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Joe Curcuru
August 1st, 2005, 11:25 AM
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I could not post anything for awile and someone helped me out by speaking with an admin and they resolved the issue quickly. There was something wrong when I registered.

Eniola Akintoye
August 1st, 2005, 06:46 PM
I have sent you an email.

I reside in the Atlanta area.

Victor Muh
August 2nd, 2005, 03:12 PM
I'm in the U.S. until September with my Sony Z1 High Definition camera. I would like to produce and direct a project while I'm out here.

Please submit your ideas! I'm interested in music videos, shorts and well, virtually anything else... with the exception of non-fiction!

Stephen Finton
August 5th, 2005, 08:15 AM
A space opera. With real opera singers.

Boyd Ostroff
August 5th, 2005, 08:47 AM
"A space opera."
"With real opera singers."

Been there, done that...

Unfortunately, as we got closer to the actual production, the ideas we'd developed over the previous two years started to sound a little too radical to the management so we were forced to compromise and make some things more conventional. We probably should have bailed at that point, but we caved in. The end result was OK, and even got good reviews, but we weren't as happy as we might have been.

I'll leave it to you guys to try this the next time. We're looking forward to working on some non-opera projects for a change :-)

Justin Sammarco
August 5th, 2005, 12:51 PM
Hey all. I need some fast help. I need to cast a young(child) "little person" (dwarf). I've called some of the talent agencies out of NYC that I know some people and they said that they only had adults. However, I have a friend that is looking into where I can possibly find an actor that fits that description but not sure how long it will take.

So I'm not sure if you guys can possibly point me in the right direction or know of someone that fits the description and can help us out.

Any help will be appriciated. Thanks


Matt Gettemeier
August 5th, 2005, 09:51 PM
Sorry guys... I vanished from the DVinfo boards because of this other project... There's a crap-load of guys trying to do these zombie shorts over at DVXuser.

I've been pulling my hair out trying to make this work... but I also want it to be worth doing! It's hard to get everything you want out of a project, that's for sure.

There's another guy here in Saint Louis who's going for it... ironically he is the video TEACHER of one of the girls who's working with me on mine! Jeez, now the pressure really IS on... I gotta' smoke THAT guy's project if nothing else.

Hey I posted my email first! I'd love to have some more help on this, but I honestly don't even know what I need. I've got part of a script and I've got an unrelated idea that I think is much better... so I'm trying to find a middle-ground to keep everybody happy. The one thing I've found is that everyone you bring into a project is insulted if you don't adapt their ideas... and then you have to weigh the value of that person. My first writer bailed and send me 4 nasty emails worrying that I'd steal his idea (which wasn't very good and I said I wanted to use him, but change his idea a little bit... "nope, I'm ALL out".)

So now I'm nervous to even bring more people to this. I've given everybody the same exact speech and that is "More important then this project is building a creative circle of people who want to work together on various projects and produce more quality videos." You would think it was so simple... but it isn't.

Harikrishnan Ponnurangam
August 5th, 2005, 11:25 PM
Hi matt,

If you own the idea and if you're strong in what you want to do and if your emotions are strong on that you shouldn't listen to anybody else no matter
what even if you get help for free. Tell it politely and go towards your ambitions.

What exactly you want the zombie effect to be? I couldn't understand do you need help in post production or any VFX shots.

Let me know

Cleve and Joe,

Nice to meet you folks. I do visual effects maya, shake,fcp5, photoshop, PFtrack.

I'm doing a music video dance project fully green screen out of my own interest. Just got done getting license for the song. Becuase i wanted to add it to my profile.

Let me know if you guys need any help.


Victor Muh
August 7th, 2005, 12:43 AM
George Lucas has been there and done that with the space opera thang.

Ever heard of Star Wars?

Boyd Ostroff
August 7th, 2005, 09:03 AM
Happily, he didn't use "real opera singers" as Stephen suggested ;-)

Gavin Abe
August 8th, 2005, 12:43 AM
Hi Please feel free to contact me , as I can help We are a production company.
Ingwe M.M.P
Video Ads
+27 82 68 22005

August 10th, 2005, 03:54 PM
I emailed Joel and got a reply a couple of days later. Since then, he has requested two, 1-hour tapes of stuff I've shot here in Colorado.

So... has anyone done business with these folks? If so, can you give me a little feedback on your experience working with them?

Much grass.

Tom Elliott
August 10th, 2005, 04:10 PM
No business yet.
However a request BMX racefootage for a deadline of tomorrow for the Today Show. I had none nor did I know of any source here in the Miami area. I would have shot on spec, but I am preparing for an all day video on Friday. Maybe next time.

