taking resumes (they should though).

If you are qualified- take a shot.
If you dont mind:
Atlanta commuting
corporate woes of work flows

Pete Mander
April 9th, 2005, 04:22 AM
come one come all!:)

we are shooting with two XL1 cams or depending on funds may upgrade to the xl2 by that time , just money is tight for this project and time.

two of my buds are in toronto who are a big part of this project., playing a few parts.

we have freinds comming from florida michagain and NY so far. if you are interested anyone is welcome.

I am new to this will be my first film.


Fred Foronda
April 9th, 2005, 01:25 PM
send me more info please

Brent Marks
April 10th, 2005, 02:41 AM
Producing a weekly tv show in New Orleans...would love help!

Anyone that has some time and would like to help out... I would greatly appreciate it...

Please reply here

Jeff Miller
April 11th, 2005, 07:58 PM
Any details? I'm not in LA but it's cool hearing what people are up to and what oppuritunites are available out there :}

Harikrishnan Ponnurangam
April 12th, 2005, 11:01 PM

I'm Hari. I live in St.Louis downtown. I'm really happy to see the conversations that you and Gary had. To be honest, i don't have any experience in film making. But i have to say that i'm energitic and dedicate myself to help you in your production.

I read most of the books about film making. I'm spending almost 8 hours in reading about different parts of indie film making. Indie is a tough job!!! I'm taking training in FCP HD and also thinking of renting a camera and do a small project. I thougt i was totally alone until i saw you're thread.

Following are the things i'm practising as of now:
Non- Fictional writing
Production coordination
Editing in Final Cut pro HD
Researching on Which camera to buy

I want to learn more on Lighting. Most of the directors out there are talking about how essential lighting is for a project and what kind of film stock to use for different kind of effects. I want to learn more on lighting to get a through understanding of effective cinematography.

Please let me know if you need help of any sort. I will be glad to volunteer. I would also be happy to form a assosciation of some sort.


Andrew Petrie
April 13th, 2005, 01:28 PM
I'm also interested! I live in London but I frequently visit Toronto. Have an XL1S incase you needed a 3rd camera.

Rob Jacobs
April 13th, 2005, 06:58 PM
Looking for a cameraman in Alaska this summer. Prefer someone with outdoors experience. Will be taping several fishing guides in different areas of the state. Job doesn't pay, but it will be a great time and get to do a little fishing as well.

Lisa Heard
April 14th, 2005, 05:35 AM
I know it's a bit naive but I need a job asap and it has to be in the film industry. I quit college after 6 months because they were teaching me 'by the books' and I started losing my creativity. I'm only sixteen and have told my family I will go back to college in September but I want to get a ob so I don't have to. I do nothing during the week and have a Sunday job at a supermarket. As i'm only sixteen I can't drive, I am going to be a film director some day but with no experience on film production I can't practice now and I need some funding. I would jump at the chance of being a runner or something and working my way up- I just need to be given the chance. As there isn't much round here I would be happy to expand my horizons to London (an hour train journey away)!

Please help!!!

Cleveland Brown
April 14th, 2005, 07:00 AM

I am still interested in getting more film makers in this area organized together. It is difficult though, because as you can see, I posted this thread about two months ago and have recieved only a few replies. That tells me two things. One, there are not a lot of people around St. Louis who use these boards, or two, it is likely that they either just don't look in this section or are not interested.

I am writing a screenplay right now that I would like to roll tape on sometime around the first week march, next year. If you are still interested when the time comes, maybe we can work something out.

Harikrishnan Ponnurangam
April 14th, 2005, 07:52 AM

I think there are lot of film makers around st.louis. But they are not visiting this forum. this gives info about lot of film folks.

Regarding your project I'm willing to contribute something to your project. Keep me in loop.


