John Griffin
October 8th, 2008, 04:59 PM
Where do I install the plug-ins? Which folder is it so they show up as a folder or within the list of other FX's.
View Full Version : Newblue FX John Griffin October 8th, 2008, 04:59 PM Where do I install the plug-ins? Which folder is it so they show up as a folder or within the list of other FX's. Thanks, John Don Bloom October 8th, 2008, 08:11 PM Speaking of NewBlueFX...They worked with me for a couple of weeks, yes, weeks, to clarify a challenge I was having with a plugin but man they worked hard and got it straightened out and I am a HUGH proponent of NewBlueFX. (something code or something went really goofy or some such thing) I have many of their plugins and can't say enough about them or the service from NewBlue. Anyway, the plugin will automatically go to the correct folder or if it's not there it will defalut and install the correct folder. Once the program (plugin) is installed when you open Vegas, BAM! the plugin will be there in the VideoFX tab and then all you have to do is activate it from the dialouge screen OR you can activate it from the START>PROGRAMS>NEWBLUE>whatever the plugin is>MANAGE ACTIVATION. It's really a very simple process and should only take a few minutes at most. Don Edward Troxel October 9th, 2008, 07:07 AM Yes, as Don said you simply install them and they appear. The older installers required that you pick the installer for the appropriate application. The newer installers allow picking the proper product during installation so only a single installer is needed. Once installed, the effects will be seen on the Video FX tab and the transitions will appear on the Transitions tab. |