View Full Version : R2CF but for mac and RAW master

Sebastian Toro
October 29th, 2008, 09:08 PM
hi cineform, we have the prospect 4k because we use to deal with SI2k footage now we are also dealing with some RED footage can we get the mac tool for conversion or we have to convert trough windows. We have an octocore mac that we want to use for this heavy tasks and probably get out with cineform RAW masters and work with .look extensions for grading later with iridas tools... is this possible...?

what about this master files, will be similar to the SI2k raw files?

thanks in adavance

David Taylor
October 30th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Sebastian, if you take a look on the RedUser site, in the 4K Workflow-Apple forum, you'll see a post started by me about Neo 4K Mac. It is available for download from a link in that post. Give it a try on your Mac with your Red footage - let us know what you think.

Neo 4K Mac is currently only Red oriented, which is why it's only pointed to (currently) by RedUser, but next week we'll be announcing both Neo HD and Neo 4K for Mac with many (not all yet) of the features contained in HD Link on Windows.

Sebastian Toro
November 1st, 2008, 08:49 PM
i test it, my idea is to master in cineform raw and color grade with SPEEDGRADE XR.

i comment the results later...

