View Full Version : EX1 to Cineform workflow: avoid moving MP4 files??

Alex Raskin
November 16th, 2008, 03:45 PM
So you shoot with EX1, and get a bunch of folders with MP4 file in each.

To convert, I offload the EX1 media onto the hard drive, manually move each MP4 out of its folder and into a Common folder, then convert that folder with Cineform's HDLInk.

How to eliminate moving MP4s manually though?

It'd be great if HDLink had an ability to force Save In rule, so we could simply enter a directory there to save the converted files in.

The way it stands now, HDLink seems to only save in the same folder as the original file?

Raul Rooma
November 16th, 2008, 04:14 PM
same problem here...with this kind of workflow i feel like i'm running tape from A1 and converting to cineform much faster than copying files from Ex1 multiple times;)Maybe we figure out something??One thing more ...its seems that HDlink converts avis much faster from MP4's than mxf files...but it possible to output files to desired destination folder..if not right now ..maybe its worth to plan inside future release of HDlink

Best Regards


Robert Young
November 16th, 2008, 05:00 PM
I may not be understanding your questions correctly, but this is a common workflow for importing EX1 footage and converting to CFHD.avi.
Assuming that you want to archive the original mp4 footage:
1) Using XDCam EX clip browser, you can preview, select, trim, and copy the original video clips from SxS card to the folder(s) of your choice on the hard drive of your choice.
2) In HDLink set the destination folder of choice in the "prefs" page
3) Click on the "Convert" tab and click on "select folder". In the dialog page that pops up, select the folder that has the clips you want to convert.
4) HDLink will scan thru the folder and import all video clips it finds, listing them in the "Source Clips" pane.
5) Click start, and go have a cup of coffee.

Raul Rooma
November 16th, 2008, 06:04 PM
Yeah you almost works that way..Import folder where all my EX1 clips are..but destination folder works only for capturing from tape.When i convert already on harddisc located files then destination avis gonna be in same folder where source is.As each individual clip inside his own folder (copied from EX1) So do i miss something or i need to copy all avis one by one to one location?As i mention before if i export from Clipbrowser MXF files to one source folder then easyer to convert and after that all avis in one place.

But why to go thru MXF route if i can convert mp4's...?maybe here is the answer..if u want to collect all cineform avis in one place then it is a MUST.otherwise move by hand file by file ..

Best Regards


Alex Raskin
November 16th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Hey Raul, seems like the solution is actually there in HDLink already.

I missed it - there's a checkbox that says "Use this location for converted files" in Prefs. If you check it, then in fact HDLink saves converted files into the folder entered in the "capture location" field above it.

Case solved :)

Cineform rules, as always!

Now, why did I spend an hour after the last shoot moving all those pesky little files manually? D'ooohhh...

Raul Rooma
November 16th, 2008, 08:27 PM
Like always...great community - like one head can solve lots of problems..of course now i feel little silly as i didn't see it myself.Like tosen of times looked already user interface of HDlink ,but like somebody sitting on it and u can't see ..Anyway..thanx ..and problem solved!

Best Regards


Justin Lovell
September 23rd, 2010, 07:22 AM
Only problem with EX-1 Footage is that when just converting the files, there is no way to merge the 'long' take files.

HD link creates files for each clip in the bpav folder. Because of the 4gb fat32 file size limit on the sxs cards, each file is limited to a certain size. When converting through the sony software i believe it merges those files together that are long takes.

HDlink can't recognize that information.

Anmol Mishra
February 2nd, 2011, 04:29 AM
Can someone with NeoHD and Remaster confirm if this works for them ? I have spent a day struggling with EX1 and am sure that CF does not recognize the mp4 files that are copied over.

I may not be understanding your questions correctly, but this is a common workflow for importing EX1 footage and converting to CFHD.avi.
Assuming that you want to archive the original mp4 footage:
1) Using XDCam EX clip browser, you can preview, select, trim, and copy the original video clips from SxS card to the folder(s) of your choice on the hard drive of your choice.
2) In HDLink set the destination folder of choice in the "prefs" page
3) Click on the "Convert" tab and click on "select folder". In the dialog page that pops up, select the folder that has the clips you want to convert.
4) HDLink will scan thru the folder and import all video clips it finds, listing them in the "Source Clips" pane.
5) Click start, and go have a cup of coffee.