Rhett Allen
April 14th, 2005, 11:34 AM
I guess I don't know how the school system works over there but just out of curiosity, how does one drop out of "College" at the age of 16?
Also, besides the legal limits of working with someone your age (can't even sign a legal contract) one problem you may (will) run into is that there are tens of thousands of people with experience AND a college degree "willing to be a runner and work there way up." The competition is going to be fierce for you. I wish you luck but if I were you I would stay in school and learn what you can while honing your craft AND also trying to get some work.
It's all big and grandiose to think you don't want (or need) to learn "by-the-books" but the reality is, the books are usually right about a lot of things and ALSO, when you get into the "real world", you don't get to make those decisions. It will probably be many years before you get to call the shots, the "client" calls them for you. The sooner you learn that, the better off you'll be because nobody cares that it's cramping your creativity, we've all got problems, that's why you "learn" to deal with it in school.

I didn't mean to lecture you but I just wanted to give you a reality check. You don't just make it in Hollywood by showing up (or asking them to come get you).

K. Forman
April 14th, 2005, 12:49 PM
Jeez Dad... Why don't you just ground her? Just kidding ;) I agree, it's going to be hard, at least it would be over here. But, being British, I have no doubt that they do things a bit different. At least as far as school goes.

Business is business, and experience will get you far. I suggest trying to intern, and work up from there. Learn everything you can, which includes books, magazines, and extra curricular activities here at DVInfo.

Lisa Heard
April 14th, 2005, 01:20 PM
I will say thankyou for your reply but I am not very happy with the content. I don't see the need in you writing that and patronising me. You don't know me and you don't know what my mental age is- I can tell you it's a lot older than my actual age. The school system is extremely different in England. You go to Secondary school up until the age of 15/16 and then have the choice whether or not you go to 6th form college and then university.
I am aware that it will not be easy but I have what it takes to succeed: determination, passion and drive. My favourite director (Quentin Tarantino) dropped out of high school and look how successful he is. He worked extremely hard to get where he is today, maybe even harder than academics.
Thankyou again for your 'reality check' but I don't think I need a pessimistic opinion.

Lisa Heard
April 14th, 2005, 01:25 PM
I would just like to add that I think it quite pathetic that you take time out to criticise people like me, with an ambition. I think it is sad that you take pleasure and satisfaction out of trying to put me down by boosting your own ego. I'm sure you have not fulfilled your ambition because I would know your name- maybe there is some envy in your words...

Matthew Cherry
April 14th, 2005, 01:32 PM
You're my hero.

Where's MY slave? Where's MY whip?

French guys have all the fun!!

Jim Sofranko
April 14th, 2005, 03:24 PM
Our producer is looking for a sound recordist in Dutchess County, NY for week in May. Must be experienced with drama and have equipment. Low budget but paying.

Rhett Allen
April 14th, 2005, 03:57 PM

I was just trying to be realistic. If you were really serious about being some big-time film maker then wouldn't you be doing ANY job you could get and saving money for a camera and just start making films? (instead of only working one day a week)
I can understand "wanting a job in the industry" but let's be realistic, how many 16y/o have you seen on film sets (aside from actors)? Helping out indy's or local productions would be great! Just keep in mind, it's not usually a "full-time" job. Maybe a day or two here and there.
I said that I didn't know how it works over there, didn't you read? Here in the USA you can NOT legally sign a contract (like a contract employment, NDA, service etc.) until you are 18 years old. It doesn't have anything to do with your mental age, it's the law. I know a guy who is very talented and seems pretty committed to his craft but he was only 17 years old (he's 18 now). No matter how much I liked him or trusted him, there was NO way I could be legally protected because he couldn't sign an NDA to work on my clients project. Who do you think I had to use to do the job? I had to hire someone else because the client couldn't/wouldn't risk the exposure.
Oh well, I'm probably wasting my breath here because you've already made up your mind I'm a nobody jerk who just doesn't like you because you're young and only came here to pick on you and beat you down. Get used to it. This isn't a field for those with delicate egos and although you claim to be more mature, it's not really showing right now.

