View Full Version : Converting HDV to DVC Pro HD

Jeff Emery
November 4th, 2008, 05:49 PM
I have a client that has hired me to record video and audio for a project that will air on a network, probably next year. Right now we are just recording raw footage which will be edited some time down the road. The client was speaking to a producer at one of the TV stations in the area who told him the networks require a DVC Pro HD format. I use a Sony HVR-HD1000 which shoots to miniDV tape.

I'm assuming it would be just a transfer process using the right transfer equipment. Is there anyone who can give me some insight on how to do the dubbing?

Do I find a production house with the gear to do a tape to tape transfer?
Can I capture the footage to the computer, store the raw footage onto an external drive, then take that to a place that can record it back to tape?

I'm really at a loss on this issue. I can shoot and edit but getting it to a DVC Pro HD format is the problem I have.

I know a good solution would be to get a camera that shoots to DVC Pro HD but that is not an option right now. Even if, at a later date, I were to get a camera that shoots to DVC Pro HD, I will still have lots of miniDV tapes that would have to be transferred. I start shooting this project on Friday.

Anyone who can help?


Adam Gold
November 4th, 2008, 07:07 PM
Here's what I do: Do everything in HDV, Export to tape, take tape to local post house, where they not only dub it to the right tape format but also "legalize" it in the process.

Fast and cheap.

Ervin Farkas
November 4th, 2008, 11:42 PM
The transcoding can also be done via software but you're probably better off as described above.

I assume both you and the client are aware of the significant difference between the quality of the two formats... your HD1000 is nowhere near a DVCPRO-HD camera as far as picture quality... just thought I mention that to avoid further complications.

Chris Duke
January 9th, 2010, 01:50 PM
I decided to start a new topic:

Robert M Wright
January 9th, 2010, 01:59 PM
The footage literally has to be delivered on a tape? Can't they take DVCPRO HD encoded footage stored on any other medium (like a P2 card even)?