View Full Version : Nasty sound when capturing at Medium quality

Douglas Turner
November 6th, 2008, 05:51 AM

Not sure if a current problem, but I captured the majority of my film's footage in late 2006 at Medium quality using HDLink.

After giving all the audio to the post production house (via a tricky export from Premiere in AAF, then import into Avid in order to export to OMF for Pro-Tools!), they said the audio was horrible... and yes, on their decent speakers, there was a nasty digital gurgling sound throughout (I cranked up my headphones back at home on my system, and I also heard it)

So I did a test re-capture at FilmScan1 a couple of months ago, and low and behold, this nasty sound was gone.

So - like I say, not sure it's a current problem, but just a heads up - the quality of capture you select in HDLink seems to alter the audio quality. Bizarre and a real headache for me (I had to spend a whole week re-capturing the footage from 40 tapes).

Cheers, Doug.

David Newman
November 6th, 2008, 09:20 AM
Quality has no impact of audio, the audio is stored uncompressed. The issue was likely something years ago when the wrong HDV audio decoder was used for some sources. No longer an issue.

Douglas Turner
November 6th, 2008, 06:06 PM
Thanks for clearing that up David.

So, if you captured your stuff a couple of years ago using HDLink - it's worth checking the audio out and maybe contemplate re-capturing if you get the audio gremlins I got!

Glad it's no longer an issue!

David Newman
November 6th, 2008, 06:08 PM
Thanks for clearing that up David.

So, if you captured your stuff a couple of years ago using HDLink - it's worth checking the audio out and maybe contemplate re-capturing if you get the audio gremlins I got!

Glad it's no longer an issue!

I think there was only a small window of time when there was a problem, but many years ago.