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Bruce S. Yarock
August 24th, 2005, 03:24 AM
i think the guy you are talking about is Keith Foreman. I haven't met him, but would like to make contact. I'm down in Pembroke Pines. I have to go up to Sebastian next week, so I couild do it also.Give me a call if you want.
Bruce Yarock
954-610-4325 cell

Bob Costa
August 24th, 2005, 06:46 AM
Yep, thanks. Keith and I are talking now.

Jerry Porter
August 24th, 2005, 11:08 AM
Not sure this is the appropriate place for this, if not sorry and I'll understand if it gets shut down. But I have been looking around for a little while and don't see any listing for voice talent. I guess, why would you it's a video forum? Anyway to the point I do them, own my own studio, (AKG 414BLU mics, Mackie board, etc...) I'm also a videographer, that's how I found this board. So if anyone would like a demo emailed to them for thier Rolodex just let me know at or 336 420 9490. Again sorry if this was inapropriate.

Greg Boston
August 24th, 2005, 11:39 AM
Not inappropriate at all. That's what the helping hands forum is about. We have another individual here, Ty Ford, who is very involved with audio and voice-overs. The 'Now Hear This' forum is where you'll find all the audio discussion going on.

We hope you'll do more than advertise your services and participate in the forums as this place is all about helping others via information interchange.



Jerry Porter
August 24th, 2005, 12:38 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm just finishing my first project with the new Z1, Aspect HD/PP1.5.1 set up and have found some things that gone very well and very .... well.... not so well. So as soon as I can get a grip on how to explane the pitfalls and success. I'll get it out. Right now I've found this place to be an amazing resource and hope that I will be able to contribute to that wealth.

Greg Boston
August 24th, 2005, 12:52 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I'm just finishing my first project with the new Z1, Aspect HD/PP1.5.1 set up and have found some things that gone very well and very .... well.... not so well. So as soon as I can get a grip on how to explane the pitfalls and success. I'll get it out. Right now I've found this place to be an amazing resource and hope that I will be able to contribute to that wealth.

I was also requesting that you share your audio expertise with others in the audio forum I mentioned in my above post. ;-)


Chayan Alavi
August 25th, 2005, 05:43 PM
I am in dire need of isolated locations in the southern California area. Even if it’s a dirt road going to nowhere we can use it to shoot our louder more disruptive scenes; also warehouses and buildings with either daily or month-to-month rentals. If anyone has any ideas or advice let me know. It is greatly appreciated.

Jason Chang
August 25th, 2005, 06:35 PM

Check out the LA Or the San Diego Film Commissioner's Office. They have tons of locations on file. Most of my films involve shootings, bomb explosions , fires, warehouse, police, fire departments, and car chases. If you need a stunt director or props, I can recommend a couple of people to you.


Mike Teutsch
August 25th, 2005, 06:47 PM
I am in dire need of isolated locations in the southern California area. Even if it’s a dirt road going to nowhere we can use it to shoot our louder more disruptive scenes; also warehouses and buildings with either daily or month-to-month rentals. If anyone has any ideas or advice let me know. It is greatly appreciated.

Having lived in SoCal, for years, I know there are many areas that you could use. San Gabrial Mountains etc. Just go during the week and not on the weekends and holidays. Most industrial area are very quiet on Sundays. Daily or monthly rentals are almost non-existant, just go on Sunday when nobody is home.


Jason Chang
August 26th, 2005, 06:21 PM

Mike is right. There are many locations in SoCal that will suit your purpose; however, I would like to remind you to secure a location permit and insurance before you start production.

I have never gone on a shoot without getting insurance or permit. The process is very easy and fast. Do not try to do a shoot-n-run. Your local film commissioner's office is there for a reason. These are people who can help you negotiate a deal with location owners. I've gotten local police and fire department help for free just for being nice. Do not piss them off by shooting a gun fight scene without notifying them ahead of time.

Toy Spears
August 27th, 2005, 10:34 AM

I am new to the area and looking for other filmmakers to connect with and maybe shoot a couple of projects. Let me know who's out there.


Mike Teutsch
August 27th, 2005, 12:00 PM

I am new to the area and looking for other filmmakers to connect with and maybe shoot a couple of projects. Let me know who's out there.


