View Full Version : Freeze mix funtion EX3

Arild Pedersen
October 9th, 2008, 09:06 AM
Used the Freeze Mix function today on my EX3 (page 77 in the user manual). It worked different from the DXC-system cameras. Here I can play back any footage, freeze selected scene, change tape, align and go to record. On the EX3, I can only use the last clip on the card. Am I right? So if I’m going to make a summer-winter transition, I have to store the SxS card for 6 month or later put back selected clips on separate cards, ready for freeze-shots. A little bit clumsy! I cannot find a way to select randomly a clip before freeze. Have I missed something here? Anybody tried this function?

Jay Gladwell
October 9th, 2008, 10:57 AM
Arild, here's a thought...

Couldn't you download the clip from the card to your hard drive now? Use the card as needed. Then, in the summer, reload the clip to the card and go on to your shoot from there?

Arild Pedersen
October 9th, 2008, 12:03 PM
Yes, seems to be the only way to do it. Bringing the clip back from the harddrive.
A new entry to a menu, to select which clip to rec review. Perhaps, activation of thumbnails in rec review would have solved it.