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Bob Costa
March 7th, 2005, 06:18 PM
Try here CNN (

Remember that even if someone recorded footage off their TV, you still need to clear it for use.

Cleveland Brown
March 9th, 2005, 02:49 AM
Any of you out and around St. Louis? Camera guys, editors, sound men, lighting, writers, actors, investors or any other aspect. Lets have a meeting. Maybe somewhere downtown or in Soulard. In the spring at some pub. I think it would be a great small gathering to have once a month to encourage film production in St. Louis. Maybe we could invite the mayor. I have read that NYC did something like that. We have ton's of settings both new and old. We heve terrain, history, empty buildings that could be painted to make sets, back yards that look like empty fields, rivers and lakes and wild turkeys. We even got big, harry ass horses pulliing beer wagons around and selling that !@#$ for $7 a can at the game. I am willing to bet that we have a lot of other talented people here.

Drop me a note. Lets all network!

Cleveland Brown
March 9th, 2005, 03:00 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Pal will likely be a problem. We use NTSC here, and most equipment won't play Pal. -->>>

Dude I am not quite sure you know what your are saying. I can scan pal into Windows Movie Maker easier than I could 24p. And pal is much closer to 24p than NTSC. Many independent film makers in the US use pal.

Keith Loh
March 9th, 2005, 04:44 AM
There's no guarantee that the machine they are trying to view the reel in is has PAL. Why take a chance that they don't have it? A studio looking through reels doesn't want to scan someone's demo into a format they can view. They just want to slot it into the 80 dollar VCR or DVD player and skim through it from the couch. Actually sending a VHS tape is still a good idea.

Yohann Kouam
March 9th, 2005, 09:49 AM
anyway like nick said sending reels wouldn´t make much sense for a p.a. position besides it would cost me way too much$$$ as i intend to send my resume to at least 30 companies. in think nick is right might as well show it once i´m hired.(if i'm ever hired, lol)

Yohann Kouam
March 10th, 2005, 12:26 PM
about the cover letter: you always have to write your address as well as the company's, is it a big deal if i don´t write the company's so i can avoid to edit my letter for the 100000 companies i will send my resume to?


Brent Ray
March 10th, 2005, 02:29 PM
I had an uncle who worked in the British film industry as a sound re-recording technician. He worked for Pinewood Studios for many many years. He worked on films like Pink Floyd's The Wall, at least five different James Bond films, Eyes Wide Shut, and a bunch of other ones.

Even with all those films under his belt, he still wished until the day he died that he had the opportunity to move to Los Angeles and work in Hollywood. Unfortunately it never came for him, but it does say something about Hollywood.

Daniel Kohl
March 10th, 2005, 03:36 PM
Unfortunately there is not much going on in the way of features here in Germany. But if the economy here gets better, that could change. The Germans have a lot of lost ground to catch up on. I came here because I thought I saw a lot of potential, it hasn't entirely panned out yet, but I haven't lost hope. But there are a lot of industrial and corporate video jobs. Television programming is also very up an coming.

Nick Hiltgen
March 13th, 2005, 04:43 AM
Hey sorry about the delay in a response I've been shipped out fo the country and only recently made my way back to my computer. I know it's a pain but I think personalizing the cover letter for each company (or at least a few of the one's you're REALLY interested in) is a good idea and worth the extra work. I mean it's really only a matter of rewriting the opening paragraph and maybe copying the second and third for each company you apply to. Also try to find a company that fits you, as that will make writing the cover letter easier and may make your resume stand out better.

Brian Andrews
March 14th, 2005, 10:26 AM

I have a few script ideas for shorts. I'd love to get started making some movies. I don't have any contacts.

Anyone in northern NJ want to team up and make some shorts?

I have consumer-level equipment: Panny GS400 and iMovie or Final Cut Express.

I'm a beginner willing to work with other beginners.

Glenn Gipson
March 15th, 2005, 04:23 PM
I need someone to put beginning and ending tittles over the beginning and ending of my movie. I suppose a program like After Effects would be great for this, but unfortunately, I can’t afford to buy it right now. So would anyone out there be interested in creating tittles for me for a tiny amount of cash?

Dave Perry
March 15th, 2005, 06:11 PM

Have you found someone to do titles for you yet?

My info is below. You can also check out:

Let me know if we can work something out.

Vince Asbjornsen
March 17th, 2005, 07:48 AM
Looking for anyone who wants to collaborate on DV projects and screenplays.

