View Full Version : Still Photos with NV 100K on Tape

Lincoln Norris
August 24th, 2003, 09:10 PM
I took quit a lot of photos recorded on the DV Tape instead of using the memory card as it didnt take long to fill that tiny 16MB thing up......Then following the GS70 manual which has been great so far I transferred the photos from tape to card and up loaded to my computer....

but the quality was bad....very low the best way to upload photos recorded onto the tape to first transfer them to SD Card then upload......

Why does it take 7sec of tape up when recording to tape?

Any thoughts appreciated..



Bogdan Vaglarov
August 24th, 2003, 10:46 PM
It doesn't matter how you transfer the taped photos to your computer.
The resolution will be same - 640x480. The quad pixel shift is not possible to combine the 3 CCDs output for megapixel still.

If you take a lot of photos you must buy SD card - I've got medium size (128Mb) for 7000 yen - in Tokyo you can find them even cheaper.

Taping photos is a bit odd choice from Pana. Others (Sony, Canon) allow you to take a photo on the card while you are filming. The size is also reduced to 640x480. In normal card mode the resolution of this cams is megapixel.

And one impression from the still photos option which is not the prime use of the video camera especially if you own 4 megapixel high quality digital camera (Canon S45).

I haven't checked yet the quality of the image on computer screen or print. On the TV photos look vivid but a bit over exposed at times. I've seen online samples that show noise but you can asume image quality is equal to 2 Mega Pixel camera (after apropriate downsampling).

Few points that moved me:
The shutter and aperture are helped from the gain; Flash is quite strong; Very useful Mega OIS; Macro ability is excellent; Great zoom range!
Some things you normaly don't have in stand alone digital camera.