Scott David
October 23rd, 2008, 07:36 PM
Can anyone recommend a good tripod for a PDW-700? We are currently considering the Miller 1717 Arrow 55 Tripod System because it supports up to 55 lbs. We would need to support a fully equipped 700 including a teleprompter.
We are looking to spend less than $6,000 for the tripod.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Chris Soucy
October 23rd, 2008, 08:33 PM
Well, seeing as how you asked..............
If you've got that much dosh to spend on a decent settup, my suggestion would be a set of these:
Vinten | 3498-3 ENG/EFP 2-Stage Fibertec Tripod Legs | 34983 (
Mated with a decent Vinten head (Vision 6 or higher?), say another $2K - $3k, the Spread Lock mid level spreader and the custom carry case, you've got the best darn support system practically on the planet, and just inside your budget (er, -ish).
Both the Spread Lock and the case are custom and not to be left out of the package.
Much to my utter astonishment, B&H still has these on offer (special order only) 10 months after they were discontinued by Vinten.
They are one awesome set of sticks, but then I'm biased, I've got a set and I ain't giving 'em up till they're prised from my lifeless fingers...............
Check 'em out.
PS. A bit of background: DV Info Net Review: Vinten FiberTec Video Tripod by Chris Soucy, Part 1 of 5 (
Gene Bauer
October 23rd, 2008, 10:49 PM
I polled our staff DP's as well as 3 or 4 freelancers we use and they all preferred OConnor. We currently have OConnor 1030B heads with 25L legs and have used them with F350's and Listec Teleprompter on occasion.
We're looking at the 1030HDS head which has a higher weight rating than the 1030HD along with 25L legs...and this should come in around $6000.
From a maintenance standpoint, the tilt and pan drags on the OConnor have held their feel much better over the years than other brands. It appears however that the Vinten sticks from the link above have a much higher weight capacity(99 lbs. vs 60 lbs.) than the OConnor legs.
Alister Chapman
October 24th, 2008, 03:13 AM
I can vouch for the fibertec legs. Very clever design, light yet incredibly rigid. No need to bend down to adjust the leg hight.
Nate Weaver
October 25th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Another vote for O'Connor. I have a 1030 that you'd have to pry from my cold, dead hands.
I repeatedly see Sachtlers that need serious service after a few years. Sachtlers are great when they're new...I just never see any that stay that way after abuse. I also like Sachtlers legs a bit better than O'Connor's. But the head...
Chris Soucy
October 27th, 2008, 12:15 AM
You going to give us any feedback on this?