View Full Version : XDCam EX and Apple Color

Daniel Jones
October 22nd, 2008, 11:37 AM
I wondered if anyone has a good suggestion for importing XDcam EX footage from Final Cut Pro to Apple Color.
I am having to export the XDcam EX footage as an Apple Pro res format and then put the new format in the timeline before I send to Color.

Can anyone tell me if there is another way to use XDcam EX 1080 25p in Apple Color.

Really appreciate any help on this.


Soloist Movies (

Bhanu Neti
October 22nd, 2008, 12:31 PM
I have set the render control to "Apple ProRes (HDV or XDCAM HD only)" in the sequence settings. This way when i sent the sequence to Color, i didn't had to transcode. On return from color the color corrected sequence was set to Apple ProRes.

Daniel Jones
October 22nd, 2008, 01:13 PM
thank you. I tried your suggestion and I had no luck. When I send the sequence to color I get a red envelope on the color timeline and I cant see the footage. I am importing the Xdcam Ex shots to final cut pro from files created by xdcam transfer and have no problem seeing them in Final cut.

Daniel Jones
October 22nd, 2008, 01:38 PM
I am wonderig if I have the right sequence settings when I'm using Final cut pro and XDcam Ex 1080 25p. I use the Xdcam sequence settings.

Dean Sensui
October 22nd, 2008, 02:00 PM

I use Color all the time. Here's my workflow:

Edit the raw footage into a 6-minute segment.

Media manage the segment to eliminate unused footage. I do this first because Media Manager doesn't work well with a sequence generated by Color.

Send the media-managed sequence to Color. Keep the same XDCam EX format. I don't make any format changes at this time.

Do my color corrections and grading.

Send the rendered Color project back to FCP as an Apple ProRes format sequence.

All the color corrections are being done in XDCam EX. It only goes to the ProRes format when the corrected/graded project is finally rendered by Color.

Daniel Jones
October 22nd, 2008, 02:42 PM
thank you. Is Media Manager another programme?

Daniel Jones
October 23rd, 2008, 10:39 AM
I am sending a sequence from Final Cut Pro 6.0.2 to Apple Color and still can't see any footage.
All I get is this red envelope.

Please help


Daniel Alexander
October 24th, 2008, 08:25 AM
Hi Daniel,

Before sending to color check the following, although some of these points shouldnt really effect color it will help diagnose the problem:

Have you applied any effect to the footage?

Is your sequence settings correct? (easy setup, xdcam ex1, create new sequence, import footage)

is your render setting set to pro res or is it set to the default?

Inside color, have you made sure your setup page conforms with the footage?

Daniel Jones
October 25th, 2008, 03:46 AM
Problem solved!

Thank you for your reply.
After spending many hours tweaking all sorts of places to try and see the xdcam ex footage in color I finally discovered what the problem was.
When I installed Final cut studio 2 I moved all the applications to the dock and the desktop as I would be using them often.
I have just discovered that because they weren't in the applications folder, my mac wasn't updating final cut studio 2.0. And so, I didn't have the latest updates, which is why I couldn't see anything.
After installing all the updates everything works like a dream.
I am so relieved, and I wont take them out of the Applications folder ever again.
thanks again.


Soloist Movies (