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Victor Muh
February 6th, 2005, 07:18 AM
I've been living in Paris for the past 4 years. Never got a gig on a french film or been hired by a French company. Maybe it's because I'm American. Maybe it's because I'm not white. Who knows.

I'm always the one hiring people, otherwise, I'd just be sitting at home. The French are always ready to take money from me.

Victor Muh
February 6th, 2005, 07:26 AM
I am looking for an editor in Paris to edit an hour-long extreme sports video.

The video is one hour of eye candy set to music. I'm looking for an editor with a stylish, hip and out-of-the-box way of working extreme sports imagery and graphics. It's probably better if you've never worked with extreme sports imagery. I prefer someone who's had more experience with music videos or commercials.

This is a paying gig.

Patrick Jenkins
February 7th, 2005, 11:04 AM

I'm getting married Dec. 2, 2005 and I'm looking for a videographer/cam operator for the wedding. Wedding videographer experience is helpful but anyone who can shoot a good documentary is preferred. My fiancé and I would like to shoot a Christopher Guest style wedding mockumentary to ultimately edit into a (personal - friends and family) short film. No editing required, gear is supplied (HD1/HD10 - I'd like to have the 720p inspite of some of the cameras disadvantages). I'll be doing a lot of prep shooting so basically I'm looking for someone to continue with the camera while I'm doing the whole 'getting married' bit. The wedding is still roughly 10 months away so details are being worked out. Probably 4-6 hours, paying gig ($, food, etc), transportation can be worked out to/from, but pref. someone in the Balt/DC/Annap. area.

Email me at patrick at sunscapeweb dot com. I'm very flexible about everything (nothing's set in stone at this point - just the idea ;)).


Tim Oneil
February 8th, 2005, 07:49 PM
Anyone around houston want to help edit an outdoor show intended to be shown on the rfdtv channel.... we have the footage and studio 9 plus, just need some part time me.......tim

Greg Jacobson
February 9th, 2005, 03:31 AM
I sold my marketing biz last year and took some time off to travel and now am getting back to being a fully functioning, contributing member of society. :)

I have actually participated in a few productions recently and now I am getting my Z1 this week. I have already used the FX1 for 5 days for an event last month.

I don't have much experience obviously so not expecting to get hired. At this point I just want to "be invloved" in some way. So if you need another camera or some help then hit me up. One option would be to just pay me a rental fee for the camera and you can operate it while I help out in other ways if you like.

I also have some Kino Flos, wireless, handheld, and lav mics if that helps.

Shoot me a mail to

BTW, I am in Santa Monica


Mark Kubat
February 9th, 2005, 04:47 AM
Okay, I hate to play matchmaker... but James Hurd who posts here a lot under the "Alternative Imaging" forum is developing an adapter system to fit 35mm SLR lenses on vid cameras. Here's currently testing with his own DVX-A and has hinted he'd like to try out his system with Sony FX1/Z1... He's in Southern California - why not check out his posts and maybe you guys can hook up?

I'd try to encourage other Southern Cal. Sony HDV'ers to consider the possibility as well.

Having tested the cam in Vegas and Premiere Pro both with Magic Bullet, I'd say the only thing left for Sony HDV'ers looking for the "film look" is some sort of DOF capability...

Magic Bullet gives it the right "color"
and deinterlacing in Prem. Pro and exporting as progressive via Mainconcept Mpeg-pro HD gives it "film cadence"

Now some decent system (without paying through the nose for p+s technik) for DOF will complete the puzzle.

Oh, I'm not trying to start another "film vs. video" debate here, guys... pls. don't flame me.

I'm just trying to help Greg out - seems like he's keen to work on something interesting - well, maybe this could be cool...

Wish I was in sunny Cawl-eee-four-nya, as your Governor would say...

George Denson
February 9th, 2005, 07:59 AM
Hi everyone. I am in hurry up and wait mode from the heads in New York/NJ film commsion. I will let you know how it goes.

Shannon Rawls
February 9th, 2005, 01:24 PM

I have added you to my palm, and will email you when projects come up (2 per month on avg). I have a Z1 and always like to shoot double camera.

Add me to your phonebook by clicking here:

and monitor the BeOut! website also,


Christopher C. Murphy
February 9th, 2005, 03:25 PM
Hey Shannon, I just checked your IMDB. Guess what? I was born on June 12th, 1972! I'm 72 hours older than you!

Bob Benkosky
February 10th, 2005, 09:22 PM
I am shooting a movie in the West Palm Beach, FL area. It's a short movie and I could use a boom mic operator for starters. Anyone have another GL2 and a tripod that wants experience and credit for helping on a movie, that would be good too. Movie is horror based but more like realistic horror not slasher type. Email if you want to work on a film.

