View Full Version : Documentary Contest 30-Second Teaser Thread

Philip Gioja
October 13th, 2008, 07:08 AM
Ok, so if you are taking part in our documentary contest, this is the thread where you'll post links to your 30-second teaser. This can take any form at all as long as it contains footage you've found or shot for this project.

I haven't heard from Chris Hurd on how to use his upload program, so hopefully he can help out with some instructions, but if not, for this part of the contest, just use something fairly universal and quick to load.

So, go ahead and post your clips whenever you're ready -- you have until midnight on the 19th.

Chris Barcellos
October 13th, 2008, 10:09 AM
Sounds like you are saying we will have to upload to something like YouTube, unless we have our own websites ????

Chris Hurd
October 13th, 2008, 10:44 AM
We're still a ways out from launching our video hosting platform, but we'll accommodate uploads in the interim; hopefully I'll have this figured out this sometime this week... will post the details then. It'll be some form of FTP interface.

Philip Gioja
October 16th, 2008, 09:10 PM
30-second clip deadline has been extended because I will be out of town. New Deadline: midnight, Tuesday the 21st.

Lorinda Norton
October 16th, 2008, 10:07 PM interviewee, who hasn't said for certain that he will help me with the project, thought he was getting out of the teaser part because he's out of town until Monday. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I tell him there's still time... ;)

Peter Ralph
October 17th, 2008, 10:30 AM
u bad lorinda


how about a doc about making a doc for a film-making competition when the subject doesn't want to do it? But you do it anyway. Even if you have to do a stand-up outside his house and interview him over the phone

Lorinda Norton
October 17th, 2008, 11:26 AM
That would be great fun! If he backs out on me that means I've got nuthin'. I may just have to use your idea...

There's still time, Peter--why don't you sign up and give it a whirl? I'd even give back your idea if you wanted it! :)

Peter Ralph
October 17th, 2008, 11:54 AM
no - it's yours.

I can see it scooting up youtube -Roger and Me for the vjs

beauty is you can use it in any doc competition, doesnt matter what the subject is - it's a whole new genre - meta-documentaries - documentaries about documentaries. So the DVD would have a 2-hour "making of" with a 10 minute finished doc as an bonus feature on the DVD

Ken Bates
October 19th, 2008, 02:36 PM
I am glad to see it pushed back a bit. I have mine scripted out mostly but only the beginning/intro is shot and worked on. That part is pretty much "in the can". I still have a lot of shooting to do. But I will have something up on Tuesday night.
Should we at this point just assume a youtube posting with easily searchable title content.
Like put "docuteaser" in title. i.e. Docuteaser-<name>

Chris Barcellos
October 19th, 2008, 02:47 PM
I don't know what Chris Hurds post here is going to mean to this contest....

Chris Barcellos
October 21st, 2008, 11:49 AM

What is the word on posting the clip- YouTube ? Personal server ? Are we still a contest ?

Philip Gioja
October 21st, 2008, 01:08 PM
Just got back into town and found about about this issue. I'll figure out a way that we can post our final films off of - I'll set something up on my own server I guess, just as a temporary fix this time around.

For now, go ahead and upload your 30-second clips to whatever you want - youtube, your own server, etc, and post links here. As long as these clips are not political, we should be ok.

Sorry for the trouble - I wasn't originally aware of Chris's political rules. Sorry about that, but I don't think we should can the contest this late in the game, and it wouldn't be fair to anyone to start over.

Lorinda Norton
October 21st, 2008, 05:00 PM
This will make the first time I’ve signed up for a contest and didn’t complete something. Rats. I shot some footage (even liked it) but didn’t get any dialog pulled together.

Philip, as I said before, this is a great idea, and I’m aggravated at myself for not hitting it harder or finding less reluctant on-camera talent. Next time…

I look forward to watching the other docs--good luck to the rest of you.

Philip Gioja
October 21st, 2008, 07:31 PM
Lorinda - unless you don't want to finish it, just post 30 seconds of what you have right now. The final deadline is the last day of the month for a completed edit.

Philip Gioja
October 21st, 2008, 07:34 PM
Here's my 30 seconds of raw footage: YouTube - Kelsey - 30 sec. teaser (

Chris Barcellos
October 21st, 2008, 08:02 PM
Heres Clip for Chris Swanberg/Chris Barcellos production:

YouTube - Uniform Changes preview (

Mike Watkins
October 21st, 2008, 08:41 PM
Here's the link to my 30 seconds. Still trying to see the end result of the doc...

The Only Thing Constant on Vimeo ( (watch in high quality)

Also, this is my first documentary and video contest, so any advice, comments, critiques are much wanted.


Mike Watkins

Ken Bates
October 21st, 2008, 11:27 PM
I am working my @$$ off right now, and will post something shortly. I am assuming we are not discriminating against west coast participants and I am sure they have untill I have another 90 min or so.... ?

(forgiveness is easier than permission)
it's coming...

Lorinda Norton
October 22nd, 2008, 12:00 AM
OK, here's something...

YouTube - teaser for documentary (

You are right, Philip. Even though it doesn't look like I'll get this thing finished I might as well keep it alive tonight. But talk about a rush job--I didn't even check for spelling errors. :)

C'mon, Ken--get that thing posted! :D

Ken Bates
October 22nd, 2008, 01:12 AM
forgot how long rendering takes....
Waiting for YouTube confirmation....

here is my YT account for DVInfo stuff.

oh dang...when I sign in it says video rejected...too long. 13min 40sec when I know it is :30 sec exactly.
working on it.

Crap. Still says "rejected video length too long"
WTH ?! Trying vimeo now

OMG, I am such an idiot..I had a couple scrap clips 13 min later in my time line and didn't know it.. Grrr...


I tried to go lean and mean on the rendering details to save file size before I realized why it was taking so long, so i am not too proud of the vid quality.

Paul Mailath
October 22nd, 2008, 03:56 AM
Change doco 30s clip on Vimeo (

that's mine - it ain't much but it's something. my first project dropped out.

Philip Gioja
October 22nd, 2008, 06:09 AM
This is really great - I love seeing things in progress, and even though it might have been a bit annoying to do it this way, I think it's cool to have a bit of an idea of what everyone else is doing.

The other thing that's cool is that this content is so different than anything we've done in the other contests, so it means we're breaking new ground. That's exciting.

**Edit** If there is anyone who dropped out or didn't post because of the content confusion of last night, post here to let us know so we can still include you. I thought about extending this again but I decided it's not fair to those who stayed up late to work on things last night.

I again just want to thank those of you who've hung in there and put some elbow grease into this - it's been fun.

Lorinda Norton
October 22nd, 2008, 09:04 AM
OMG, I am such an idiot..I had a couple scrap clips 13 min later in my time line and didn't know it.. Grrr...
LOL! I remember doing stuff like that.

One thing about it, I found out about some things still missing on my computer. I had to replace the system drive and don't really know what I'm doing. Sometimes video card drivers can come in handy. I hope Driver Detective was a good buy late last night...

Now if I could just find what I did with the serial number for Cinescore I'd be in good shape. That's the reason there was no sound on my clip.

Kudos to you guys for getting your interviews! I'll try harder...