The first thing you need to do then is let us know where you are at in Florida, and what your interests are.

Also, look up the DV Challenge posts. #3 is about to start.


Bob Costa
August 27th, 2005, 08:59 PM
Yep, go into your control panel here and add in some clues as to what part of Florida you are in. Its a big state.

Andrew Sohn
August 27th, 2005, 11:50 PM
Does anyone know a good place to rent a DVX100a in North Jersey? If not, any good places in NYC?

Michael Wisniewski
August 27th, 2005, 11:58 PM
Gotham Sound ( and Hello World Communications (

Brent Marks
August 28th, 2005, 02:50 AM
I will be shooting HURRICANE KATRINA on video...

I am a professional video guy...

With the best equipment...

I live and work in NEW ORLEANS...and will be here during the storm due to a contract with a major cable network.
I can't leave.

I will be shooting this Hurricane on video and selling the video.

Please contact me right now--- a 30 minute clip will be $250

And you can use it for any need you have.. tv... news.. documentary... etc...

Contact me now.

Nick Hiltgen
August 28th, 2005, 03:50 AM
Best of luck and be careful Brent, looks quite a bit stronger then when it went through FL.

Nick Hiltgen
August 28th, 2005, 03:54 AM
Hey James, I believe most of the monitors that sony puts out now are multiformat, (i.e. they play pal and ntsc) it's possible this also applies to the more professional decks dsr-11 you should call around but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't have trouble finding them. If you do some of the larger equipment rental places out of burbank may have them (wexler, ver, plus 8 etc) or there's a canadian company in hollywood (sim video) that has access to a lot of PAL gear.

Brent Marks
August 28th, 2005, 03:56 AM
Thank you.. I wish I knew another life....
In 2002 for Lilli I lost my Wife and baby-girl


Mike Teutsch
August 28th, 2005, 08:39 AM

I can only imagine the pain of your loss. Please be very careful, God be with you.


Travis Andersen
August 29th, 2005, 07:20 PM is also good in NYC

David G Stone
August 30th, 2005, 07:21 AM
Looking for a behind the scenes (maybe in front of the camera) ‘people person’ to help in the creation of a very low budget, cooking show television pilot in the Peninsula area of Hampton Roads, Virginia. Need someone to help find cast (host, etc), some crew (DP), line up locations and supply creative input. Have the script, most of the necessary equipment (GL2, microphones, etc), and a marketing plan with a few contacts.

Mike Teutsch
August 30th, 2005, 12:22 PM

You still around guy? Check in with us OK!


Stu Holmes
August 31st, 2005, 02:30 PM
There's no electricity or phones available there, so i think the fact that he hasn't checked in doesn't necessarily mean anything bad's happened to him personally. There's probably just no way to use a PC down there.

What i'm wondering for anybody shooting video down there is how they are re-charging their batteries when they're flat. The camera crews will have a truck with power in it. I suppose independent video guys could recharge from any car battery using a 12V cigarette-lighter adaptor ? just a guess.

Terrible situation down there. I've seen the interview clip with the poor man Harvey (Hardy?) Jackson 3 or 4 times now and it just gets me every time. Even the interviewer was crying whilst interviewing him. very sad.

James Wong
August 31st, 2005, 11:32 PM
Great! Thanks :)

Sanns Dixon
September 2nd, 2005, 08:05 PM
Greetings all! I am new to this so bear with me. I am an aspiring filmmaker (yeah, who isn't) that cannot seem to get a crew together for a one day 8 - 10 hour shoot. Of course I have yet to find a location, so maybe I am jumping the gun. My question to anybody in or near this cursed town is how do I find a crew? I need a DP (with own camera preferably), a Gaffer, and a Sound guy. That's it! Oh. Yeah. A location. I've done the whole work on other people's film, sweat equity thing. It's a lie. I figure I will have to showcase what I can do to get people to want to do films with me. But I need help to do my first I can get help in the future. Okay if anyone understands this, help me out. Thanks.

Jun Tang
September 3rd, 2005, 12:48 PM
You can pay them....

