View Full Version : Christmas Gifts

Alastair Brown
November 13th, 2008, 04:30 AM
You are all bound to get asked what you want for Christmas. about taking care of your back this Christmas and invest in a good chair?

Stop for a moment and answer you are reading this...i your lower back supported or ...are you pearched at the front of your seat slouched like a sack of potatoes?

Are your arms supported?

I asked myself that a week or two ago, and the answer was no. I had one of those typical office leather directors chairs. There was little cushioning for my behind, it was so deep that I was perched at the front, and my back was aching and the arm rests were like cheese wire on my elbows.

Considering the time we spend editing, reckoned I should splash on something decent. Went into a local supplier and tried EVERY chair.

I ended up with this one which wasn't the biggest or most expensive. I kept going back to it and it just seemed to fit.

It isn't too deep and has an adjustable back support so my back is always supported.
It takes up much less room,
It is nicely cushioned.
It has scalloped arm rests that cup my forearms. I can adjust the height and width apart of these, so that my arm is held at a nice height for the mouse. - Above 50.00 GBP (,56581,56477&webid=384176&affixedcode=WW)

Travis Cossel
November 13th, 2008, 02:05 PM
Too funny. I actually got a new chair for Christmas last year from my in-laws. It has lumbar support, which is awesome. My previous chair was a piece of crap, and I can't believe I went so long editing in that thing.

Mary Angelini
November 26th, 2008, 08:06 PM
I am in need of a new office chair/ desk set up. Looked at the typical Staples/ office depo and found nothing I liked. I saw a on a thread a few months agao about a REALLY expenisve chair, and now I cannot fin the thread.

Any brands or places to find good chairs?

Tim Harjo
November 26th, 2008, 10:26 PM
What do you all think about getting a raised desk and just getting a stool. Then you could sit or stand. Major overhaul though =(

Alastair Brown
November 27th, 2008, 02:14 AM
I am in need of a new office chair/ desk set up. Looked at the typical Staples/ office depo and found nothing I liked. I saw a on a thread a few months agao about a REALLY expenisve chair, and now I cannot fin the thread.

Any brands or places to find good chairs?

Seem to remember it was an Aero chair? It's actually like a fancy version of the one I posted (similar arm rests)

Ergonomic Executive Mesh Office Chair (£271.49 Ex Vat) (EO18) (

Bill Busby
November 27th, 2008, 03:16 AM
It may be the Herman Miller Aeron. Great chair. I've had an earlier model since 2002 bought from a local ebayer. I can't imagine sitting in much else for extended periods of time.

Alastair Brown
November 27th, 2008, 03:36 AM
I think you are right. And IS expensive.

Aeron Chair from Herman Miller, available from PRB in the UK (

That earlier one I posted must be a budget lookalike version.

Tripp Woelfel
November 27th, 2008, 10:07 AM
I ended up with this one which wasn't the biggest or most expensive. I kept going back to it and it just seemed to fit.

That's quite a coincidence. Although I don't think it's identical, I got a very similar chair a year ago from Staples US and it's been fantastic. It could be a bit more padded but then it might not work as well.

I can spend all day in that chair with no aches or pains afterward... and I'm old.