Pete Mander
April 14th, 2005, 09:52 PM
I sent out some emails best to forward me your number or call me at 905 685-3743 this is the studio number I am here 12-14 hours of the day...depending

thanks all for your interest.!


Brent Marks
April 15th, 2005, 10:34 AM
Hi everyone! I need someone to create some cool bumpers

for a weekly tv show I am producing...

Anyone here good with animated, fun, compelling bumpers?


Mick Isdes
April 16th, 2005, 10:39 AM
Bumpers eh? Brent what's your email?

Brent Marks
April 16th, 2005, 11:22 AM
resmedia -at- gmail dotcom

Victor Muh
April 17th, 2005, 12:47 PM
Good, Benjamin. Then you'll be able to read this article where the Minister of the Interior of France, Dominique de Villepin has admitted that, " Rascism is a fact of life in France.":

Le ministre de l'Intérieur Dominique de Villepin, interrogé sur Europe 1 à propos d'un supposé racisme anti-blancs de la part de jeunes Noirs, a estimé dimanche que "la racisme de tout bord est une réalité" en France".
"Malheureusement, le racisme de toute part et de tout bord est une réalité dans notre pays depuis dix ans", a estimé le ministre, invité d'Europe 1, en s'appuyant sur une étude qui lui a été remise récemment.

Diverses personnalités, dont Alain Finkielkraut, Jacques Julliard et Bernard Kouchner, ont dénoncé le 25 mars, dans un appel, des "ratonnades anti-blancs" de la part de jeunes noirs lors de manifestations lycéennes.

Pour lui, "il y a, sur le plan du racisme, inacceptable quelle que soit la situation, un certain nombre de prises de conscience qui créent, aujourd'hui, des frustrations".

Il a indiqué, en se rapportant à un livre récent, qu'"en Afrique, presque 12 millions d'Africains ont été transportés vers les colonies et abusés, sur plusieurs siècles, 17 millions pour ce qui concerne la traite vers le monde Arabe et 14 millions pour ce qui est de la traite interafricaine".

"Tout cela est fort complexe", a estimé Dominique de Villepin, particulièrement "à l'heure où les identités se recherchent et, donc, évidemment, on cherche des boucs émissaires, on cherche quelqu'un contre lequel s'opposer", a-t-il poursuivi.

"Prenons la mesure de phénomènes qui ne sont pas unilatéraux", a souhaité le ministre, pour qui "nous devons être extrêmement vigilants, partout sur notre territoire".

Pour lui, "la seule réponse face au racisme, c'est la République, l'égalité des chances, des droits entre les hommes et les femmes".

Interrogé sur le communautarisme, M. de Villepin a reconnu que "nous constatons aujourd'hui, des comportements qui sont inacceptables. C'est effectivement inquiétant", a-t-il ajouté.

Il a cité le cas, en région Rhône-Alpes, de "deux jeunes femmes issues de l'immigration qui ne peuvent pas aller dans les restaurants du coeur sans cacher les étiquettes des boîtes de conserves qu'elles (ramènent): elles sont obligées de marquer +halal+ dessus", a-t-il expliqué.

"Ce sont là des comportements qui montrent à quel point nous devons être intransigeants, dans notre pays", a ajouté M. de Villepin. "L'effort d'intégration est indispensable, c'est un combat qu'il faut mener au quotidien" a-t-il conclu.


<<<-- Originally posted by Victor Muh :

Finally, who made you such an expert of France and it's culture? -->>>

Err... maybe because I am French. And married with a Taiwanese. I found somebody very obedient and hard worker, perfect for my personal slave. I very seldom use my whip.

I am done here.

John Locke
April 17th, 2005, 01:25 PM
Let's keep on track here and respond to Marcin's orginal post, shall we? And keep in mind that despite all the craziness in the world, we've got some kindred spirits here at who speak a common language. So how about addressing Marcin's original question?


