View Full Version : Jagged edge on Titles and texts

Matthew Amirkhani
October 27th, 2008, 06:46 AM

I need your help. I have tried and tried to get the perfect and sharp texts and titles however I keep seeing jagged edges on all my texts and titles.

I use 1440X960 for the resolution and I still get the poor quality texts.
Will someone please help me with this?


Mike Kujbida
October 27th, 2008, 07:13 AM
How are you viewing this?
Is your Preview Window set to Best/Full?
Are you using fancy fonts or clean ones?
Are you using a border and a drop shadow on your text?
Great Titles with the DV Codec ( is an excellent article to help you get the most out of your titles.

Matthew Amirkhani
October 27th, 2008, 07:16 AM
Hi Mike,

It's so good to hear from you again.

I use the regular and basic fornts sometimes I do use shadows.
I do some work for one of the ethnic TV stations here in Toronto and I see it during broadcasting.


Jeff Harper
October 27th, 2008, 07:23 AM
Could it be the TV you're viewing it on? When I got my new television that problem went away.

Matthew Amirkhani
October 27th, 2008, 07:31 AM
Hi Jeff,

No, there others who actually said the same thing to me.


Don Bloom
October 27th, 2008, 10:18 AM
stay away from script and serif fonts. Use sans serif or block fonts as much as possible and also set the media generator to 2 times the size it is. IE, if the generated media block is 720X480 set it to 1440X960 and this will help


Seth Bloombaum
October 27th, 2008, 10:29 AM
Which of the three text generators are you using? Your sig line says "Vegas 7d" so I'm assuming that you're using "Text", not (Legacy Plug-In)Text and not the ProType Titler.

If working on a standard def NTSC project, use the text size you posted, 1440x960.

If working in an HDV project template, 2880x2160.

Doubling your project settings as above should get you best results.

Finally, Vegas uses the fonts found in c:/Windows/Fonts. You don't see it much any more, but bitmapped fonts were frequently used in olden times. They required that every size to be used be available in the font package for non-jaggy results.

Now, Vector fonts can be scaled to anything you want, eg. all TrueType fonts.

Is it possible that you are using an older or incomplete font? Try a font that comes with windows, such as Arial. If that one looks non-jaggy in Vegas then you have an issue with the specific font you want to use. Use another, buy the font you want in TrueType, reinstall, something like that to fix.

Mike Kujbida
October 27th, 2008, 12:41 PM
Hi Mike,
It's so good to hear from you again.

Likewise Matthew. We Canucks have to stick together :-)

I use the regular and basic fornts sometimes I do use shadows.

I use outlines and shadows on every single title I do as, in my opinion, this is the only way to get the title to stand out from the video it's keyed over.

I do some work for one of the ethnic TV stations here in Toronto and I see it during broadcasting.

Since this is for broadcast, here's another recommendation.
The default white and black levels (255-255-255 and 0-0-0, respectively) in Vegas are outside of the NTSC limits.
Make sure all your titles are limited to a black level of 16-16-16 and a white level of 235-235-235.
You also need to make sure the blacks on your outlines and borders are at the 16-16-16 level as well.
It's a PITA to have to do this to each and every title so what I do is create my first title, get it set up properly and then do a copy/paste of the first title for all subsequent titles.
This way, all your colour adjustments will be the same from one title to the next.
You'll still have to make any necessary corrections for the text and type of font required but you have to do this anyway.

Matthew Amirkhani
October 27th, 2008, 07:40 PM
Thanks Mike & all,

I'll gave it a try as you guys recommended and what you know, the problem was solved.

Thanks to everyone.

Terry Esslinger
October 28th, 2008, 10:34 AM
Can you not make the needed color adjustments (on blacks and whites) at the project level when you are through editing and keep from having to do each event or title? Such as run a computer to studio filter?

Mike Kujbida
October 28th, 2008, 10:53 AM
Terry, while you can definitely do that (and I do exactly this if I'm doing a slideshow), I've gotten into the habit of doing it as I suggested (create the first one properly and then do a copy/paste for subsequent events) and don't find that it takes any extra time.