View Full Version : Outputting to BLU ray and Standard Definition.

David L Lewis
October 8th, 2008, 02:50 AM
Ive been Shooting HDV on My Z1 since the beginning of the year.
I now capture and edit in HDV using Adobe Premiere Pro CS3
up until now I have always set up my chapter points in Premiere pro and then exported to Encore for a standard definition DVD. Ive been able to set up all the Bit rates and qualty parameters to get the results I'm happy with from within Premiere Pro.

When Encore opens its just a simple matter of setting up the menus and then burning.

However I now want to do the same thing for a project that need both a BLu Ray disc and Standard definition Disc.

now I'm sure that I have to export to Encore as a Blu Ray project, after setting up the quality and bit rate parameters first in Adobe and burn my blu ray disc first.

But if I then want to produce a standard definition disc of the same project How can I adjust the quality and Bit Rate settings from within Encore?

Any clues or am i going about this in totaly the wrong way?

Tony Neal
October 8th, 2008, 04:45 AM
The problem with your workflow is that you will be encoding your SD DVD in Encore from the BluRay export from Premiere Pro. In other words you are encoding twice to get to SD and run the risk of introducing encoding artefacts, resulting in poorer SD image quality.

I edit HDV in Pemiere Pro and export a standard def MPEG2 file (including chapter points)which gets imported into Encore to produce the normal DVD.

I then export a BluRay MPEG2 (or H.264) file from the same timeline (again including chapter points). This file gets imported into the existing Encore project, replacing the previous SD MPEG file on the timeline.
All I have to do then is re-link the chapter points to menu buttons and build the BluRay disk - no re-encoding required.

However, those thoughtful people at Adobe are introducing an even better workflow in CS4. They have built a dynamic link between Premiere Pro and Encore.
This means that you can immediately open the Premiere Pro timeline in Encore (without needing to export any video), author your DVD then build a BluRay disk then a normal DVD, leaving Encore to do all the encoding/downscaling.

Its worth upgrading just for that feature alone.

David L Lewis
October 8th, 2008, 07:23 AM
Cheers for that

Agreed that the workflow in CS4 looks better but at £700 for an upgrade to the production premium suite I have Its a tad expensive.

Ray Bell
October 8th, 2008, 07:05 PM
DVDit HD pro will output to a DVD and a Blu ray from the same project..