Tim Pearce
October 4th, 2008, 05:16 AM
I'm just curious if anyone know of any camera or other equipment that can stream live video footage to the internet?
George Kroonder
October 4th, 2008, 09:52 AM
It greatly depends on what you want to be using this for.
If you give us a usage scenario, I'm sure we can point you to some solutions.
P.S. Also search the forums, for example for "streaming" to get info from older posts.
Len Capristo
October 4th, 2008, 09:56 AM
Try the NewTek Tricaster product line. Pretty impressive combination of tools in a small portable box. It's almost like having a full production studio with you.
I've been to their demos and the results are as they describe. The link is below.
Perrone Ford
October 4th, 2008, 10:16 AM
We do it regularly (1 week per month) at my office, but we use the "free" Microsoft Windows solution. It woks very well and we've used it about 3 years now.
Tim Pearce
October 4th, 2008, 10:21 AM
I'm sorry, I completely forgot the details. I'm planning on using a lipstick cam system that records to SD cards. This would be used in more remote locations so having a computer with internet access would probaly be out of the question. It would be great to have some small device that I could plug the camera into and it be steamed live on the internet. I was briainstorming and I'm thinking that maybe some sort of satellite phone system or some other way to get internet remotely migh be best. It seems like a costly solution and I'm sure that data speeds for phones would be pretty slow. Maybe a device that might work on normal cell phone networks?
George Kroonder
October 4th, 2008, 10:52 AM
How would the lipstick cam give you live footage if it records to SD?
Anyway, I suggest you look into equipment used in surveillance. There are several options there to upload/download/stream footage over the net or via a dial-up/cell-phone module and devces can be small. A wireless transmitter attached to the cam and a receiver plus the connecting equipment may also be an option.
Tim Pearce
October 5th, 2008, 11:19 AM
all good ideas. I'm going to check out a local store that specialises in surveilance equipment and see if they can be of help.
Ervin Farkas
October 6th, 2008, 08:07 AM
It seems like a costly solution and I'm sure that data speeds for phones would be pretty slow. Maybe a device that might work on normal cell phone networks?
Look for a 3G cell phone - can deliver decent video but for now you have to be located pretty much in a big city to have 3G network, in remote locations the old, lower speed all you can get.
If you need full quality DV transmission, you need professional help and $$$, lots of 'em.