You will get a copy of the film on DVD if you help me with any part of it. I might need a expert in After Effects to create small digital effects later on if you are really good.

I want a reflection of video footage to be seen in the eye of who is watching the film. Stuff like that. For this, you don't need to live close. We can just exchange the footage. Close would be better, but oh well.

Can't pay.....I'm broke. Not even the actors are getting paid. They just want the experience.

Brent Marks
February 14th, 2005, 07:40 PM
Is anyone needs any help...

I am based in New Orleans


Jun Tang
February 17th, 2005, 05:21 PM
Hey Jonathan and Richard!
anything like that in the LA area?

Terry Taravella
February 18th, 2005, 06:54 PM
Hi Brent, are you any relation to Stacy or Suzy Marks in New Orleans?

Terry T.

Dogus Aslan
February 19th, 2005, 08:13 PM
hi ganag,

i am need in a knowledgable person who knows how to place lenses, knows about focal distances and prisms. shortly an optic engineer...

i have a project and the last step is that person.


Jun Tang
February 21st, 2005, 05:22 PM
I live in the greater LA area. I own my own DVX100A, Premiere Pro 1.5, and I just order a Lowell 4DP light kit.

More order on the way.

If you need help on some of your shoot, e-mail me

Bill Hooper
February 22nd, 2005, 01:27 AM
A friend of mine is from London and he moved out to LA. He said that there is nothing going on there (other than the BBC). He shot his short film there (just finished film school) and he had to hire a full professional crew - guys that worked on some big features - simply because there weren't many non union crew guys at all.

But that's just what he told me. I don't know firsthand. I guess it depends on what exactly what you want to do, but as far as opportunities, come out to LA!

Jon Turner
February 22nd, 2005, 05:02 AM
Are you a director? Film opportunities in england are the same as they are anywhere else for independent filmmakers - you have to create your own opportunities.

However, if you are looking to join a big production as cameraman/DP, the big studios are always producing something over here, and Greater London is probably the place to be, though I should think there's less opportunities than LA (but maybe less competition as well).

Bruce S. Yarock
February 22nd, 2005, 07:24 AM
Email your number to me at I'd like to talk to you about your project.
Bruce yarock

Yohann Kouam
February 22nd, 2005, 08:41 AM
lots of stuff going on in paris, but doens t depend on your nationality or color of skin but like anywhere else on your talent.
of course the language barrier can be a disadvantage...

Yohann Kouam
February 22nd, 2005, 08:43 AM

i'd like to do an internship in a film production company in the states this summer. would it make sense to mention that i made a few shorts on my resume since this internship would be about "production"?


David Yuen
February 22nd, 2005, 01:30 PM
The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) ( seeks an accomplished and creative videographer to direct and produce a 15- or 20-minute videotape/DVD that explains -- in emotional and educational terms -- the horrors of marijuana prohibition and the need to end it.

Application deadline: March 8, 2005

Rob Lohman
February 23rd, 2005, 04:31 AM
Bill: since you don't show your e-mail I'll ask this in this thread:
how did your friend move from London to LA? Since the US have
a very strict immigration policy I'm interesting to know how he
made the move. If you want you can e-mail me at the address
in my signature below.

Victor Muh
February 23rd, 2005, 05:07 AM
I've lived 8 years in France. I speak fluent French.

Sure there's lots of stuff going on in Paris... if you're French, and possibly white. It helps to be from a family with connections, too.

<<<-- Originally posted by Yohann Kouam : lots of stuff going on in paris, but doens t depend on your nationality or color of skin but like anywhere else on your talent.
of course the language barrier can be a disadvantage... -->>>

Michael Best
February 23rd, 2005, 12:28 PM
Hi - shooting a concert on Saturday March 5, have sold my second camera and was looking to see if anybody close enough had one meaning a Canon XL1s - or XL1, or something similar for use or rental.

Charles Papert
February 23rd, 2005, 05:15 PM
Instant Films (, a three-year old production company based at the LA Center Studios in downtown LA, is looking for a local freelance editor to cut a series of short promos for a new venture. Must be FCP 4.5 proficient and have some serious skills pulling clean green screen mattes from DV source material. There is pay, depending on experience level and scope of work to be done (per project basis).

Please send emails with resume and links to your work online (if available) to, and make a note that you are responding to this posting on the

Gino Do
February 23rd, 2005, 10:17 PM
willing to rent out their camera this Sat. for $100 a day?

Adam Burtle
February 24th, 2005, 03:15 AM
Ron, i'm located in Las Vegas, and depending on my shoot schedule, i may be able to accomodate you. Do you have exact dates?

