View Full Version : GY100U to GY200 Component Footage transfer

Matt Loucks
October 3rd, 2008, 01:22 PM
I was wondering if it would be possible for me to capture footage using the following method:

GY100U with taped footage, outputting over Component connection to a GY200 hooked up to a computer that is capturing via firewire. (i hope that made sense)

The reason I ask is... I work on a TV show that shoots with the aforementioned cameras (HDV30P), and we have had issues with choppy frames when capturing (Vegas Pro 8). The footage will capture but cut itself into many (sometimes 50+) clips while capturing, however, if you watch the footage back on the camera, it is fine with no distortions or drops etc.

I was hoping to hook up the cameras like that and capture the footage so that the drops didn't happen. Is that possible? did it even make sense at all? I hope it did! Any help would be appreciated.

Ted Ramasola
October 3rd, 2008, 03:00 PM

I don't think the hd200 has a component IN. Only OUT. Only the firewire jack is bi-directional.

Chopped up footage during capture is due to several issues and in my case it was solved from the computer side of things.
Try a different approach in capturing, use a different capture drive, or software to capture. Like use HDV split for instance.

Check also if your drives are fast enough.


Werner Wesp
October 3rd, 2008, 03:29 PM
Indeed, HD200 has no input in.