Bob Costa
September 3rd, 2005, 06:10 PM
"Yeah, who isn't?" is your problem. What can you offer someone? Money, experience, credit, contacts, there are lots of things besides cash that have value. But if it's your first film, if you are using no-name actors, if you don't know what you are doing, and if you have no real investment in this (no camera or technical knowledge , your first post in this community, etc...) you better hope to find some high school kid who wants to do it for fun. And even at that you need to have everything else done and ready (casting, locations, script, shot breakdowns, etc...) before you go talk to them.

Otherwise, go work on A LOT of stuff for free, and mention to everyone you meet that you "have a script", etc. Share it with people, and if someone likes the story you may find that critical first connection that gets you "into" the workers in your area.

Or hang around on the filmmaker websites, maybe you get lucky that way.
Or meet every person under the Video Production category in the phone book. Don't expect them to do it, ask them if they know a young person who might be interested. GO to colleges in the area and find out who might be in the film program, or else taking courses along those lines.


Ronald Lee
September 4th, 2005, 03:57 AM
Hi there,

I'm looking for guys with lots of free time in the Seattle, WA area. I will be doing some candid street taping, taping of a book signing, taping of a guest during dinner, and doing a sit down interview during this time, and I am looking for someone(s) who knows the landscape on how I can do this. Particularly wanting to find a nice place to do the interview, or at the least, get a nice room.

I could use 1 or 2 shooters, and perhaps 1 boom operator/sound.

Please email me at (I'm in Vancouver, Canada) and tell me what camera you have and if you are interested in finding out more. I can promise you that if you are a guy, you will find that week very interesting.


Sanns Dixon
September 4th, 2005, 09:30 AM
Thanks for the feedback Mr. Costa. This is all junk that was in the back of my mind. I guess I just needed to hear it from someone else. Well, looks like I have some work ahead of me!

Mickey Stroud
September 4th, 2005, 10:22 AM
Sanns, I have been very fortunate in finding a lot of very capable volunteers for my projects. I guess, it started by meeting other people who were interested in learning more about the art and craft of storytelling: actors, writers, film festival attendees, rental house employees, cinematographers. I attended meetings like Indie Film Club, seminars put on by the Dallas Video Association, I sought out organizations were people like us tend to hang out.

It seems to me nearly every community has a group of wannabe filmmakers who are anxious to be involved with a worthwhile effort. The Kansas City Jubilee Film Festival might be a good source of information and people to get to know.

Once you meet kindred souls they have to believe in you and your project. People are happy to work, to donate their time if they believe you will finish what you start, will treat them with respect and that the end product will be worth their effort.

I just finished a music video for talented ---but struggling artists--Blake Powers and Fallon Franklin ( A friend called my attention to one of their songs (Cactus Cafe) that was a short film unto itsself. A story wthin a story. A song well told. I visualized a music video the way they were done when MTV first came on the scene. When there was more story telling and less rapid fire cuts.

I was so enamored with the song and the possibilites that it represented that I decided to do a music video for them at my own expense. I introduced myself to Blake and Fallon at one of their shows and told them what I had in mind. They were thrilled but rightlfully skeptical. You can imaging how many people come up to them in bars and tell them about their ideas for helping them...

But once I commited to it, developed the script and talked to some friends in the business things began to happen. it was amazing. Before I knew it I had 25-35 people volunteering to help make it happen. We've now completed the music video and everyone who worked on the project is getting credit and a free DVD.

I tell you all of thist, to let you know that it can happen. There are people wanting to learn, willing to work, willing to volunteer their time... including myself.

So many people have helped me that I try to do the same for others.

While I live in Dallas, I spend a lot of time in Kansas City...I have family there and go there every chance I get. I have cameras, lights, microphones and some basic equipment. Send me a separate email about your project and we will explore the possbilities.

Mickey Stroud

Josh Caldwell
September 4th, 2005, 04:35 PM
Anyone looking for a Glidecam for their next DV short? I'm in New York and can work on a lo/no pay basis depending on the project. If anyone is interested, let me know and we can talk more about it.


Charles Papert
September 4th, 2005, 09:58 PM
We have a short DV clip that will require some simple CGI work. It consists of an individual holding up his index finger, and the idea is for a donut to drop into frame and land on his finger. We shot the individual with and without the donut in the final position; what is needed is for the donut to be animated falling onto the finger. I would estimate the length of the animation will be around 20 frames at most, but it needs to look convincing.

