View Full Version : $24.05 Difference, please help me choose!

J.J. Kim
November 1st, 2008, 09:00 PM
I opened a video production a couple months ago, and I am in need of new lighting kit.
This is my very first lighting kit and I am kinda tight on bugdet, so I want to make this right!
First of all, I am shooting with Canon Xh-A1 and I will be shooting mostly interviews for corporate and non-profit and some b-rolls. When I do interviews, I would like to have key+fill+back light and some nice background light with gel, etc.
I have chosen two kits (all of Lowell combo for budget), and they are $24.05 difference, but a bit different from each other. They both have Rifa which I want the most. They both have reflector and 1 Pro light. The biggest difference is one has 1 Tota+1 Omni, and the other one has 2 Omnis. I have used Tota in college years and I didn't like it much (too hot, too fragile) and I have Rifa for key anyway. I am leaning more toward to 2 omni cause it's also cheaper.With that extra money, I would get like cloth pins and clamps, etc.
So please compare those two and let me know which one you think it's better choice.
If you think there are better combinations, PLEASE feel free to let me know.
I have searched the forum for basic 3 point ( and interviews) light kit and this is the best combination that I came up with.
I would like to thank in advance.


Steve Oakley
November 1st, 2008, 09:24 PM
omni's aren't great, you want DP lights if its lowel stuff.

instead of getting all hung up on this, realise that a light kit grows as you use it. there is NOTHING wrong with picking the exact items you need rather then some kit in a case. I've been using a 2X24 floresent light for fill, and sometimes as my super sexy hair light - works great on dark hair. in fact it can do both in the right spot. a couple of C stands should be on your list too. stingers as well. a good selection of frosts, CTB AND CTO too. don't forget for some CID and Flo lights.

if you really decide on the lowell's don't forget 1K and 500W bulbs. totas are not really good for much except cyc or background lighiting. I have a tota, haven't used it in years... really.

J.J. Kim
November 1st, 2008, 10:39 PM
Thank you, Steve,
as you can see, I am total newbie in lightings...
the reason I picked those kits is because they were excatly what I 'thought' I would want for my interview setup. I don't like tota that much, either, but like how much watts I need on Rifa for key, or Omni vs. DP watts, I am unsure what wattage is apporiate for the interviews and stuff. Because of tight budget, these kits felt affordable, but worth as well.
As you said, "a light kit grows as you use it."
I would really appreciate if you (or anyone) can explain a little bit 'why omni isn't great,' and 'what would you add/remove or upgrade from my list'.
Thank you!!!


Perrone Ford
November 1st, 2008, 11:08 PM
Well, I don't know Steve's reason for saying the Omni isn't great, but I know from my own interview work, by the time I put on a full CTB, and a Frost, or push my light through some diffusion or bounce it off a foamcore board, My DP light is about 2-3 stops down. I am using DP lights. If I was using an Omni for the same, that thing would barely function as a hairlight unless it was 5ft from the talent.

If you'd like to see a recent high profile setup I did, with all Lowel lights, let me know and I'll send you a link.

Steve Oakley
November 1st, 2008, 11:45 PM
omni's are very hard nasty lights. not that DP's are much better, but they are. the larger reflector spreads the beam more evenly and more smoothly. the barndoors are also larger and work better,

500 W and 1K bulbs are standard. I normally start with 500W bulbs and change up only when I need it. FWIW, double the wattage only nets one stop, but - 2 500W lights ona single circut is fine, 2 1K lights is on the edge. techincally a 20amp circut can handle 2400w, but when working in some locations good luck if the electrical system is old. even still, 500W lights put put just tha much less heat too, which counts in small spaces.

no matter what the light, if you add diffusions and CTB you will loose light. full CTB is 1 2/3 stop so basically a 1K light becomes 250W in even numbers. adding some light frost for another 14. - 1/2 stop loss adds up. doesn't matter what light you put them infront of .... which is why I invested in HMI's. a 575 HMI puts out 2K worth of gelled tungsten, but of course that much less heat and power draw.

J.J. Kim
November 3rd, 2008, 09:34 AM
If you'd like to see a recent high profile setup I did, with all Lowel lights, let me know and I'll send you a link.

Hey, Perrone,
I did e-mailed you, did you get it?
IF not, I asked for the link.
Thank you very much!


Perrone Ford
November 3rd, 2008, 09:57 AM
I did not get your email, but I just sent you an email with the link.