Kav Dhaliwal
August 11th, 2005, 07:02 PM
I have just finished a feature script for a western with horses, guns, trains, bandits, and saloons. I don't have any money to spend, and a couple of friends and I are planning to shoot this for no pay. I was just wondering how many of you out there would be interested in shooting an action western for no pay, but know that it would turn out really well.

Richard Alvarez
August 11th, 2005, 07:20 PM

You seem to be taking a poll. The main question being 'How many people would work for free on a feature length period piece, IF they knew it would turn out really well?'

I'm sorry, but 'turning out really well' is a bit of an undefined term. What does that mean?

Speaking as someone who has written and produced period scripts that require exotic locations, horses, weapons and combat... I can assure you that it IS possible to do this sort of thing with very little money, on a small scale.


You have to already own or have access to such specialized personell, equipment and locations.

You MIGHT could get re-enactors, SCA members, and period enthusiasts to show up for a short film or commercial engagement... One or two days, by promising them FOOD, CREDIT and a COPY of the finished product. But that is in lieu of monetary consideration.

Asking someone to commit their time and/or assets for a feature length project (21 days or more?) with the vague promise that it will turn out 'really well'... isn't going to hold much weight with people who have the calibre of talent or assets that YOU need to make it turn out 'really well'.

Follow me?

I mean, I would work FOR THE EXPERIENCE and CREDIT only on a Steven Spielberg production. Why? Because I KNOW it will turn out really well, and the experience in itself is WORTH my time and assets... I am getting paid, just not in cash. (Though realistically that would never happens). Still the concept is the same. You have to OFFER your people SOMETHING of value, if you expect something of value in return.

Bob Safay
August 11th, 2005, 07:36 PM
I responded to the original post via email and Joel asked that I send in a demo dvd of footage I did in Patagonia. I sent it in this week so don't expect to here for awhile. I also got the email about the bike footage. Bob

Greg Boston
August 12th, 2005, 04:34 PM
Joel responded to my original email as well. I got the BMX footage request also. Slight correction, Tom. It was requested for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Unfortunately, it's not a good time here to shoot outdoor stuff because the heat and pollution conspire to make for 'ugly air' between lens and subject.


Ron Johnson
August 12th, 2005, 04:55 PM
Hi - I am temporarily w/o a good camera. Is there anyone in the Portland, OR area willing to rent/lend their XL2 or GL2 for a weekend?

thank you,
Ron Johnson

Jonathan Jones
August 12th, 2005, 05:29 PM
He responded within a couple days to my original email as well, and indicated an interest in some footage I am working to shoot and compile of the Sonoma, Mendocino, and Napa counties 'wine country' and vineyard lands - as per growing interest due to recent success with 'Sideways'. I've been pretty busy and am still a few weeks out in getting that footage gathered, and then I will begin the process of negotiating with Joel and see how it is to do business with them.

I also got the email request for BMX footage. There is a local BMX show this weekend as part of a shopping center-wide event. It us sure to include stunts, but unfortunately, I've already got a scheduled shoot - so I can't do it - and it would be a couple days past his deadline anyway.

Anyone else on this forum have any experience with this company?

Gregory Doi
August 12th, 2005, 08:31 PM
I'm from Hawaii, so if you need some hawaiian footage. Contact me.

Almost all formats are available.


Javier Urena
August 13th, 2005, 02:23 AM
I need someone with an XL2 to shoot some footage of a full moon at night. About 10 seconds of footage should be fine. I just finished directing my first short last week and I realized I left this shot out. I don't have money to rent the camera again though.

I will pay you for the postage and price of the tape but your time will have to be volunteered.

If you can help, please contact me in this thread and I will send you the details and camera settings.


Jimmy McKenzie
August 13th, 2005, 03:33 AM
Try this:

Jeff Miller
August 13th, 2005, 12:48 PM
If that doesn't work for you then reply and I can tape it for you.


Jeff Miller
August 13th, 2005, 12:50 PM
Sent an email but did not hear back, if you are interested in help plz reply here, thanks

Javier Urena
August 13th, 2005, 01:17 PM
I can't get the link to work, but in any case, I think I need the footage to be shot in 24P 3:2:2:3 in order to match the rest of the movie.

Please contact me. I appreciate the help. I'll give you credit as "second unit camera" or something like that.

