View Full Version : CVF not clear?
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 08:33 AM I recently purchased a Canon XH A1 from a member of this community and everything seems to be in good working order. The built-in mic head is a little loose than I'd like, but that doesn't appear to effect it's working order (nor do I intend to use it as I mostly work with wireless lavalier systems).
What did strike me odd is that the CVF shows nothing but a blue blur. Now, am I missing something here or was I sold a unit with a broken CVF? I turned 'ON' the LCD and CVF option, so I don't think it is anything as simple as that (although I was told by the seller that it does have something to do with a MENU setting).
If anyone can help me out in figuring out as to why my LCD works perfect but my CVF is literally of no use, that would be fantastic.
Kevin Dorsey October 8th, 2008, 10:13 AM There is a tiny slider under the CVF, adjust it until the on screen text is clear.
Bill Pryor October 8th, 2008, 10:25 AM The built-in mic mount is supposed to be loose like that. It's sort of a shock mount.
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 11:19 AM There is a tiny slider under the CVF, adjust it until the on screen text is clear.
I really hope that is the case as I definitely prefer a viewfinder over an LCD most of the time.
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 11:20 AM The built-in mic mount is supposed to be loose like that. It's sort of a shock mount.
Hmm, interesting and also reassuring.
Samuel Ko October 8th, 2008, 12:12 PM If you also look at the manual theres a little opening by the slider where you can stick a Q-tip in to clean off any dust that may have collected.
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 01:04 PM If you also look at the manual theres a little opening by the slider where you can stick a Q-tip in to clean off any dust that may have collected.
Thank you for the additional tip; I really hope one of these is the likely cause what it appears to be an out-of-focus blur of a CVF.
Bill Pryor October 8th, 2008, 01:45 PM If it's out of focus, it's got to be the focus slider.
Chris Hurd October 8th, 2008, 02:05 PM The built-in mic mount is supposed to be loose like that. It's sort of a shock mount.
Hmm, interesting and also reassuring.
For more info, see
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 03:24 PM Uhh...upon further inspection and opening that little bay underneath (I'm assuming the one referenced for cleaning purposes) the viewfinder...I think the seller broke the slider (or wheel) off.
It's just a thin slit of a hole.
I'd hate to dirty his name here on this forum, but is it possible that I'm mistaken?
Bill Pryor October 8th, 2008, 04:04 PM Yep, I'd say it's broken off. You might be able to stick a toothpick or something like that in the hole and move the focus mechanism. It slides fairly easily.
Travis Hart October 8th, 2008, 04:14 PM I am very, very enraged. The toothpick idea sounded rather surefire, but it did nothing but rattle the entire innards of the CVF with the out-of-focus blue screen still as is.
I cannot believe this. This is just flat-out unacceptable.
Bill Pryor October 8th, 2008, 05:05 PM Could be you need to send it to Canon for a new VF.
Mike Flynn October 8th, 2008, 05:52 PM The thread that you bought the camera from states that the camera is still under warranty until 2010. Maybe warranty will cover it?
Travis Hart October 9th, 2008, 11:06 AM How do I go about finding out if even that portion of the deal was legitimately true? Shouldn't there be a warranty card or something included or would I have to call up Canon and give them his name and what-not and have them transfer the warranty under my Canon ID?
Chris Hurd October 9th, 2008, 12:02 PM Travis, that's something that you should probably ask Canon directly -- call 1-800-OK-CANON and follow the prompts until you get a live human being on the phone. It's always a good idea when you buy a used camcorder to send it in for a factory service check-up and cleaning anyway.
Samuel Ko October 9th, 2008, 04:10 PM how does one break off that tiny little lever?
its so small and it doesnt even stick out as much (almost 2mm)
Jonathan Shaw October 9th, 2008, 04:21 PM It's pretty out of order that the guy never told you that it was bust. They would have known and as per previous post it would be pretty hard to break.
Travis Hart October 10th, 2008, 12:55 AM It's pretty out of order that the guy never told you that it was bust. They would have known and as per previous post it would be pretty hard to break.
I couldn't agree more. He then went as far as to blame UPS for damage and assumed I take it up with them and not him. However, there was no little slider in the box and not only was that not the case, but he simply brown-bagged the product box and shipped it without any other form of packaging or condition (i.e., larger box and cushioning of any method).
So I told him that even I were to go to UPS about this matter, they would surely dismiss it with my testimony of strictly the product box being the only cushion to this expensive piece of gear. He then denied me that of any of the ultimatums I gave him:
1. Give me a full refund due to a false testimony and given that I reported the issue within two days of receipt. General mannerisms go that I should have at least fifteen days to inspect my investment.
2. Compensate for any repair costs that his claimed warranty will not cover due to false testimony and out of simple courtesy.
He now does not respond to any of my attempts at contact and he has halted an imminent project that demanded a functional viewfinder (given the shooting situations).
I will call Canon tomorrow and see what they can do for me. They were very considerate when it came to the AF issues I observed when in AiSERVO when using my old dSLR, the Canon EOS 1D Mark III.