I have a small start up comapny, Aurora Digital Video, which you can check out at:

I have my own NLE and graphics system:

*Avid Xpress Pro
*After Effects
*3D Studio Max
*Scriptware 2.0

I like working on features, documentaries, events, commercials, etc.

You can also contact me at:

Joe Carney
March 17th, 2005, 11:46 AM
Daniel, would you have any problem with getting down to kaiserslautern? (K-town).

Daniel Kohl
March 17th, 2005, 02:17 PM
I'm not sure what you mean.

It is around a two hour car ride from where I am. Is there a reason why I might want to visit K-town?

... Ok got it. I just read back. You are working for Uncle Sam, that means probably at the big o'l base down there. If I can assist you in any way, let me know. K-town is kinda in the boondocks though. If your looking for things to do after the whistle blows, I can't help you much there.

If you want to meet to talk about a joint venture ... tell me when you have time, lets do lunch.

Glenn Gipson
March 17th, 2005, 02:44 PM
I’m looking to build a working relationship with a non-union DP and a non-union Sound Man in the NJ/NY area. I have studied film production at Rochester Institute of Technology and I am about to complete my first feature length film, which will be a direct to DVD release. I make movies for the Urban market. I believe in story boarding whenever possible, and I like for my DP and Sound man to plan out there work as much as possible. Up until now I have been a one man crew, but only out of necessity. This has therefore allowed me to have first hand experience with understanding the challenges of professional motion picture lighting and sound. My next project (if all goes well) wont be in production until the end of this year, but it will pay. If anyone is interested, simply e-mail me. I know this is a long ways off, but I like to do things as early as possible. Thanks!

Danny Natovich
March 17th, 2005, 06:08 PM
We are looking for Las Vegas videographers or NAB visitors with DV and full size cameras to work with us at the NAB show helping demonstrate our products.

Full four days or part time work are possible.

Mail me some background and a full body photo to:

Danny Natovich

Victor Muh
March 17th, 2005, 06:45 PM
I've been in the business (mostly the action sport industry) for some 8 years in France. I can count on one hand how many jobs or projects I've received while my white colleagues (ex-pat Americans included) get choice pickin's. We all know the same people.

I've worked on some projects where I was told that I was expected to offer cheaper pricing because, you know, Chinese labor is cheaper. I wasn't sure if this person was joking or not, but I did get paid peanuts.

I've also been told that I should have connections to cheap services or labor in the Chinese community here in France...

These are isolated incidents. Usually, the French are very discreet.

Why would I get denied permits when I'm paying for them? Why would actors refuse working with me when I'm paying them?

<<<-- Originally posted by Joe Carney : Victor, the same could be said anywhere in the world. But when you made your own films, did anyone hassle you for being Asian?
Did they deny you film permits or anything else? Did actors refuse to work for you? -->>>

Jed Williamson
March 17th, 2005, 10:57 PM

I'd like to take a crack at it.

Are you looking for something very simple or something complex like Se7en?

I'll do it for no charge. If you like it keep it & put me in the credits, if not you can toss it.

Do you have a DVD or VCD of your flick to get an idea of what mood you'd like to set with the titles?

- Jed

Ron Steele
March 18th, 2005, 10:25 AM
We have a job coming up in April and require an experienced and well equipped shooter to do the video work for us.

This is for a training video on a piece of medical equipment for a company in Orange County. We need someone who has a decent camera (an XL2 should be OK), lighting equipment, monitor, tripod etc...

The shoot will probably take a full day (8 hrs) but may go into another day, so it may be about 12 hours.

If you're interested, please email me directly.

Gino Do
March 18th, 2005, 02:32 PM
Available for weddings, corporate projects, events, indie shoots, etc.

No Deposit Necessary on rental as a DP will be available to help out at the shoot as well as take care of the camera.

Contact Gino (408) 887-8809 or by email at ginodo at

Dylan Couper
March 18th, 2005, 02:47 PM
Hey Gino, I'm moving your post to our help wanted/for hire section. Good luck!

Mark Sasahara
March 19th, 2005, 01:39 AM
Hi Glenn,

When did you graduate from RIT? I'm a grad as well, class of 85 and a non-union DP. I can email a resume and equipment inventory.

Brent Marks
March 22nd, 2005, 02:55 PM
Does anyone happen to know where I can get aerial footage of New Orleans?

thanks for your time

Rusty Williams
March 22nd, 2005, 03:48 PM
Hi, Folks...

On April 9th, I'm shooting the final footage for my feature "One Last Kill" in Johnstown, NY. Another guy from the boards here, Mike Cavanaugh, is helping me out with the shoot.