Joe Wider
August 13th, 2005, 04:47 PM
"If you want corn fields and cows and grizzled old farmers bailing hay, I'm your man! LOL" Chris Davis July 05

Hi, Chris or anyone else! I need 12 seconds of footage that could work with a VO saying "...I keep coming back to my 80 year old farmer back in Nebraska who was out feeding his cows with 40lb buckets of feed a week after surgery."

It's in a 60 second commercial for a small hospital in SC. I'm not interested in hiring someone to shoot something, I'm more interested in finding some stock that would work. What do y'all think?

Thanks in advance for your help!
Joe Wider

Tom Elliott
August 13th, 2005, 07:34 PM
I am certain that some of us would shoot for stock fee, just say what it is per foot or what ever and I know if that scene was in my back yard I would shoot it and send a scratch print for approval.

Owen Dawe
August 13th, 2005, 11:04 PM
I'm in Auckland New Zealand and shoot short segments for a local tv station.
Canon xl1s. Do you want any footage from down under?

contact at ---

Bruce S. Yarock
August 14th, 2005, 06:59 AM
i shot some full moon footage, but need to check what frame rate I used. I'll get back to you.
Bruce S. Yarock

Emre Safak
August 14th, 2005, 08:50 PM
I need help in the first half of September to shoot a 22-scene short film. It is a drama about three room-mates in their twenties. Check my Web site for details:

I would be really grateful for anyone who willing to help me operate the camera (we will be using miniDV). Most shots will be on a tripod, perhaps a few dollies, and maybe a touch of handheld (though unlikely). I have a Panasonic PV-DV953 of my own; if you have something better (minimum: 3CCD with zoom ring and XLR, e.g., XL2 or DVX100a) PLEASE join the team! I will compose the shots, and keep them simple, so there is nothing to worry about. IF you want to compose them yourself, we need to talk ASAP. As far as lighting goes, we believe we can get away with reflectors and scrims for our purposes.

I also need a sound engineer, preferably with his/her own equipment (though it needs to be in a format I can digitally transfer to my PC). I have an AT4073a at your disposal. Again, if you have mics of your own, join the crew!

The exact shooting dates will be determined in a week, after the auditions, but my educated guess is that they will involve Labor Day weekend (Sep. 3-5) and the weekend after that (Sep. 10,11).

I am grateful for any help!

Yi Fong Yu
August 14th, 2005, 10:02 PM
hi emre,

i can help but i don't have a lot of experience. maybe just 1 notch up from 0 =). so i can help you do stuff, willing+able. you can email me which weekend if ya need me to be there.

Joel Holland
August 14th, 2005, 11:02 PM
Hello to everybody who has responded to this thread either in person or on I have been in contact with many members from this forum and others where I posted the request for stock footage, and hope to increase our archive over the next month or so before an advertising campaign at the end of September.

I apologize for not responding to posts in this thread earlier--as Jonathan guessed, I joined to post the request for footage and haven't had a chance to get back onto the board until today. So for anybody reading this thread, please send an email to me at if you have footage you'd like to offer.

Some of you I've spoken to didn't have footage that we are currently interested in, but I've been adding you to our rolodex so I can contact you for specific shots requested by clients like the BMX shot for the Tonight Show (which, unfortunatley, was a very last minute request that we couldn't fill in time.)

I never know what kind of specific shot requests we're going to get, so the more videographers I can get a hold of to outsource the request to, the better. (Today we received a fairly unique request for a clip of red liquid dripping against a white backdrop. Luckily this is something we can shoot in house.)

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email or call me--but I'm not sure how often I'll be able to make it back to the board.

Joel Holland
The Footage Firm
Toll Free: 866-777-9354

Hugo Hanriot
August 14th, 2005, 11:04 PM
Hey guys,

I'm new to DV, went nuts, & bought a DVX100a to shoot some no-budget shorts that I've written.

Anyone in the area interested in collaborating? I consider myself more of a writer/director & would love to work with a cinematographer. If anyone's interested, please e-mail me at:

I hope to meet some of you guys in the near future.

Thanks again,


Greg Boston
August 14th, 2005, 11:22 PM
Thanks Joel for stopping by to post. Hopefully, you'll get to work with a few members here and if the experience is good, the word will get out and your Rolodex may be pretty full.

There have been some past requests that seemed a bit on the shady side and so there is going to be some skepticism about actually being paid.

Best of luck,


Matt Gettemeier
August 15th, 2005, 08:56 AM
Alex... do you still want to do another site?

I'll make it an even $200... and I'll tip you for a good job.

Take a look at

I'm sorry, but it's CRAP.

I just had to throw something up... and that's what it looks like!

