View Full Version : Livetype rendering madness.

Jonathan Levin
October 29th, 2008, 09:46 AM

I have been making some titles using LT 2.1 (installed from FCE 3.5.1) I really like what I can achieve with this, but my question is about rendering, at least I think it is rendering.

It seems that anytime I move or change even the slightest thing in this app, I get the dreaded red line in the time line, and in order for me to see my "adjustments", no matter how large or small, the program has to re-render everything before playing back in real time.

Is there there a setting like in FC that you can see a even a lower res version without having to go through the rendering process time and again? What am I missing?

Thanks for your help.


Pete Cofrancesco
October 29th, 2008, 11:12 AM
there is a drop down menu on the left of the timeline that controls display quality but i doubt it will effect the render. btw, you don't need to play the movie to adj position. still frames are visible without render.

Joe Sonnenburg
October 29th, 2008, 01:02 PM
My guess is that your project settings in LiveType are just slightly different than the sequence settings in FCP. When in LiveType, look at the Project Properties and see if it matches up with the sequence settings in FCP.

You should be able to get it so you don't have to render every time you make a change (that gets old really fast). Good luck.

Jonathan Levin
October 29th, 2008, 06:10 PM
Hi Joe and Pete,

Thanks for your help. Just to clarify, this rendering thing is within the Livetype program. Before I even start a FC project, and FC is not launched.

Pete- I don't see the drop down menu in the LT program. I know there is the drop down menu in FC though, if that is what you refer to.

Anyone else care to take a stab..?


Pete Cofrancesco
October 29th, 2008, 07:00 PM
I was talking about FC. In LT the only time it doesn't need to render is when type is viewed as an outline.