Fred Helm
October 8th, 2008, 09:40 AM
Im wondering if adding this camera for set interviews would be problematic for workflow in Vegas? Specifically, we produce an action based show shot at 1080i on P2's and FX-7's and such. Would this cam and its 24p have timeline issues when sitting on timeline with Raylight MXF's and 1080i from HDV's??
Brian Luce
October 8th, 2008, 10:19 AM
Im wondering if adding this camera for set interviews would be problematic for workflow in Vegas? Specifically, we produce an action based show shot at 1080i on P2's and FX-7's and such. Would this cam and its 24p have timeline issues when sitting on timeline with Raylight MXF's and 1080i from HDV's??
Should work, Vegas has an open timeline.