View Full Version : Multi-Cam Acceleration

Craig Irving
October 10th, 2008, 07:30 AM
Well for the first time in a while I edited a project naively in HDV instead of using Cineform.
It was unfortunate because the only reason I couldn't use Cineform was because it was a multi-cam shoot and every time I tried to cut that way it would slow to a crawl.

Is it my PC? Is it codec-development that's needed?

I have a 2.0GHz Dual Core Athlon Processor w/ 2 Gigs of RAM on Windows XP SP3.
It's Premiere Pro CS3 3.2.0

Anyway, to say some good things about Cineform....This project was a nightmare. Trying to edit layers of HDV and nested sequences, etc... I dealt with crashes constantly and nothing played smoothly. These issues may have been PC-based, or Adobe glitches, but I never had these problems before when I was using Cineform as an intermediate codec. The project was a nightmare.

Maybe I just need to upgrade my PC, but I'm worried I would just switch to a Mac Pro and start using FCP.

David Newman
October 10th, 2008, 09:20 AM
The Adobe SDK has no means for third parties to accelerate multicam. We wish it did.

Craig Irving
March 22nd, 2010, 06:21 AM
Sorry to revive an old issue (which I'm sure is a thorn in your side at this point).

Do you see this changing in CS5? I hate having to edit natively and losing all the benefits of Cineform and features of First Light for any project which requires multi-cam editing.

Would love your input if things may change.

EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed this was answered in another thread.

David Newman
March 22nd, 2010, 09:12 AM
When are you losing the "features of First Light"? It works in multi-cam also.

Craig Irving
March 22nd, 2010, 10:14 AM
I usually can't use the multi-cam feature at all if my files are Cineform AVI. It slows to a crawl, I would need to use the original MPEG-2 and edit natively. Is this not the average performance I should expect by using Cineform files during multi-cam?

Or am I incorrect in understanding that I could not use First-Light for my M2T files? I'm still relatively new to First Light.

David Newman
March 22nd, 2010, 11:26 AM
No other codec and support Active Metadata (as we invented it) so the benefits of FirstLight can only work with CineForm clips.