Mike and I were discussing technical aspects today. While Mike is much more well-versed than me, neither of us specialize in sound, and that's our main obstacle.

So, I'm coming here to ask if any of you sound guys in the area might be willing to help out my No-Budget production?

I realize I'm offering a helluva deal: A long day for no pay; but I'm hoping someone might be willing to come along for a good time.

Of course, you would get a full screen credit and access to our day's delicious menu (Dunkin' Donuts, Coffee, Sandwiches, etc.). And I would, of course, be glad to return the favor at any time you need. (I shoot with a GL-2, and I have EXTENSIVE background in front of the camera should you need acting talent.)

All we would need is for you to grab the sound for us. The location is a warehouse, and the activity would be in a VERY limited area.

I have very decent industry contacts from many years in screenwriting, so the finished product will have every opportunity to get picked up for distribution at some level.

You can check out the background of the movie at

If anyone is interested, please respond here or email me at the address linked to or at

Thanks a lot!


Luis Caffesse
March 22nd, 2005, 06:19 PM
You may want to try contacting the Louisiana Film Commission (

They may have information or resources for that sort of thing. If they don't have aerial footage themselves, they may be able to point you in the right direction.

Jed Williamson
March 23rd, 2005, 09:04 AM
Could you use still photos & use the ken burns effect to create motion similar to Mystic River's opening?

Tommy Haupfear
March 23rd, 2005, 09:59 AM
I'm in Greenville and I have an FX1, VX2000, and a capable editing suite.

I'm ready to get my feet wet with business or entertainment projects.

Drop me an email if interested.

Drew Bienemann
March 24th, 2005, 03:45 PM
Im looking for somebody in or around vancouver BC. I know this is short notice, but i really need a 3x wide angle or a wide converter for saturday!!!! I am willing to give you some sort of collateral, and also a rental fee (be reasonable, no more than $40). It is for one day of shooting, and Ill give it right back, good as new. I know what i am doing and take awsome care of all my camera equipment. Plaese, someone contact me. Again, sorry for the short notice. Also, the reason i couldnt rent is because the two places I went would'nt let me due to the fact Im an american citizen (im up here for film school). Please, take a chance.

Drew Bienemann

Brent Marks
March 25th, 2005, 03:01 AM
No, sorry... I am not...

Glynda Freeman
March 25th, 2005, 07:28 AM
I three contract that I need to do. One is for a birthday party (photography) and the others wedding (photography and video). I want to know where I could go to get a sample contract.


Jeff Miller
March 25th, 2005, 12:16 PM
Hello from north county...!

For a few more months I'm swamped with helping in a DV feature, shooting documentary for said feature, and editting. Once that cools off I'm for this. Or does something similar exist?

Cleveland Brown
March 25th, 2005, 07:59 PM
Not really but we could make one. I am writting a few scripts at present. Just got some new toys so I can do 24P stuff. Let me know.


Gary McClurg
March 25th, 2005, 09:25 PM
Maybe you guys can move to Springfield. Just moved here myself from what used to be sunny Southern California.

Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 03:04 AM

While moving further away from the big city I grew up in (Los Angeles) sounds like a wonderful idea, I don't think there is quite as many opportunities there as there are here. Real Estate isn't much cheaper than here and pay is not compensitory. For instance, if I were to move to D.C., L.A. or San Fran, the pay increase would no where near cover the cost of living increase. Inversely, If I were to move to Springfield MO, the drop in cost of living would not compensate for the lowered pay scale.

Now all joking aside, it is a very nice offer. How about you move over here so we can make some real movies? Hollywood used to make movies about St. Louis without ever stepping foot in Missouri. How about making a true Hollywood style production without ever stepping foot in California? Which by the way, is extremely beautiflul but as of now, I have no way of being able to afford living there. But some day I will be able to afford that beach house somewhere. Like I said, lets invite the mayor. I am not joking about that.

Gary McClurg
March 26th, 2005, 07:25 AM

I understand about costs.

The last two features I've line produced we've shot in upstate New York. The reason costs. Plus they bend overbackwards because they want you there.

California, forget it. I love the state, locations, weather, but for example my acreage in California, the county wanted $25,000 just for permits to build a house.

In upstate New York, I paid a $1 for state and county locations and that was because the insurance company said I had to pay something for coverage.

I'm hoping Missouri will be the same.

Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 11:33 AM

One, Welcome to Missouri. Two, "It's frikin cold in here Mr. Bigglesworth." And three, the personal property tax is kind of annoying. But, you won't really notice that for the first round of car registrations. It basically raises that cost. If you chose not to drive, you wouldn't need to register a car thus wouldn't have to pay that tax. Other than that it's still much cheaper to live in the midwest. For now!

OK, now on to why we're on the forum. What is the difference between produced and line produced? Would it be possible for you to tell me a little more about what you did on those films? I am very curious because I want to learn.

I am in the process of doing the ground work for a feature film. I am compiling the information for the movie proposal. Writing the treatment and script myself. I plan on rolling tape on it sometime around the first week of March 2006. I like the way the trees look this time of year. In three weeks they will all look very different. Plus it gives me time to get all of the other stuff together. Oh yea, this is a totally inde film. We'll be using the Canon XL2 and XL1 with an FS-4. That will allow us to record in 24p using the image from the XL1. Editing on 2 Powermac G5's with FCPHD. I'm going to a class in Austin next month to see the whole transfer to film print process. If it's shot and edited in 24p/16:9, the transfer to 35mm should look pretty good.

Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 11:57 AM

Or just go to google and search for "stock footage".

They use stock footage in a lot of films. If you watched "The Day After Tomrrow", you can see a lot of stock footage on the news clips. Much of the flooding footage like the house floating down the river is from the floods in Missouri and the midwest during the summer of 93.

Gary McClurg
March 26th, 2005, 12:01 PM

It's basically the producer in charge of production, but with not much creative control. No script approval, no talent approval, etc.

For example on one film the directors where actress and sisters (don't think I'll ever work with co-directors again let alone sisters) who where in the business for 10 years but always in front of the camera.

They had never been behind the camera. So I broke down the script, budgeted the film, hired the crew and made sure that hopefully nothing went wrong.

The secret to doing a good job is pre-production, pre-production and pre-production again. A joke is, if you find the line producer sleeping in the motor home during the shoot he did his job right.

It's just doing the day to day chores, basically a manager.

Now on this film I carried the film into post, which was over seeing the editing, sound mixing, etc. to get the film cut and done.

The amazing thing it ended up a great film even though the directors fought like... like sisters.

On this film I ended up getting a co-producer credit and the main sister will tell people privately I produced the film. Which is the truth.

Well, going to go die easter eggs with my nieces if you have anymore questions just ask.


Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 12:32 PM

Thanks for the feedback. Is there a chance you would be interested having a discussion in the near future? This is my first feature. I have a lot of experience behind the camera in various roles including directing news and other short spots, but never on something this big. Success is my only option because I can't afford to fail. That means that it has to be done right the first time. Production schedules, actors, crew, legal, investors, marketing, and distribution etc.

I can't do all of it myself and it would be really nice to at least have some guidence from someone with your experience.

Brent Marks
March 26th, 2005, 02:53 PM
i dont see any of new orleans, where did you find it on that site

Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 04:34 PM

Try this site. Like I said before you can go to Google and search for stock footage or try Stock Footage-New Orleans and look for sites that way.

There are several companies that provide stock footage as package bundles. Some of them will even give you a deal where you can download whatever you need from them. However, most of them also will give you various CD or DVD sets with a very wide range of shots. They may cost a few hundred dollars but believe me when I tell you that it is cheaper to get some footage that way than it is to actually shoot them yourself. For instance aerial photography will cost you a minimum of $100 an hour for a small airplane and pilot. I used to take people up for that very thing when I was flight instructing years ago. The prices of aircraft rentals have gone up quite a bit since then. Helicoptors start out at about three times as much for a little two seater Robinson and go up to $500 to $600 an hour for a Bell Jet Ranger. So $300 and hour vs $100 an hour for shots of one city may not be quite as economical as paying $500 for a bundle of CD's with arials from all over the world. Cities, mountains, deserts, farms and fields. Anything you get from these companies is yours to use in any way you want. For ever! I am doing a movie in the St. Louis area and will do the same when it comes time to edit the thing.

Gary McClurg
March 26th, 2005, 06:31 PM

Would have posted sooner but it still had my old email address. So when I updated it wouldn't let me answer.

Sure, I'm free to answer questions.


Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 07:23 PM

That's good to hear. For now I am focusing on finishing the script and getting it copywrited. Once I finish that, I will get in touch with you. I am doing my best to write at least a few pages a day. At that rate I sould be able to finish in a month or two. Depending on the rewrite and editing.

My email is or

Gary McClurg
March 26th, 2005, 07:36 PM
Sounds good.