Ron Edwards
February 24th, 2005, 08:00 AM
Thanks for the reply. The wedding is May 14, 2005. You can contact me at:


Joe Carney
February 24th, 2005, 02:07 PM
Victor, the same could be said anywhere in the world. But when you made your own films, did anyone hassle you for being Asian?
Did they deny you film permits or anything else? Did actors refuse to work for you?

The French are pretty protective (maybe overprotective) of their job market. For all their culture, they tend to be one of the most xenophobic people on earth, almost as bad as the Japanese. But for all their warts, they love and appreciate film like no others.

But like you said, if you have money, they, just like Disney, love you vewy vewy much.

btw, there is a chance I might make it over to Germany to work (doing software stuff for good ol Uncle Sam..). I would like to hook up, even if I have to take a train to Paris. I'll know for sure in March. I've talked to several Germans who would be interested in pooling talents for making an independent feature. I assume the Germans and French are finally getting along?

btw Marcin... you never said where in Europe you are from?

Leo Zheng
February 24th, 2005, 02:54 PM
any more details? time? equipment? etc.

Jesse Bekas
February 27th, 2005, 11:34 AM

List anything you have done production wise, whether it was on one of your own productions or somebody else's. But if it was work on your own project, don't list every single job you might have covered. Just list a few broad ranging duties, art direction, direction, cinematography, etc...

Nick Hiltgen
February 27th, 2005, 12:33 PM
This is strictly opinion so please take it as such, but if you're thinking about being a "production intern" it might be a better idea to apply as a p.a. then you at least can get a couple of bucks. If you want to be an "intern" it might be better to apply to some sort of development, pre, or post position, as those are the areas that seem to last the longest. and are usually looking for interns.

That being said interning at The Shooting Gallery was one of my most memorable and favorite experiences and tought me more about film preproduction and production company inner workings then any class at school ever could.

Yohann Kouam
February 27th, 2005, 07:01 PM
nick i may sound like a complete idiot to you but:

what's a p.a.?

what do you mean by applying to some sort of development, pre or post position?

what's the shooting gallery?

thanks for your recommandations

K. Forman
February 27th, 2005, 07:05 PM
P.A. is Production Assistant... Gopher... whatever you want to call it. The person that does what needs to be done, for one of the crew who is too busy to do it themselves ;)

Usually low paying, but better than intern credits.

Yohann Kouam
February 28th, 2005, 05:03 AM
ok i've done twice but the thing is that i also need credits for college. i intend to send a reel, is it a problem if i send a PAL dvd?


K. Forman
February 28th, 2005, 06:07 AM
Pal will likely be a problem. We use NTSC here, and most equipment won't play Pal.

Colin Bishop
February 28th, 2005, 11:07 AM
Firstly, I'd like to say hello to all you fellow HD10 users
out there - I think I'm still one of the only people
in London, UK actually using it.

I'm almost done shooting a feature on the JY-HD10u here
in London which is set half in London and half in Los Angeles.
And you've guessed it...I've run my budget dry when all I have left to shoot is my L.A. 2nd unit exteriors and plates. begging, pleading question is this:

Is there a L.A. based (or nearby) owner of an HD10u who would be prepared to do some Stanley Kubrick-type remote shooting for me of some particular exteriors and some still plates for my remaining shots. I am willing to pay for any tapes used and shipping costs and of course - you'll get a additonal photography credit. Also - I would of course return the favour in anyway I could.

I know it's a bit of a wacky request but I figure this is the only place anyone can help me. shoot the footage with
a matched look.

if you're interested the IMDB page for my film is here...

thanks for looking and if anyone is interested I've had
a bunch of shots transferred via Yukon onto 35mm.

Matt Willson
February 28th, 2005, 02:47 PM
I think I can help you out. I live in LA, Hollywood to be exact, have a HD1 and about a years experience using it. Kubrick's style is close to my heart so I believe I could pull off what you're looking for. You can check out some of my recent work at If it matters I got a degree in Media Arts at the University of South Carolina and have experience shooting non-music related content as well. Feel free to contact me at

Gerald Godbout
March 1st, 2005, 11:12 AM
Does anyone know of a rental house that rents the XL2 in Orlando FL... I found some in FT Lauderdale and Miami but none in Orlando... Need Help In This...

Thanks In Advance..

Nick Hiltgen
March 2nd, 2005, 08:31 PM
Yohann Keith is right. Occasionally you'll find one or two places that are willing to give you a little bit of a stipend AND intern credits, or you mght be able to find a nice production coordinator who's willing to pay you and jsut write that the whole thing was an internship. Pre-production is usually what leads up into production. A typical production assistant on a film will be involved with this. That is an office production assistant. A set production assistant will work on set and usually only during production. A post production assistant will help out the editors usually digitizing and maybe doing a rough cut if you're really lucky. A development "P.A." is usually an intern who works or a production company, they would be in charge of making sure the office is supplied with needed items (paper, coffee, etc.) and occasionally doing coverage (reading scripts and writing a synopsis) for the people who work for the people who make the decisions. Your best route is to figure out which one of these fields interest you the most, and then check or as a last resort craigslist and try to find something that matches your interests. Best of luck!

