View Full Version : converting 720/30p ntsc to pal for slovenian tv

Charles Dasher
October 14th, 2008, 12:01 AM
I just finished filming the Jet Ski World Finals and I need to upload some clips for news channels in Slovenia. Without a direct contact for info about the best format for over there I am looking for any info on converting in FCP 6

Any info is greatly appreciated.


Barry J. Anwender
October 14th, 2008, 01:57 AM
For starters, Slovenia uses the PAL television standard and their power is 50Hz.

That means 25P video would have been the best choice for standards conversion from NTSC to PAL. Your going to have difficulties to get the 30P audio to sync correctly with 25P/50i PAL video. So that is two hurdles to contend with and sorry to say I've never tried this one.

I have had good results converting between 60i NTSC to 50i PAL using FCP's compressor on one project and then using the Natress Standards Conversion plug-in on another project.

Your going to have dig into the manuals for a serious read to accomplish what you are asking.

Charles Dasher
October 14th, 2008, 03:30 PM
It was not until after the fact that I was asked to send the footage. I have been shooting a project for jet skiing that has all been shot in ntsc 720/30p. I did one test where I made a PAL dvcpro timeline at 30p and exported a file. Hopefully the TV stations can to any further conversions. I have Nattress Film effects but not the conversion plugins.