To me story is king.

One of my favorite sayings is.

You can make a bad movie from a great script. But you can't make a great movie from a bad script.

Cleveland Brown
March 26th, 2005, 07:51 PM
I can't agree with you more. I'm working on a really good one right now and I have my next four already swirling around in the old nogen. Non of them are something I have seen before. I figure that should give me something to do for the next 20 years. Sorry if I don't want to divulge too much information about it right now but I have no doubt you understand. I just want to make movies and the only way I see to do it is to do it.

Benjamin Durin
March 29th, 2005, 07:01 AM
I don't want to pollute this post but Victor's posts give the impression that you can't work in France if you're not white and I can't watch this without writing something.
Yes, there is racism in France. But where in the world is there not ?
The "jokes" you have been told show that you dealt with less than subtle people.
I also believe that if you want to work in the movie industry in France, you better come from a known school and/or have connections. Otherwise, good luck !
The French people are very protective of their culture ? True, and I think they are right.
Are they xenophobic for other cultures ? Absolutely not. Go and visit the museums in Paris and you will find an impressive number of different cultures exposed. And I don't think there is another city in the world than Paris where you can see movies from so different countries. This week 14 movies were released in France. 7 American, 4 French, 1 Irish, 1 Vietnamese and 1 German. Next week you will have Polish, Romanian, Korean and Brasilian movies. And guess what, in 2 weeks you can discover Russian, Japanese, English and Italian movies. And it is like that every week (more or less).
Well, I will not bother you anymore but, Victor please, find something else than "because I am not white", especially in this industry.

Sans rancune et bonne continuation.

Yohann Kouam
March 29th, 2005, 07:54 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Benjamin Durin : I don't want to pollute this post but Victor's posts give the impression that you can't work in France if you're not white and I can't watch this without writing something.
Yes, there is racism in France. But where in the world is there not ?
The "jokes" you have been told show that you dealt with less than subtle people.
I also believe that if you want to work in the movie industry in France, you better come from a known school and/or have connections. Otherwise, good luck !
The French people are very protective of their culture ? True, and I think they are right.
Are they xenophobic for other cultures ? Absolutely not. Go and visit the museums in Paris and you will find an impressive number of different cultures exposed. And I don't think there is another city in the world than Paris where you can see movies from so different countries. This week 14 movies were released in France. 7 American, 4 French, 1 Irish, 1 Vietnamese and 1 German. Next week you will have Polish, Romanian, Korean and Brasilian movies. And guess what, in 2 weeks you can discover Russian, Japanese, English and Italian movies. And it is like that every week (more or less).
Well, I will not bother you anymore but, Victor please, find something else than "because I am not white", especially in this industry.

Sans rancune et bonne continuation. -->>>


Yohann Kouam
March 29th, 2005, 05:14 PM
besides your movie "the chinese shoe" got some quite good reviews in france didn't it?

Joe Carney
March 29th, 2005, 07:55 PM
>>If you want to meet to talk about a joint venture ... tell me when you have time, lets do lunch.<<

Daniel, I'm civilian contractor, not military. I'll know next week for sure if I'm going. I've been wanting to get back to Germany since I lived there a while ago. I love the culture, the people and it's beautiful. The cities are clean and you can drink the water :). The rent is not near as bad as here in the Washiington DC area, even with the lousy dollar/euro exchange rate. Yes I know kaiserslautern is sort of the boondocks, but thats not too bad either. I plan to live well away from the American area. I'm not going over there just to experience other Americans.

So if you mean it, and I get there, yes...Lets do lunch, my treat, besides I would rather go up to Frankfurt and visit their. Sorry if my Deutsch is a little rusty.

Victor, only you can say what really happened. I beleive you when you say there is discrimination, just wish things were better for you.
I disagree that Xenophobia is a good thing. It causes implosion and slow death, not preservation. Fortunately the french people have a knack for deciding for themselves what is good and what isn't, in spite of govt cultural edits and lame laws.

If I make it to Germany, maybe we can get together and talk movies. I'll be about 300 miles (or less) from Paris, not much if I take a fast train. Have you ever heard of Jon Jost? I hope to hook up with him while there too. He recently shot 2 movies set in Paris and is selling the DVDs direct. One of them involves french/american relationships before they chilled.

Unfortunately, if I get the chance to do filming, I have to work for free because of SOFA (Status of Forces Agreements) with Germany. But participate I will. Hope there are some Vegas users over there.

I already own a PAL cam.