I lived overseas for quite a stretch, and am now back in the States... and I have to say that pretty much "everything" seems more difficult back here. For one, the U.S. is so regulated, it's a nightmare trying to put together a low-budget anything. Plus, there's a sort of "caution/snobbery" here that makes people reluctant to participate in anything unless you've made a box office smash.

I've been wrestling with that. Why on Earth acting students in places outside the major cities wouldn't jump on any viable opportunity to act is beyond me...especially when there are no other opportunities around. They all seem to be holding out for that magical big time opportunity that, let's face it, isn't going to come. The old directors and talent didn't mind have a "history" of footage of them starting out so much (check out Scorcese's beginner films and some famous actor's commercials)... but now the idea seems to be "I was discovered overnight and instantly became a millionaire/superstar"--and anything showing you starting out and stumbling a bit is cause for shame. Strange. I look at it as mighty impressive growth.

From the places overseas that I've lived or spent significant time.. which includes Europe... my impression is that people are more inclined to be supportive of creative endeavors. You won't have the guy demanding a huge payment for his nice red barn to be shown in the background of a shot for 5 seconds, and you won't have beginner actors and crew dictating terms. Just look at the films coming out of the UK and Ireland as examples... small budget, nice, story-driven films. How many of those would ever get made here?

If you're looking to work on someone else's films, then you'll always be at the mercy of location, timing, and chance. But if you're planning to make your OWN films, I'd imagine that you'll have fewer obstacles in Europe and it would simply be up to you at that point.

Of course, everyone will say that Hollywood is where you have to be... but there are plenty of film cultures/markets out there.

Giroud Francois
April 17th, 2005, 02:31 PM
after all , if you are looking for business, stay in USA, where everything is bigger. If you come into europe (except UK, that is often considered by european like another state of USA, from a movie culture point of view) , you will need to switch to another state of mind that takes time and is a frustrating way (including for us, european). It is a way of life and not a business (or so claimed).
On the other hand, if you come the produce something on your own, you will get a slight advantage on the Know-how and if you have the ego and arrogance that european expect from US people, it could be a real asset, since this is often required to drive such project. (but do not forget to add a smile here and there).
The employment situation in europe is the same as in USA (in movie business). You will find many people that are looking for a job, anything that can make their day busy and allow a little income. The only difference is they are hard to find, since the movie industry is not so well organized that in USA , due to many legislation, cultures, languages etc.... (it goes better since europe is existing).
I think the most open country for doing movie is spain or UK.
the most difficult is Italy, very closed.
The most efficient or professional is Germany, but unfortunately, making movie in german is very limitating du to language but they are great distributors.
France is very special and is very complicated (lots of forms to fill for everything) but you get a lot of actors and technician available.
That is why, people are making movies with a mix of different country's ressources.
The good thing is you can get easily money from some state services, even accross several countries. (germany and switzerland for example, are sponsoring many indies movie).

Fernando Maldonado
April 17th, 2005, 03:34 PM
Hey guys, for the next two weeks ill be in boston working on a documentry. And was wondering is anyone had or knew where i could rent a wide angle lens for a xl1/2. Thanks for all your help. -FERNANDO

Christopher C. Murphy
April 17th, 2005, 04:41 PM

If I can help out on your shoot let me know. I live north of Boston. I'll be in Vegas until the 25th, but after that I'm around..

Marcin Tyszka
April 17th, 2005, 05:03 PM
John Locke thanks for trying to actually help me :) . I came to US seven years ago. I will be finishing college in two years ,and I was thinking if I should not go back to Europe. On the other hand I know a lot of film people here in US and I guess going back to Europe would put me on the begining again. I read all of your posts guys and thanks. Some of the posts were not exactly what I was looking for ,but still it is something that maybe we should consider.

Fernando Maldonado
April 17th, 2005, 11:10 PM
yeah man for sure.... email me and ill give you my cell number to call. we will be attending differnt ivy league schools.

