Roger Shealy
November 17th, 2008, 12:21 PM
Is there an easy way in Vegas Pro 8 to combine projects without having to render project separately and inputting into a new project?
I typically work on small projects 2-10 minutes in length throughout the year. I'd like to be able to combine a number of these projects into a single file showing highlights of the year. I put each of my source files and project files into sub folders on a HDD, so they are neatly organized but each project is typically in separate folders and sometimes on separate HDD's.
Chris Barcellos
November 17th, 2008, 12:34 PM
You can import the .veg file for each finaled project into a new project, and drop them on the time line just like a clip. Is that what you are asking ? But to me, it makes sense just to pull the final rendered file into the new one. Reduces the complexity and potential for error.
Paul Kellett
November 17th, 2008, 12:37 PM
2 ways.
Either open vegas, then go to the explorer window, find the folder with the projects, open it and just drag the projects onto the timeline.
Open vegas, open a project, then open another vegas, (don't close the first vegas), open the 2nd project in the 2nd vegas, copy all the clips in vegas 2 and paste in vegas 1, close that project in vegas 2, open another project in vegas 2, copy and paste into vegas 1, etc etc, you get the idea.
Jeff Harper
November 17th, 2008, 01:23 PM
Roger, you have been given great tips. As with many things in Vegas there are multiple ways to do what you wish.
For more flexibility with your final combined project, you can also select all & copy and go into your new project and right click on the timeline and paste. It works perfectly, but you will see that when you paste your subsequent projects you should paste on the topmost video track line if there are more than one track involved.
After you have pasted everything, you can then use auto-ripple to tighten up the arrangement on the timeline by dragging.
Roger Shealy
November 17th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Thanks guys, I have my work cut out for me tonight.
Roger Shealy
November 18th, 2008, 07:49 PM
I gave it a go and used both rendered bits and .veg files and it worked great. Thanks guys.