View Full Version : Additional crew credits

Dennis Stevens
October 14th, 2008, 06:00 PM
I'm just finishing up editing my short film.

My issue is we shot some scenes, then I needed to reshoot some scenes. Some of the original crew were not available, so I hired new people.

The final product has 90% new footage, 10% from the previous stuff.

My question is on how to properly credit people.

For example, should I list both DPs as 'Director of Photography - Bob Smith and Fred Jones'? But 90% of the shots are Bob Smith, only 10% were Fred Jones.

I had an Assistant Director for the first round of shooting, I wound being my own AD for the second round.

Should I still list the original AD as AD?

Jad Meouchy
October 15th, 2008, 11:53 AM
credit the 10% crew as 2nd unit?

Edward Phillips
October 15th, 2008, 12:43 PM
I would credit everyone that worked on the film. If through no fault of their own their work did not make it fully into final cut doesn't mean they don't deserve credit.

I would credit the 90% crew first then the 10% crew.

Example: Director of Photography
Bob Smith
Fred Jones

Just make sure this doesn't double your credit roll time, nothing worse then a short film with a long credit roll ;)

Brian Drysdale
October 15th, 2008, 03:17 PM
The usual method it to list the main person first and other people doing a same job second or third. Credit everyone who worked on the film, the first AD did 90% of the film. On a short, chances are the only thing you do get is the credit.

If you're the film's director, it's best not to credit yourself as an AD - it doesn't make any sense to say you're assisting yourself.