Boyd Ostroff
April 18th, 2005, 11:09 AM
I'm posting this for a friend. Please reply directly to Keith using the phone numbers below. Don't contact me as I have no further information.


I am looking for a single shooter w/ Canon XL 1 or equivalent for half day
St Charles MO on either April 29 or 30, Need both hand held and sticks for
shoot , no audio. This is for eventual B roll use of performing arts event.

I will not be able to be there personally but would provide precise
instructions as to what I need shot and how, and then would need masters
sent to me as
soon as possible.

Approximately a half day needed on site, probably no more than two one hour tapes needed as stock

very best,

Keith Arsenault
IAEG - International Arts & Entertainment Group
Tampa, Florida

813 831 3465 Mr. Arsenault's Office
813 205 0893 Mr. Arsenault's Cellular

Chris Trainor
April 18th, 2005, 02:16 PM
Any details? I'm not in LA but it's cool hearing what people are up to and what oppuritunites are available out there :}

Live in BR, am in NO 3-4 times a week.

Email me at and gimme some info!

Stephan Ahonen
April 18th, 2005, 02:35 PM
Hey, I'm a DP in Minneapolis who's shot stuff on the XL1 and I'd love to help out, if you still check this forum. =P

Jeff Patnaude
April 20th, 2005, 01:06 PM
We are a fortune 30 company located in Duluth, Georgia.

We need an audio Tech to record a live speech on either DAT or Mini Disc from a wireless mic.

Must provide reliable, wireless mic, and record deck. Care and attention to detail required.

Please contact me with your information, and I'll forward it to our producer.

Jeff Patnaude EPN-TV / Primerica

jeff dot patnaude at primerica dot com

Thomas Smet
April 21st, 2005, 09:20 AM
I live in the US but my wife in from South Africa and she wants to have a wedding there since her family couldn't make it to the one we had here.

The problem is that I am having a hard time finding somebody there that can offer exactly what I need.

I would prefer somebody who can shoot 2 cameras in HD. The FX1 would be great at 25i.

I wrote a program to convert the 25i HD into 24p frames by shifting the number of frames and adding a 4% audio change.

If I cannot find anybody with HD the next best thing would be 2 cameras with 25p SD. I can still shift this to 24p.

Next down the list would be anybody who could at least shoot simulated 25p footage such as Canon frame mode. This wouldn't be as sharp as true 25p but it would do.

Finally a very high quality 1/2" or 2/3" 25i as a last resort.

I wrote a program just for this purpose to convert the 25i PAL footage into 24p NTSC. What it does is with HD it de-interlaces, scales down with filtering, and maps the exact frames from 25 into 24 and shifts the audio by 4%. With SD it just remaps the framerate and perform de-interlacing if need be.

I figured this would be the best way to do this since I could then edit a 50i SD version for my wife's family, a 24p NTSC DVD version for us and also make a HD version for the future at for either 25i, 25p, 24p, or 30i with pulldown.

All I need is somebody with pro and wedding experience to shoot with 2 cameras all day and give me the raw tapes. Along with your usual fee for doing this sort of thing I will give you a 25i PAL DVD version when I am finished editing so you can use it for demo purposes. If you can make direct digital copies of the raw tapes before I leave the country you can keep the copies of the raw footage to do with as you please. I will be glad to pay your usual price for shooting and editing an event even though I just need somebody to shoot it.

I need somebody around the Johannesburg area of South Africa or somebody willing to travel there.

Oh yeah and this wedding will be towards the end of December on a Friday.

Pete Bauer
April 21st, 2005, 02:05 PM
Moved this thread from XL2 to "Helping Hands."

Please do not cross-post (post the same thing more than once); other copies of this thread in other boards are being removed.

Andrew Alvarez
April 22nd, 2005, 02:01 AM
Cool!!!! N.O. in the house!