Alastair Brown
November 12th, 2008, 07:49 AM
What is everybodies take on monitors.
One large say 30" 1920 x 1080 monitor
Two smaller 24" monitors
One full HD LCD TV. Pick your size/price 32" - 47"+
I think I read that glenn Elliott using the last option?
Richard Wakefield
November 12th, 2008, 08:02 AM
this is what i have:
Video Wall:LCD-DLP-Video-Walls,Multi-Screen,Hardware,Software,Systems,Installation (
and on every segment of the video wall i'm editing a different wedding to try and keep up with the backlog
ok, it's a lie :)
Josh Green
November 12th, 2008, 11:25 AM
I've got two 24 inch Samsung monitors and I love them. I picked them up at Costco for $300 a piece.
Alastair Brown
November 12th, 2008, 01:38 PM
Here is a link to Glenns setup. He is using Samsung 1080p screens. I have two 24's as well Gleb says I am finding the native resolution a bit tiring on my eyes.
Giroud Francois
November 12th, 2008, 03:42 PM
lets face it: spreading an application over two screen sucks.
so for hosting your timeline and all these little crowdy windows, a big screen is a must.
24" is good as long as your eyes are 100% ok.
1920x1200 is ok to work but on a 24" it looks tiny. 26" is good and 28" is great.
if you really want big screen you can go 30", but unfortunately , resolution jump again and you are back to same problem, tiny fonts.(plus the need of a dual-link DVI card)
if you need a 2nd screen (and you will need it), it is to host the preview windows.
here are different requirements.
if you edit hdv, a 1920x1200 is a must again, because there will be no rescaling of the video, and then you have no choice, this resolution exists only in 24" (except for new 23" from DELL and Samsung). If you edit SD, a 17 or 19" is ok. If you go for LCD, just make sure it inot cheap TN technology, but something like MVA, S-PVA, IPS , or you better stick to old good CRT.