View Full Version : Concert shoot. Recording in cubase sx

Jase Tanner
October 20th, 2008, 01:18 PM
We’re shooting a concert with 3-4 XH A1’s. A separate audio recording will be done by the venue audio engineer. They’ve offered us that recording as either a stereo wav (no thanks) or an 8 track Cubase SX.

My question is what audio edting programs can edit the latter (Nuendo and Cubase, any others?) and what will it take to have that brought into FCP. (format isn’t supported from what I can tell. Which program can re encode to wav?) Or am I best to rent another recorder that uses a supported file.

I’ll be shooting HDV, 24f. I realize that with hour long takes sync will be an issue. Of course I’ll get a guide track on the cameras. Are there apt to be any sync differences between using 24 fps vs 30fps


Paul R Johnson
October 20th, 2008, 01:50 PM
The SX files will be wav and could be 44.1 or 48 (or 96 even) so you could put those into any of the latest editors, or even just set up the video project with 8 audio tracks. Shouldn't be a problem. Adobe Audition does a decent job, but there are quite a few multi-track editors around - what have you got?

Jack Walker
October 20th, 2008, 01:53 PM
If you are just looking to change the Cubase 8-Track file to a stereo wav file, why don't you take a stereo wav file to begin with?

Are you planning to mix the sound before going to a stereo file?

What version of Cubase SX? Different versions of Cubase will put the 8 tracks into a single file in different ways. I have Cubase SX 2. Newer versions are more advanced. In any case, it's not a program to dabble with. It could take longer to learn to use cubase than shoot and edit your entire project.

Paul R Johnson
October 20th, 2008, 02:25 PM
I didn't think he was going to use Cubase, just the venue were going to drop the wav files onto a CD or DVD for him? Did I miss something. When using SX, I normally just dump files straight from the project directory to media - the tracks are auto-named anyway. Is there a simpler way of doing this?

Jack Walker
October 20th, 2008, 05:38 PM
I didn't think he was going to use Cubase, just the venue were going to drop the wav files onto a CD or DVD for him? Did I miss something. When using SX, I normally just dump files straight from the project directory to media - the tracks are auto-named anyway. Is there a simpler way of doing this?
Yes, your probably right. It's not clear to me from the original post. I use Cubase primarily for midi and VSTi compositions, not just audio files.

Jase Tanner
October 20th, 2008, 08:11 PM
Paul, Jack

Thanks for your responses. Yes, the audio will be recorded as SX files, not sure which type yet but I’ll find that out tomorrow. I didn’t realize SX files were wav. I’ve got Soundtrack Pro so that shouldn’t be a problem then.

Yes, we are planning to mix the sound in post before going to stereo, hence more flexibility if we get the 8 SX tracks.

I wasn’t thinking of buying and learning Cubase, I really just wanted to know how to get the files into my system or re encode if necessary.

Thanks again