View Full Version : Calling XDCAM Users... help me test this!

Simon Page
October 21st, 2008, 05:20 PM
Hi everyone, here's the problem.

I've recorded a live show. 2 lots of 1 hour 23 mins. Recorded on PDW 350 at DV 16:9 25 MBps PAL.
On Vegas 7.0, no problems. Drag them over and off we go.
Vegas 8.0c, audio stops at 17:45 and some picture break up.

I am unable to use clips longer than 17 mins 45 secs with 8.0c. I have tried 2 installations and a separate installation on another drive. I have moved the clips to other drives (all NTFS).

The clips are not corrupt. They play fine on Sony's MXF viewer and in 7.0. I have even rendered out to MXF from Vegas but it breaks again on the import.

I think it maybe a bug but need some other people to try it out before I shout at Sony. If it is a bug, it's a big one as I can no longer edit live shows like I used to and will have to go back to 7.0 with Excalibur.

So... could some kind people please see if they can record 20 minutes of PAL DV 25MBps 16:9 MXF and drag it into a PAL 16:9 DV project. Does the sound break at the 17-18 minute mark?

Many, many thanks,

Simon Page.