View Full Version : advice on save the date...

Stephen J. Williams
October 8th, 2008, 08:20 PM
Me again --- the annoying rookie with a few more questions..

I have a save the date shoot coming up. I've never shot one but i've been looking forward to doing one for a long time. Whats the approach. I would like to the couple to pick an un populated place. Do they chose the song and I just try my best to set up some shots that would fit well with it? Do you go out and wing it and do whatever comes natural?
Input needed :-)

Stephen J. Williams
October 10th, 2008, 01:58 PM
come on... i've seen plenty on this site that have blown me away. Just curious on the work flow.

Don Bloom
October 10th, 2008, 03:08 PM
I've never dine a save the date but I've done lots of love stories and I ALWAYS want the couple to choose the music.Lots of reasons. First BEFORE the shoot, we discuss what they want the video to say. IOW, let's tell the story but how do you want to tell it. With humor, purely serious, whatever they want so it's more or less a vocal story board. We toss around ideas based on their story and the music (I have them bring it to our pre shoot meeting so we can listen to it while we talk about the shots). Then we go shoot it (not the same day as the meeting) and just go out and have fun. We shoot serious stuff too but I want them to have as much fun as possible. Then we go and do some interviews for voice over.
Not exactly the same but maybe you can get some ideas.


Stephen J. Williams
October 10th, 2008, 04:15 PM
I'll take any advice i can get... thank you so much. I plan on taking the same approach.