What I'd like to do is probably more simple then the second site you listed, but I'd like to have some of that animation with the logo and possibly some .gif images.

I'll try to contact you through your forum name, but otherwise I'm mgettemeier at charter dot net.

Jesse Parsh
August 15th, 2005, 01:15 PM
Where are you from? Alot of cities have a chapter of the Indieclub. Look into this, the website is This is a great way to meet people that will do stuff for free or really cheap. You are not going to get very experienced workers for free, but usually very hard working people. I know that I asked for help from people for no pay and I got a ton of responses. Personally, I would work for free if I was learning something and I think that is how alot of people are. Also, make yourself available to work for free on some other peoples' projects. If people see you doing others favors they will be more likely to help you out when you need it.

Keith Loh
August 15th, 2005, 02:31 PM
I have just finished a feature script for a western with horses, guns, trains, bandits, and saloons. I don't have any money to spend, and a couple of friends and I are planning to shoot this for no pay. I was just wondering how many of you out there would be interested in shooting an action western for no pay, but know that it would turn out really well.

HINT: The *least* people should expect is credit and food. And anyone who is contributing materials should be paid back in expenses.

Also, expect to also volunteer on everyone else's projects as a payback.

David McKnight
August 16th, 2005, 10:50 AM
I'm just south of Houston in Texas City and do weddings and industrials, some as far north as Conroe. We work a little less then 1 weekend a month, and we are members of the HPVA. I recommend checking them out if you haven't already. We use Sony VX-2000 and 2100, lav mics, minidisc, iRivers, etc. and Sony Vegas to edit.

David McKnight

Marco Wagner
August 16th, 2005, 12:25 PM
I live in Phoenix, AZ. I camp a lot. I can shoot footage of local parks, lakes, and streams. Grand Canyon soon. I can also get some city scape if needed also. My XL1s is working wonderfully.

Alex Harding
August 16th, 2005, 03:37 PM
does anyone know anywhere i can rent a dvx100a in London?

Kenny Emeson
August 17th, 2005, 11:15 PM
I'm in the U.S. until September with my Sony Z1 High Definition camera. I would like to produce and direct a project while I'm out here.

Please submit your ideas! I'm interested in music videos, shorts and well, virtually anything else... with the exception of non-fiction!
Are you still in the US? Where are you in the US if yes? I got something you might wanna see. A short, I had wanted to shoot this summer but had to put it on hold when I found an investor to finance my first feature. But since we're still kinda between development and pre-production, I might be able to squeeze out this short project with someone(like you if interested) Holla at me. I'm in Baltimore.

Stephen Finton
August 18th, 2005, 06:55 AM
Happily, he didn't use "real opera singers" as Stephen suggested ;-)


Tanay Ulgen
August 18th, 2005, 03:01 PM
Hi ppl, i'm an independent filmmaker in Vancouver and i'm looking for a camera operator who preferably owns a DVX100, for a short video project. It's a 10-minute long horror film, very visual and i have the storyboards ready as well.
For script and details, e-mail me at
Thanks for reading

Javier Urena
August 19th, 2005, 05:28 PM
Thanks Bruce, but I already worked something out with Jeff.

Mroczkowski Lucas
August 21st, 2005, 01:09 AM
i'm working on a film too except i'm getting a big budget to make a real movie.

Adam Rench
August 21st, 2005, 11:33 AM
Awesome! Does the picture have a website?

Ronald Lee
August 22nd, 2005, 10:36 PM

also try a few local guys there too

James Wong
August 23rd, 2005, 02:23 AM
Hello :)

I'm looking for a comtemporary pianist who would like to make a piece for a completed music video / montage.

The created piece is already here:

I would like to feature original music for it so that it may be submitted to festivals and so on. If you are interested, please contact me.

Much thanks,

Bob Costa
August 23rd, 2005, 04:52 PM
I seem to remember someone hanging around here from in or near Palm Bay. Well a project just dropped into my lap, and i may choose to subcontract it or part of it rather than drive 3.5 hours each way. I may even pass on it if I can't find local support. It will be a one day pre-construction shoot, low tech, shoot what they tell you, dupe the tapes for loss security, and send originals to me via courier. Early part of next week.

If interested, send me an email or PM ASAP.

James Wong
August 24th, 2005, 12:03 AM
Might anyone recommend a good equipment rental house in the Los Angeles or Orange County area? I'm going to be working on a PAL project soon and I'd like to rent out a PAL monitor and miniDV/VCR if possible. Any pointers are appreciated. Thanks everyone!