View Full Version : Optimum Aspect HD settings for Canon HDV 24f

Kevin Shahinian
October 3rd, 2008, 01:32 PM
Ran tests at various settings just to verify... But someone correct me if I'm wrong, for optimum image quality:

Quality: High or Film Scan
Frame Format: Progressive
Remove 3-2 Pulldown CHECKED
Keep source aspect ratio CHECKED
All others: no change

There seems to be some debate whether or not Canon HDV 24f is "true" 24p or not. Any thoughts on pulldown removal here? Figure it wouldn't hurt to keep it checked.

Premiere project settings: Cineform 1440x1080 for Canon 24f (23.97 progressive).

Thanks all!

David Newman
October 3rd, 2008, 02:10 PM
It does hurt to remove pulldown on 24F source as that has no pulldown on it. Canon XL-H1, XH-G1 XH-A1 all use 24F and no pulldown is to be used. Note: Canon HV20 & HV30 does use pulldown.

Kevin Shahinian
October 3rd, 2008, 03:09 PM
So for XHA1 (HDV 24f): Remove 3-2 Pulldown UNCHECKED

And for HV30 (HDV 24p): Remove 3-2 Pulldown CHECKED



David Newman
October 3rd, 2008, 05:45 PM
Yes, that is correct.

Ross Peterson
March 25th, 2009, 01:27 PM
I was just given footage from the Canon 24F mode, but it was already digitizes using Sony Vegas to M2T. When I convert it with Aspect HD to AVI, it says the frame rate is 29.97 and it doesn't look right. Everyone moves too fast and there's no synch. If I tell Premiere to "interpret footage" to 23.976, the video needs rendered, but it will be in perfect synch and everything is correct.

Do I need to re0digitize the footage and get the M2T files again?

How do I get the frame rate to be correct. HDLINK doesn't have a frame rate to go from 29.97 to 23.976 or 24P, so what are the best settings for a 24F file from an M2T file?