The Shooting Gallery was an awesome production company that had a few small problems that caused it to get closed down in 2001 many of the people who worked there spread out to other companies in New York and L.A. I ws lucky enough to work there as an intern during which time they moved me up to an intern coordinator. The amount I learned in three months there eclipsed all that I learned about the pre-production process in college.

Nick Hiltgen
March 2nd, 2005, 08:32 PM
Charles are you still looking for the FCP editor? I'm sorry I missed you at the brewery thing last month.

Charles Papert
March 2nd, 2005, 09:55 PM
mebbe, mebbe not Nick...we might have someone. you're fulltime these days, though, right?

Yohann Kouam
March 3rd, 2005, 07:03 AM
thanks nick, things are much clearer to me now. the truth is if a coordinator can write the whole thing as an internship then i'm willing to take any position. i collected a few addresses in nyc but i only got major companies contacts, and of course my chances are higher in an independent one. any idea where i could get a directory of all companies in NYC?
one more thing: i'm also a photographer and i would definitely be down for a set photographer position, shall i mention it on my cover letter or would it sound too sketchy?


Nick Hiltgen
March 3rd, 2005, 06:01 PM
Charles, I am in fact full time (for the time being, but it's freelance fulltime so make of that what you will) it was more for a friend of mine who's a pretty rockin' FCP editor and I know is looking to get involved with some professional types such as yourself. His name's Scott Whitman and he's just wrapping an avid gig, I'll have him ship his info over just in case, but I wanted to give you the heads up.

Nick Hiltgen
March 3rd, 2005, 07:09 PM
Hmm I don't know fi I could be too much help with the whole cover letter thing, I basically jsut sent an e-mail to the shooting gallery and told them that I'd met their president (he came to speak at my college) and that I'd love to come intern for them and shine shoes or whateve rthey needed to have done. They werent' super strict on getting free labor so after a couple of phone calls it was all good.

As far as the set photographer goes I would suggest doing that free lance once you get into the states there will be plenty of people looking to have a set photographer and some may even pay for it.

I think a good starting point may be or try and browse to the NYC section. Now is the best time to get on it for summer internships. The whole Production Coordinator thing will have to be a play it by ear sort of thing, because I'm sure there are some people who may not be cool with doing it (though personally I can't imagine why) good luck and remember to be really persistant, as it's difficult to turn down free eager labor.

David Mintzer
March 3rd, 2005, 09:15 PM
I need a soundman with kit for a one hour interview in the Baltimore area on March 21st. 400 dollars with equipement, 300 dollars using mine. Drop me a line with the contents of your kit and I will get back to you pronto.

Yohann Kouam
March 6th, 2005, 01:29 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Pal will likely be a problem. We use NTSC here, and most equipment won't play Pal. -->>>

yeah i know the thing is i think it would be weird for a serious production company not to own a dvd player that can play both ntsc and pal, a friend of mine even got one that can play both... so anyone got an idea?

Jesse Bekas
March 6th, 2005, 03:03 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Yohann Kouam : <<<-- Originally posted by Keith Forman : Pal will likely be a problem. We use NTSC here, and most equipment won't play Pal. -->>>

yeah i know the thing is i think it would be weird for a serious production company not to own a dvd player that can play both ntsc and pal, a friend of mine even got one that can play both... so anyone got an idea? -->>>

We don't have a PAL tv or DVD player where I work, but we do have computers...they should play anything, right?

Nick Hiltgen
March 7th, 2005, 12:10 AM
Yohann while I think a reel is great, it's more then likely not necessary for a p.a. or intern position. You might be better off submitting a cover letter and resume etc. and then when you do get accepted to a production company (and I assure you it will happen eventually) show someone your reel while you're there. Reels of things while having a good impact tend to have a much better impact in person, plus you'll save a boat load on postage on something that will more then likely be thrown away (not a critique on your work just a statement of how these things are typically handled)

Allan McCall
March 7th, 2005, 04:16 PM
We're doing a DV film set during the build-up to the war in Iraq and need some archival TV footage and audio of George W. Bush. Specifically, video of Bush before the war commenting about "preemptive action, " and weapons of mass destruction, such as at a press conference or in a speech. Second, audio of Bush's March 2003 address in which he announced the start of the war. In both cases, this material will appear within scenes, being viewed on TV and heard on the radio by characters within the film. To learn more about our project, visit our website:
