View Full Version : Strange Flicker and Jitter in video on an XHA-1

Tim Palmer-Benson
October 27th, 2008, 07:36 AM
Can anyone diagnose the following problem:
After capturing to FCP an intermittent flickering of the video appears in the top part of the viewer. Maybe less than an eight of an inch is effected. In this area, the video seems to move back and forth in a jittery, flickering fashion. Sometimes it seems to jump up and down rapidly, then disappear in the next shot. It only seems to appear when I am doing Steadicam moves and under good lighting conditions. It makes the video irritating to watch. I have tried one pass with a head cleaner. My tapes are always TDK. I am wondering what could be wrong. I bought the unit off Ebay and it appeared fine when I first got it, but then this intermittment problem started.

I was always wondering if it is a hard drive problem.

Because of the expense in sending the unit into Canon, I have held off, especially since I can always replicate it.

Any ideas? Any tests I can do on my own? Any fixes?

Hope to hear back soon!


James Miller
November 27th, 2008, 08:17 AM
Hi Tim,

Do you get this problem playing directly to a monitor from the camera?

What format are you shooting interlaced / progressive?

Have you tried capturing the footage from the H1 camera?

Have you tried importing the footage using an intermediate codec in FCP?

Does the footage play correctly outside of FCP using Quicktime?

Does the footage break up and do you get any pops/spikes with the audio at the point of distortion.

Are you using HDV tapes?, try switching brands to Sony as this secondhand you are not sure of the brand run before.

BR, James

Daniel Lopez
December 1st, 2008, 04:52 PM
Did you have (OIS) on?

Steven listed it in the following thread to not have it turned on.

Tim Palmer-Benson
December 1st, 2008, 09:39 PM
I've isolated this, I think, to a problem with the tape path. It seems to occur only when I am moving around with a steadicam. When the camera is still, there is no jitter.

Daniel Lopez
December 2nd, 2008, 12:09 PM
I've isolated this, I think, to a problem with the tape path. It seems to occur only when I am moving around with a steadicam. When the camera is still, there is no jitter.

Thanks for the update and not leaving us hanging.