There's a little bit of money available. For those interested, please submit a bid along with a link to either a reel or examples of this type of work you've done.

There is likely to be more of this in the future, as this is for a commissioned pilot for a major online entity, and Instant Films is looking to build a network of talent of this type.

Please email me at: Thanks!

Stephen Finton
September 5th, 2005, 10:40 AM
This guy's probably gone.

George Ellis
September 5th, 2005, 02:57 PM
Charles - probably out today. I sent pm, but I will go ahead and see if I can get a bite on this one for you from the Hash A:M users.

Peter Wiley
September 5th, 2005, 05:10 PM
I woudn't count him out yet. All Things Considered was reporting today that about one MILLION phone lines are still down in the affected areas and that cell phone coverage is very spotty. Apparently the latest fiber optic telephone equipment is not as robust as the old copper-wire system

Michael Westphal
September 5th, 2005, 07:04 PM
I'm in Baton Rouge, 90 miles from New Orleans, and pretty much just got back on line. It may take Brent awhile to report in. It will be interesting to see if he got anything. Certainly, there have been a tremendous number network and vigilante video crews down there. BUT that was after the hurricane. Not many stayed there during the hurricane. Good thing. It was pretty nasty for a storm. I survived the eye of Camille in 1969. I was happy to be on the West side of Katrina. I only lost a pecan tree on my house, but at least I have a house...

Brent, please check in as soon as you can.

Barry Gribble
September 5th, 2005, 07:05 PM
Admin note: the user "Don" whom Barry refers to here was an imposter whose posts have been removed and account deleted.


Welcome to DVInfo, it is a great community and we are glad to have you. Part of what makes it great, however, is that we are typically a great deal more civil and constructive in our comments than what you will see in other online venues. It may take getting used to, but it is well worth it.

Part of why the rest of us use our actual names is because we want to foster a community in which people know that they are accountable as humans to humans on the other end of the line. I hope you try it.

That said, I don't think Brent was being "uncontrollably excited", and even if he was I don't think it did you enough harm that it warrants comment. I think it very understandable, given the history he outlined. I think the critique of his footage was harsh, and your estimate of his chances of selling the footage was speculative at best. And that is before even considering that he probably lost not just his home, but his entire communitty in the storm. The chances that he is interested in your assessments at this point are very minimal, meaning you are more likely interested in posting for your good rather than his or ours. If that is the case, please find another venue for it.


We are all hoping that you made out as well as you could. I saw a video crew on the Today show talking about what they went through and I thought about you hoping you were safe. Let us know.

Johnny Martinez
September 5th, 2005, 07:48 PM
Not long a go Brent asked if anyone could help him shoot a local TV show. I responded and only got one email back and never got any more responses from him. I even left a cell phone number for him to call me. I know I am new to this industry and I am looking for all the experience I can and will work for free just to get the experience. He could of at least followed up a little better. I think he might think VERY highly of himself. Hey at least he is working I don't have a job right now. And if he can get someone to send him 500 for a video more power to him. I wish him the best.

Pete Bauer
September 5th, 2005, 08:24 PM
Brent, I'll apologize in advance if things aren't what they seem. However, all the bits just don't seem to add up here. Please fill in the blanks for us when you re-appear.

- No direct deaths catalogued in Louisiana due to Hurricane Lilli:
- Nice (consumer) cameras. Not the best pro stuff:
- Agree with previous posts that the footage from Lilli is at the amateur level.
- You're under contract with a major network, but ready to sell me footage for a couple hundred bucks?
- While I feel great empathy for those who didn't have the capacity to take care of themselves in a disaster such as Katrina, I feel none for anyone who violates mandatory evacuation orders (a jail-worthy crime, by the way) for a few bucks or anyone who would contract someone to do so. Did that really happen?

If, in fact, you are ok at least please let us know!

Everyone else, I propose that we just leave this thread alone until we hear from, or about, Brent...seems that the HELPING HANDS needed now are not of the "shooting video of a hurricane" variety.

James Emory
September 5th, 2005, 08:31 PM
Pete. Isn't there a special rule or exception for the media just like in war zones. The media is exempt from having to get a release to show your face or use your voice.