Here's hoping they are equally as courteous this time around.
Travis Hart October 10th, 2008, 04:26 PM Canon says they do not offer extended warranties, only the one year warranty from the time of purchase so yet again...I have been snaked.
He will not answer my calls so I cannot find out if there is a third party he got the extended warranty with as no literature indicating such was included.
I have become very heated and may take him to Claims court if I do not receive service, compensation or a full refund based on these fraudulent claims made previous to payment.
Randy Panado October 10th, 2008, 04:37 PM Just found the post. Says he was selling it AS-IS. Sucks and it's not an excuse to not state things are broken/missing but it was stated. Hopefully things work out in the end. Good luck!
Travis Hart October 10th, 2008, 04:47 PM I did not buy it from this post, nor his eBay post. There was a PayPal note made of what I expected and I will not tolerate this.
I was merely told he had the camera for sale from a member of POTN and contacted him from there.
Randy Panado October 10th, 2008, 05:08 PM Good luck with your process.
Travis Hart October 10th, 2008, 05:20 PM Thanks.
Sadly, I have a feeling things aren't going to go well.
It's a shame, because it was bought for me from this kid by my co-worker.
Samuel Ko October 10th, 2008, 05:35 PM Thanks.
Sadly, I have a feeling things aren't going to go well.
It's a shame, because it was bought for me from this kid by my co-worker.
Im new here but is it not allowed to post the sellers name? or are you just refraining from doing so. because who knows if he may attempt to resell the camera without any notification after he refunds your payment?
Randy Panado October 10th, 2008, 06:16 PM I've been screwed several times by sellers not refunding me money due to the scammer closing their accounts. Paypal's reply is simply "tough cookies, we couldn't pull any money". If you'll be filing a paypal claim, be sure to be prompt about it.
Paypal isn't about security, it's about convenience.
I'd be interested in hearing what the seller has to say as he has been a member on these boards for a while.
Jonathan Shaw October 11th, 2008, 02:10 AM Hey Travis, really feel for you and I hope that you get a refund. If you take a step back and look at how much you paid and how much it will be to repair it (I'm sure it won't be a big cost)'s a great camera and once it's sorted you'll be stoked!
Good Luck
Travis Hart October 11th, 2008, 10:50 AM He refuses to answer me or my co-worker through any medium of communication.
I posted his name in a the title of one of my posts, but I seriously doubt he is gonna refund me.
According to me co-worker he actually sent back the eCheck through PayPal in the form of an instant payment. That resulted in him not receiving his full payment back, but after speaking to the seller, the seller said to just send him the received amount through Western Union.
That part, I took care of as my co-worker wasn't very familiar with Western Union. Is there more security that way?
I'd like to hear what the seller has to say too, but apparently he isn't answering for me or my co-worker.
Bo Sundvall October 11th, 2008, 11:48 AM Hi
Are you absolutley shure that you are looking at the right place on the viewfinder? I add a picture to this post. It's the small slider on the underside of the viewfinder. In the picture it's marked in red. It's not the small hatch/hole lower down in the picture.
Mike Flynn October 11th, 2008, 12:13 PM According to me co-worker he actually sent back the eCheck through PayPal in the form of an instant payment. That resulted in him not receiving his full payment back, but after speaking to the seller, the seller said to just send him the received amount through Western Union.
That part, I took care of as my co-worker wasn't very familiar with Western Union. Is there more security that way?
Western Union is less safe than Paypal. It is the method of choice for many scammers, as there is no way to file a claim and get your money back.
Bill Watson October 11th, 2008, 02:06 PM Yes, can you post a pic?
Travis Hart October 11th, 2008, 02:51 PM Hi
Are you absolutley shure that you are looking at the right place on the viewfinder? I add a picture to this post. It's the small slider on the underside of the viewfinder. In the picture it's marked in red. It's not the small hatch/hole lower down in the picture.
100% sure. I checked the cleaning bay as well, hoping it may be hidden in there.
I think the CVF is just straight up broken; I can't see anything but a out-of-focus blue screen. So, I mean...even if the slider was there, what would I get? An in-focus blue screen? The screen is blue no matter what the lens is directed at.
Bo Sundvall October 11th, 2008, 03:34 PM OK Travis,
I hope you get your camcorder fixed. I also hope that I didn't offend you by posting the picture but the reason I did it was because sometimes when I'm going to adjust the focus on the CVF I'm down on the hatch/hole with my fingers looking for the slider.
Travis Hart October 12th, 2008, 06:08 PM No offense taken, it was actually nice to see what the slider does look like (as I am without one). Thanks mate.
How much do you guys think it will cost to replace the CVF? I know it's hard to estimate, but I want really just a ballpark figure of what I'm gonna have to pay to have Canon fix it before sending it for servicing.
Chris Hurd October 12th, 2008, 07:16 PM No one but Canon can tell you what it will cost. They'll contact you with the total amount and seek your approval before they actually perform the service.