View Full Version : Just bought a FX1E

Justin Hewitt
October 30th, 2008, 07:01 AM

I have just purchased a FX1E, even though its now a discontinued model ... i thought i would post my reasons for doing so ...

I'm a ski coach and use video as a training tool for athletic performance

Essencially the FX1E offers me.

* Tape - Not a huge fan of HDD or DVD units
* CCD - CMOS is aweful for pan and zoom, which is a big part of filming ski racing action. All those rolling shutter issues etc ...
* Its not a toy - solid construction
* 12X Optics - Just that bit better than the typical Consumer model 10x
* Its not dumbed down - so many new consumer cams are completely dummed down, even to the extent that some model now have no viewfinder eyepiece, just the pop out lcd screen. You cannot film good skiing action IMHO by watching the lcd screen via hand held.
* It has buttons - Nothing worse than having to go 3 -> 5 levels down to turn on a feature in a soft menu system.
* HDV - Its not ACVHD, HDV editing is easier, even more so when using Cineform

Sure its bigger than a consumer cam, and i still have a pana 3ccd SD GS 300 , for times when a small form factor is required, but for most standing position shots its a manageable size form factor.

Giroud Francois
October 30th, 2008, 02:00 PM
you forget the main thing.... where did you find it .

Jeff Turkali
October 31st, 2008, 12:38 AM

* CCD - CMOS is aweful for pan and zoom, which is a big part of filming ski racing action. All those rolling shutter issues etc ...

How awful? As I am considering the Z1u and would really like to know.

Justin Hewitt
October 31st, 2008, 04:28 AM
I purchased the FX1E from Hong Kong, over the internet ....

Rolling shutter issues are explained well elsewhere

But several other coaches i know who went with cheap CMOS HD cams have been very frustrated by them for poor image quality ...

Greg Laves
October 31st, 2008, 05:21 PM
I read the rolling shutter article and I gotta tell you that those issues are HIGHLY exagerated. I don't know what camera those examples are from. I guess it can happen with some very cheap cameras but I have never had those issues with my V1. I have shot handheld from a helicopter numerous times and I will bet $100 to doughnut holes that you can't see any wobble artifacts in any of my footage like that stuff in that write up. And the helicopter I have been flying in is a little puddle hopper helicopter and the pilot thinks he is Tom Cruise, reliving "Top Gun". It is not the most stable platform in the world to shoot from. I have shot fast power boats with my V1 with no issues. I have shot fast panning shots of motorcycles on a road race track and I have had no issues with slanting anything. I have even shot airshows and the Blue Angels with the V1 and gotten amazing footage. Maybe the Blue Angels aren't fast enough to cause problems for rolling shutter cameras. Most of the horror stories about rolling shutters and CMOS chips are coming from people who have never used them but continue to spread stories of dread about CMOS chips and rolling shutters. They may have some limitations but in a year and a half of using the V1, I haven't had to throw out any footage yet.

Greg Laves
October 31st, 2008, 05:26 PM
BTW, Justin, congrats on getting your new camera. They are good tools and fun toys to boot. Enjoy.

Stefano Sernagiotto
November 20th, 2008, 08:58 AM
How much did u pay it?

Jamie Roberts
November 20th, 2008, 04:48 PM
Hi Justin

Greetings from sunny Bendigo! Congrats on getting yourself a FX1E. I have had one for nearly two years, have done a LOT of work with it and have been really happy with it! To be honest, I think my shooting skills still leave a lot to be desired and often I feel I dont get the quality of footage that this camcorder is capable of. Every now and then I get a shot 'spot on' and am still impressed by the fantastic images this camcorder can produce! Like you, I updated from a panasonic 3chip camera (I had a GS400), and allthough I still say you cant go past a panasonic 3ccd cam in that price range, I think you will be more than happy with the FX1E.