If they did issue that order, then the city wouldn't be liable for a delayed response would it? Oh, you just know there are going to be a ton of lawsuits about that interpretation.

Anyone considering covering this event might also want to wear a bullet proof vest. That is just absolutely bizzare how anyone could be thinking about killing someone, especially rescuers, after something like this.

Pete Bauer
September 6th, 2005, 03:52 AM
As much as I'd like to leave this thread quiet until Brent re-emerges, that's an excellent question, James. Not sure how long this link will be good, but here is the text of the Evacuation Order:

"Essential personnel of the media" is open to interpretation; mine is that this is intended in the public interest to keep vital information flowing to the citizens, not as an economic concession to the media or an open license to freelancers and wanna-bes. Any organizations like hospitals, utilities, and news organizations have (or should have) specific, trained employees designated to ride out the storm to get essential work done.

As for the military in war zones outside the US, it is similar but not identical. There isn't a special rule or exception for the media that I am aware of. It is up to the military commander to set policy for his/her command based on the circumstances at hand.

Now, back to "Waiting for Brent Marks to return," already in progress.

Don Bloom
September 6th, 2005, 03:58 AM
In response to the Admin note on Barrys message of 9/5/05-
"Admin note: the user "Don" whom Barry refers to here was an imposter whose posts have been removed and account deleted"
I wish to state emphatically that this IS NOT ME, Don Bloom in the greater Chicagoland area. As I DO sign my messages as Don, I hope there would be no confusion.
Don -now signing as Don B. ;-)

Pete Bauer
September 6th, 2005, 04:30 AM
No confusion, no worries, Don B. Only the fake name Don suffered the delete key treatment.

Victor Muh
September 7th, 2005, 05:18 AM
Just saw this on Craig's List:

Feature length documentary is looking for footage of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Specifically documentation of the looting, conditions of the refugees, etc.

For more information, go to:

Victor Muh
September 7th, 2005, 05:24 AM
I'm currently in O'ahu. I will soon be in L.A.

Brian Andrews
September 9th, 2005, 10:05 AM
I'm a beginner making my first short. I need crew members, any level of experince as long as you are willing to help and learn.

This is a no budget 28 minute comedy. We'll be shooting on Panasonic GS400, with Rode VideoMic on a boom and Home Depot work lights.

If there is an experinced DP who wants to help that would be great too!

Chet Hardin
September 9th, 2005, 10:45 AM
Hi -

I am working on a 60-minute piece that I shot on a DVX-100a. I have wrapped shooting and am starting the editing process.

In one scene, there is a television, and my lead is watching it. I am looking for someone to work with me on creating a 60-second short that I can use as the tv program.

What I am looking for is a short piece that is violent, disturbing and extremely modern. Think 1984's 2 minutes of hate American Idol style.

This film has an undercurrent of political analysis. And this analysis comes from an anti-war, progressive stance. Though the film is never obtuse with its politics neither does it act as propaganda for any political leaning. It is a story. And the lead character is horrified by the violence he sees on TV and around him. That is all.

Anyway. If you are interested and enjoy creative editing, let me know. I will be more than happy to show you what I have edited so far.


Henrik Holmberg
September 9th, 2005, 11:41 AM
Hi there

I have some new horror scripts available for indie filmmakers.


Genre: Supernatural Horror

A father's fight to protect his young daughter from something unknown that is dwelling in the dark woods.

It's a bit like "Hide and Seek" but with a real supernatural element.
The script deals with scares of the unseen and not gore. It can be done on a low budget. Few locations and characters. Minimal f/x.


Genre: Horror/Thriller

A serial-killer roams the streets, and Julie suspects her new handsome neighbor. Is he innocent, or a cold-blooded psychopath?

Like a Hitchcock-thriller with slasher elements.
Low budget. Moderate gore and f/x.


Genre: Sci-Fi/Horror

Six people in a bomb shelter fight something out of this world.

Think "Signs" meets "28 Days Later".
Low budget. Moderate CGI and f/x

To read a script, contact:

Patrick Swinnea
September 10th, 2005, 03:07 PM
It looks like they're offering "credit in the film" for the footage. I don't know these people but that seems really shady for footage that could have cost you your life.